Extending the Protection of Geographical Indications

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The TRIPS Agreement (for trade-related intellectual property rights) provides for the general protection of geographical indications (GIs) of product origin, including for example the special protection of wines and spirits and for the creation of a multilateral register for wines. The African Group of countries has been in the forefront of countries agitating in the World Trade Organization TRIPS Council for the extension of this special protection and of the multilateral register to industries which are of interest to developing countries, primarily agriculture. The so-called "extension question" is the central feature of the Doha Development Agenda at both the WTO and World Intellectual Property Organization. This book provides some empirical evidence and applied legal and economic reasoning to this debate. It provides both a general review of the key issues and a series of case studies from six Anglophone and four Francophone countries in Africa. These focus on major agricultural commodities such as coffee, cotton, cocoa and tea, as well as more specific and local products such as Argan oil and Oku white honey.

The Law of Geographical Indications

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Over time, a product made in a specific place can develop a unique reputation. This reputation is often due to special characteristics present in the place: its people, its climate and its landscape. There are thousands of examples. In the food and drinks sector there are fruits and vegetables, wines, cheeses and cured meats: Champagne; Chedder, Parma ham and Tipperary turnips. In manufacturers there are Persian carpets, Murano glass, Toledo steel and Japanese electronics. Should all these reputations be protected by law and if so how? This book "The Law of Geographical Indications" addresses these questions. The book examines what names can and cannot be protected in national and international law and the nature of the protection given. In the last years there has been a rapid expansion of the protection given to geographical indications. The book looks at the specific systems adopted in some countries and the general systems in others. Protection is most developed in Europe and specific attention is given to the rules in the European Union and the bilateral agreements the EU has forged with many third countries. The book also examines protection in international law from the 1883 Paris Convention on the protection of intellectual property in general to the more recent TRIPs Agreement in the WTO. Also examined are the two most controversial legal issues surrounding the protection of geographical indications, namely, conflicts between trademarks and geographical indications and the generic character of certain names.

The Protection of Geographical Indications

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In this thoroughly revised and updated third edition, Michael Blakeney investigates the European laws which regulate the use of geographical indications (GIs) in the marketing of agricultural products, food, wines and spirits, and cultural products such as handicrafts. Key updates include new material exploring the 2023 Regulation on GIs for craft and industrial products, and the protection of wine GIs under the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets (CMO).

The Protection of Geographical Indications

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Encapsulating the most recent changes in the law, this second edition of The Protection of Geographical Indications investigates the European laws which regulate the way that geographical indications can be used in the marketing of agricultural products, food, wines and spirits. Key updates to this comprehensive second edition include two new chapters exploring the impact of Brexit and considering the protection of EU geographical indications outside Europe and of foreign geographical indications within the EU.

TRIPs Agreement

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Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications

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Regulations on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Geographical Indications (GIs) have a long history, leading back to two separate organizations devoted to dealing with them: the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The WTO, through its 1994 TRIPS Agreement, gives wines a high level of protection, but leaves individual countries to draw up national GIs legislation for other agri-food products. On the other hand, the WIPO implemented the Lisbon Agreement of 1958 and gives GIs a high level of protection, but involves a lower number of countries. The US approach follows the WTO and is based on existing trademarks and competition legislation, while the EU legislation is partly based on the Lisbon Agreement and has a sui generis legislation, giving a high level of protection to agri-food GIs. The two different legislative approaches on IPRs on GIs are a source of political and economic debate between the US and the EU that impact massively on agri-food supply chains, consumer relations, and environmental and cultural aspects, as well as trade. This book provides insights into the potential impacts that the future Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement could have at national, European and international level, and covers areas such as policy setting, implications for trade and consumer perception, food safety, and rural and local development. As such, it will provide a reference point for researchers and academics in agricultural and rural economics and law, as well as policy makers.

WTO, TRIPS, and Geographical Indications (GIs)

Book Description

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) refer to the legal ownership by a person or business of an invention/discovery attached to a particular product or process which protects the owner against unauthorized copying or imitation. The agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) contains, inter alia, an Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The TRIPS Agreement, which came into effect on January 1, 1995, is the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property rights. TRIPS provides for norms and standards with respect to the following areas of intellectual property: (a) copyright and related rights; (b) trademarks, including service marks; (c) geographical indications, including appellations of origin; (d) industrial designs; (e) patents, including the protection of new varieties of plants; (f) layout designs of integrated circuits; (g) undisclosed information, including trade secrets and test data; and (h) control of anti-competitive practices in contractual licenses. Geographical indications (GIs) are defined, for the purposes of the Agreement, as indications which identify a good originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. This book contains ten research papers which explore the socio-economic implications of intellectual property rights protection through geographical indications and which analyze the legal aspects associated with the registration of products in India. [Subject: India Studies, Intellectual Property Law, Economics, Trade, Business]

Relocating the Law of Geographical Indications

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There is considerable variation in the nature, scope and institutional forms of legal protection for valuable geographical brands such as Champagne, Colombian coffee and Darjeeling tea. While regional products are increasingly important for producers, consumers and policy makers, the international legal regime under the TRIPS Agreement remains unclear. Adopting a historical approach, Dev Gangjee explores the rules regulating these valuable geographical designations within international intellectual property law. He traces the emergence of geographical indications as a distinct category while investigating the key distinguishing feature of the link between regional products and their places of origin. The research addresses long-standing puzzles, such as the multiplicity of regimes operating in this area; the recognition of the link between product and place and its current articulation in the TRIPS definition; the varying scope of protection; and the extent to which geographical indications ought to be treated as a category distinct from trade marks.

25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement

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When the TRIPS Agreement was concluded in 1994, many saw it as embodying a new gold standard of intellectual property protection that not only reformed the Paris and Berne Conventions but also made further IP agreements unnecessary. Although this optimistic vision has eroded – obligations to protect IP rights can now be found in trade agreements and can be enforced before domestic courts and investor–state tribunals – the Agreement continues to pervade trends and developments in international law, not only in IP but in trade law also. This comprehensive commentary on the past, present, and future of the Agreement focuses on its influence on key topics in IP as well as on enforcement and dispute resolution. The editors have assembled a group of renowned IP law practitioners and academics who, taking each area of IP law, in turn, show the extent to which TRIPS provisions have survived, expanded, or been supplanted by other bodies. Their analysis covers the different IP rights addressed in the TRIPS Agreement (copyrights; trade marks; geographical indications; patents; data protection and enforcement) both in historical perspective and in their development in the last 25 years. An additional three chapters cover: most-favoured-nation obligations in regard of subsequent free trade agreements; how societal interests alter the interpretation of TRIPS obligations; the judicial role in the WTO panels and Appellate Body; minimum standards and reduction of flexibilities in IP policy; relationship of WTO/TRIPS with other international agreements. As intellectual property becomes more pervasive in society than ever before – and as both technology related to the use of IP and the way protected works are consumed have changed beyond recognition over the past 25 years – jurists, academics, and practitioners in IP and trade law will welcome this unique opportunity to test the true scope of national sovereignty in the interpretation of intellectual property rights.