The Protestants Evidence

Book Description

The Protestants Evidence

Book Description

The Protestants Evidence: Taken Out of Good Records. Shewing that for Sixteen Hundred Years Next After Christ, Divers Worthy Guides of Gods Church, Have in Sundry Weighty Points of Religion, and Namely in Nine Articles, Taught as the Church of England Now Doth: I. Concerning the Scriptures Sufficiency. II. Of the Scripture-canon. III. Of Communion in Both Kinds. IV. Of the Number of Sacraments. V. Concerning the Eucharist. VI. Touching Worship of Images. VII. Concerning Invocation of Saints Departed. VIII. Of Justification. IX. Of Merits ... Opened, by Simon Birckbek ...

Book Description

The | Protestants Evidence: | Taken Out of Good | Records. | Shewing, | That for Sixteen Hundred Years Next After | Christ, Divers Worthy Guides of Gods Church, | Have in Sundry Weighty Points of Religion and | Namely in Nine Articles, Taught as the Church of England | Now Doth: | (double Column) I. Concerning the Scriptures | Sufficiency. | II. Of the Scripture-Canon. | III. Of Communion in Both | Kinds. | IV. Of the Number of Sacra- | Ments} {V, Concerning the Eucharist. | VI. Touching Worship of | Images. | VII. Concerning Invocation of | Saints Departed. | VIII. Of Justification. | IX. of Merits. | Distributed Into Several Centuries, | And Opened

Book Description

The Protestants Evidence

Book Description