Book Description

THE ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE - HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL unveils the truth of how Satan has genetically sabotaged every human body in order to deceive humanity into being a steerable commodity to be taken advantage of and then discarded, at great costs, affecting every generation and every man, woman and child. The first book of its kind, THE ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE holds nothing back as it exhaustively explores the history of the human ropeworm known as the "Old Man in the Gut", and the scientific investigations proving its existence despite continual medical industry denial and cover-up. In an engaging combination of history, personal experiences and anecdotes, science and texts dating to before the Denisovian cataclysm and the fall of Atlantis, readers learn what the actual cause of trauma, disease and premature death is, who is responsible for it, and what they can do to remove the ropeworm - and other parasites - from the body. In doing so, they remove the scales from their eyes. No book has ever been more timely, and now is the time to begin. The body is the Temple where the spirit resides and the soul is shaped, and from where we must each choose our ultimate and eternal address.

The Trust Protocol

Book Description

Trust makes everything better. It's the glue that binds people together. From our families and friendships to our companies and communities, we know that trust is the fuel that drives long-term success and impact. But we also know what betrayal feels like. We know that trust is a fragile, vulnerable gift that can be abused, broken, and exploited with devastating consequences. In The Trust Protocol, Mac Richard challenges conventional wisdom with biblical insights, humor, and passion as he explains how to · process the pain of betrayal · prioritize relationships and work · discern who to trust · decide when and how to move on · deploy trust in even the harshest environments · develop active integrity The Trust Protocol provides a clear path not just to manage these tensions but to embrace them in order to experience the genuine connectedness and effectiveness we're created for.

Protocol of the Palace

Book Description

Logline:¿ Learn how Ilya usesa mathematical equation to make his dream come true.

Protocol Matters

Book Description

Etiquette and protocol are ways of showing Christian love and kindness in small ways. With an easy, engaging style and lots of helpful details, Sandra Boswell outlines the meaning and purpose of protocol education, and describes ways of practicing it in the home and at school. She draws on her experience from the successful Logos School protocol program to guide the reader through all the basic protocol topics - table settings and foods, social skills, personal grooming, appropriate dress, and more. This book is a must-read for parents who wish to recover the "social graces" for the next generation of believers.

The Plan of God

Book Description

The Plan of God reveals God’s provision for your salvation, His purpose for your existence after salvation, and the treasures He has waiting for your eternal future in heaven. The moment you believe in Christ you immediately share His life and destiny. But for you to attain the wonderful peace, happiness, and contentment God has planned for your life on earth, you must learn Bible doctrine and grow to spiritual maturity. The Bible communicates God’s Word to you so absolute truth becomes the measure of your conscience, the source of your thinking, and the motivation of your life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and armed with Bible doctrine you can fulfill your destiny to glorify God. You can receive the highest and best He has prepared for you. Your consistent spiritual growth from Bible doctrine in your soul creates capacity for life, for love, for Christian service, for blessing, for happiness. God has devised the design of the ages, the perfect plan for you personally. All you have to do is understand His gracious offer and seize the incomparable opportunity for a life of meaning, purpose, and definition.


Book Description


Book Description

The Protocol Bible

Book Description

Being a Protocol Officer is one of the most challenging jobs in the U.S. Military today. You spend your days worrying about the smallest details and planning for every possible contingency, yet in the back of your mind you realize that if something can go wrong, it probably will! Why would anybody want this job? Well, for one thing, being responsible for an important event from start to finish can be very satisfying (plus if it makes your boss look good... you look good). And, unlike many other jobs, being a Protocol Officer gives you a chance to realize the fruits of your labors on a frequent basis as projects occur quite often. Perhaps the most rewarding aspects of this job are the opportunities you will have to meet and impress senior officers--be assured these contacts will serve you well in the future. This book was written to provide an authoritative resource on military protocol that can be referenced as needed for guidance. Some of the topics you'll find inside include: - Entertaining - Order of Precedence - Invitations - Forms of Dress - Titles and Forms of Address - Toasts - Change of Command - Reveille and Retreat - DV Visits - Dinings-In - Retirement & Promotion Ceremonies - And much more By author Dirksen L. Aucutt, owner of, the information in The Protocol Bible: Air Force Protocol and Etiquette for the 21st Century will literally save you hundreds of hours of research, and help you plan and conduct your protocol events in the most professional and accurate manner possible.

Slave Scripture

Book Description

When a man or a woman decides to enter a relationship in which he or she surrenders his or her will to another person, there is automatically the potential for exploitation and even abuse. This can actually go both ways. A major way of preventing one side from taking unfair and even dangerous advantage of the other side is to establish not just rules but also an elaborate code of behavior or protocol that specifies the exact rights of each party. This is formally done with a master-slave contract. It may seem strange that a slave has rights, but this is a voluntary enslavement, which means this person continues to be safeguarded by the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution (1865), which abolished involuntary servitude.

Rebound & Keep Moving!

Book Description

Rebound & Keep Moving! is the key that unlocks the Christian way of life. After salvation the sin nature remains a relentless adversary, tempting the believer to sin and live in carnality. When the believer sins, fellowship with God is destroyed, the filling of the Holy Spirit is temporarily lost, and spiritual progress ceases. Rebound is the simplest yet most incredible concept in the spiritual life. Rebound defeats sin. Guilt, anguish, remorse over past failures vanish knowing that God forgives and forgets all past sins. Rebound is our access to intimacy with the Lord, the gateway to divine power in our lives, our license to serve the Lord. Rebound opens the door to the wonderful freedom the grace of God offers to every believer in Jesus Christ.