The Prospect of Immortality

Book Description

The author discusses the implications of the possibility that the means for freezing and resuscitating human beings may one day be perfected.


Book Description

"... innovative and important thinking about the various relations between feminist theory, queer theory, and lesbian theory, as well as the possibility that liberation can be mutual rather than mutually exclusive." —Lambda Book Report When feminism meets queer theory, no introductions seem necessary. The two share common political interests—a concern for women’s and gay and lesbian rights—and many of the same academic and intellectual roots. And yet, they can also seem like strangers, needing mediation, translation, clarification. This volume focuses on the encounters of feminist and queer theories, on the ways in which basic terms such as "male" and "female," "man" and "woman," "black," "white," "sex," "gender," and "sexuality" change meaning as they move from one body of theory to another. Along with essays by Judith Butler, Evelynn Hammonds, Biddy Martin, Kim Michasiw, Carole-Anne Tyler, and Elizabeth Weed, there are interviews: Judith Butler engages Rosi Braidotti and Gayle Rubin in separate revealing discussions. And there are critical exchanges: Rosi Braidotti and Trevor Hope exchange comments on his reading of her work; and Teresa de Lauretis responds to Elizabeth Grosz’s review of her recent book.

Man Into Superman

Book Description

Ettinger asserts that cryonic hibernation of humans may provide a "door into summer" unlike any season previously known and argues for his belief in "the possibility of limitless life for our generation."

Freezing People Is (Not) Easy

Book Description

Bob Nelson was no ordinary T.V. repairman. One day he discovered a book that ultimately changed his entire life trajectory --The Prospect of Immortality by Professor Robert Ettinger. From it, he learned about cryonics: a process in which the body temperature is lowered during the beginning of the dying process to keep the brain intact, so that those frozen could potentially be reanimated in the future. A world of possibilities unfolded for Nelson, as he relentlessly pursued cryonics and became the founder and President of the Cryonics Society of California. Working in coalition with a biophysicist, in 1967 Nelson orchestrated the freezing of Dr. James Bedford, the first human to be placed in cryonic suspension. Soon thereafter he began freezing others who sought his help, obtaining special capsules and an underground vault. Underfunded, Nelson struggled desperately, often dipping into his own savings, and taking extraordinary measures to maintain his patients in a frozen state. His fascinating memoir reveals his irrepressible passion for life and chronicles the complicated circumstances that comprised his adventures in cryonics.

Fantastic Voyage

Book Description

A leading scientist and an expert on human longevity explain how new discoveries in the fields of genomics, biotechnology, and nanotechnology could radically extend the human life expectancy and enhance physical and mental abilities, and introduce a cutting-edge program designed to enhance the immune system and slow the aging process on a cellular level. Reprint.


Book Description

Lament seems to have been universal in the ancient world. As such, it is an excellent touchstone for the comparative study of attitudes towards death and the afterlife, human relations to the divine, views of the cosmos, and the constitution of the fabric of society in different times and places. This collection of essays offers the first ever comparative approach to ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern traditions of lament. Beginning with the Sumerian and Hittite traditions, the volume moves on to examine Bronze Age iconographic representations of lamentation, Homeric lament, depictions of lament in Greek tragedy and parodic comedy, and finally lament in ancient Rome. The list of contributors includes such noted scholars as Richard Martin, Ian Rutherford, and Alison Keith. Lament comes at a time when the conclusions of the first wave of the study of lament-especially Greek lament-have received widespread acceptance, including the notions that lament is a female genre; that men risked feminization if they lamented; that there were efforts to control female lamentation; and that a lamenting woman was a powerful figure and a threat to the orderly functioning of the male public sphere. Lament revisits these issues by reexamining what kinds of functions the term lament can include, and by expanding the study of lament to other genres of literature, cultures, and periods in the ancient world. The studies included here reflect the variety of critical issues raised over the past 25 years, and as such, provide an overview of the history of critical thinking on the subject.

What Does it Mean to be Human? Life, Death, Personhood and the Transhumanist Movement

Book Description

This book is a critical examination of the philosophical and moral issues in relation to human enhancement and the various related medical developments that are now rapidly moving from the laboratory into the clinical realm. In the book, the author critically examines technologies such as genetic engineering, neural implants, pharmacologic enhancement, and cryonic suspension from transhumanist and bioconservative positions, focusing primarily on moral issues and what it means to be a human in a setting where technological interventions sometimes impact strongly on our humanity. The author also introduces the notion that death is a process rather than an event, as well as identifies philosophical and clinical limitations in the contemporary determination of brain death as a precursor to organ procurement for transplantation. The discussion on what exactly it means to be dead is later applied to explore philosophical and clinical issues germane to the cryonics movement. Written by a physician/ scientist and heavily referenced to the peer-reviewed medical and scientific literature, the book is aimed at advanced students and academics but should be readable by any intelligent reader willing to carry out some side-reading. No prior knowledge of moral philosophy is assumed, as the various key approaches to moral philosophy are outlined early in the book.

Using Medicine in Science Fiction

Book Description

This book offers a clearly written, entertaining and comprehensive source of medical information for both writers and readers of science fiction. Science fiction in print, in movies and on television all too often presents dubious or simply incorrect depictions of human biology and medical issues. This book explores the real science behind such topics as how our bodies adapt to being in space, the real-life feasibility of common plot elements such as suspended animation and medical nanotechnology, and future prospects for improving health, prolonging our lives, and enhancing our bodies through technology. Each chapter focuses on a single important science fiction-related subject, combining concise factual information with examples drawn from science fiction in all media. Chapters conclude with a “Bottom Line” section summarizing the most important points discussed in the chapter and giving science fiction writers practical advice on how to incorporate them into their own creations, including a list of references for further reading. The book will appeal to all readers interested in learning about the latest ideas on a variety of science fiction-related medical topics, and offers an invaluable reference source for writers seeking to increase the realism and readability of their works. Henry G. Stratmann, MD, FACC, FACP is a cardiologist with board certifications in internal medicine, cardiology, and nuclear cardiology. Befor e entering private practice he became Professor of Medicine at St. Louis University School of Medicine and performed clinical medical research. Henry received a BA in chemistry from St. Louis University and his MD at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. He is currently enrolled at Missouri State University to obtain a BS in physics with a minor in astronomy. His professional publications include being an author or coauthor of many research articles for medical journals, primarily in the field of nuclear cardiology. Henry is also a regular contributor of both stories and science fact articles to Analog Science Fiction and Fact.

The Jameson Satellite

Book Description

The mammoths of the ancient world have been wonderfully preserved in the ice of Siberia. The cold, only a few miles out in space, will be far more intense than in the polar regions and its power of preserving the dead body would most probably be correspondingly increased. When the hero-scientist of this story knew he must die, he conceived a brilliant idea for the preservation of his body, the result of which even exceeded his expectations. What, how, and why are cleverly told here