Connecting with the Arcturians

Book Description

"Only on rare occasions does a book come along that contains the potential to change the consciousness of our entire planetary culture. Many have talked about the ascension process, but very few really understand what it means. Who is really out there? Where are we going? What are our choices? What has to be done to prepare for this event? Is everyone ascending to the same place? What happened to the fourth dimension? How can we understand the fifth dimension? What are fifth-dimensional beings like? This book explains all of these questions in a way that we can easily understand. It explains what our relationships are to known extraterrestrial groups and what they are doing to help the Earth and her people in this crucial galactic moment in time. It helps us to understand how we can raise our vibration now and begin the process of integrating higher-dimensional energies into our third-dimensional world. The Arcturians have given us a crucial focus for the acceleration of world consciousness. They have presented the concept of group ascension through the creation of groups of forty, and their concept of the Sacred Triangle reveals a powerful method for the integration and unification of spiritual and religious thought on the planet Earth. As you read this book, you will feel the presence of fifth-dimensional energy within your being, allowing you to be able to truly experience a view of fifth-dimensional awareness. This will profoundly affect your ability to expand your own perception of reality and help you to actively participate in the personal and planetary ascension that has already begun."

The Cycle of Growth

Book Description

"THE CYCLE OF GROWTH" CONTAINS NEW CONCEPTS NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE. The main principle of The Cycle of Growth is that all cyclic processes, no matter how many stages we split them into, are manifestations of the same Whole. When we compare the Cycle of Growth with seeming different areas of study there is remarkable correspondence. The book compares traditional philosophic and esoteric teachings with some of the latest discoveries in Psychology and Science - the most important being the discovery of the Transcendent Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the now accepted story of Evolution beginning with The Big Bang, the modern scientific use of Number Zero - which was not recognised in earlier history. We also considers insights given by the trance medium Edgar Cayce - who also gave verifiable information about people he never met. This also reconciles differences when authorities on a subject disagree. ASTROLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY *- Ancient philosophy did not include knowledge of the psychological concepts that are available to everyone today, although it was present in symbolic form. We also recognise that, as with the Hunter Gatherer, the mental psychology was different to that of today because the Jungian Thinking Function has developed from the general public access to Reading, Writing, and Mathematics - which are also relatively new subjects. *- It is becoming recognised that our experiences in the womb affect our later life. When we compare the Astrological Logarithmic Timescale of a human lifetime from Conception to Death with The "Development of Personality" stages of Freud, Erikson, and Piaget there is exact correspondence. *- The Logarithmic Timescale also adds a "Transcendent Octave" which gives rise to evolutionary development. *- The planet Uranus clearly relates to the Jungian psychological concept of The Individuation Process. *- Now in The Age of Aquarius, we can use recent historical discoveries to understand the other Zodiac Ages. THE TAROT *- The 22 symbols of the Major Arcana match the 12 Cycle of Growth Stages in sequence. NUMEROLOGY *- Traditional philosophical systems and Numerology do not include Number Zero because it is a relatively new discovery - only becoming a number in its own right in the Computer Age. *- The sequence of Numbers corresponds with the process of Evolution - and therefore The Cycle of Growth - from The Big Bang onwards, as demonstrated by the development of all Chemical Elements from basic Hydrogen. THE KABBALAH TREE OF LIFE *- This symbolic system gets closer to the archetypal universal principles than the others and therefore associates with all other areas of study to the enrichment of them all. *- The Astrological symbol of Neptune is a basic depiction of the 3 Pillars of The Tree of Life. With the discovery of Number Zero, we are now able to associate Numbers Zero to 9 with the 10 Sephiroth of The Tree - which was not previously possible. *- With the discovery of the Transcendent Planets we are able to add them to The Tree of Life where there were traditionally no planetary associations. *- "The Lightning Flash" of Kabbalist involution and related Astrological planets exactly matches those of the sequence of stages in The Cycle of Growth. We can now add a Transcendent function to The Tree which was not apparent before. THE BIBLE *- The Life of Jesus and the Genesis Story of Creation relate to our life in the womb and The Transcendent Octave of The Cycle of Growth. *- The 3 Octaves of The Cycle of Growth refer to the first 3 chapters of Genesis. *- The Tree of Life mentioned in Genesis and Revelation (and The Kabbalah) refers to the human Chakra System of energy centres in the human body, and the related hormone-producing endocrine glands.

Planetary Crusts

Book Description

This comprehensive reference volume surveys the development of crusts on solid planets and satellites in the solar system.

Conscious Evolution

Book Description

Transforming Human Culture

Book Description

Explains how human social evolution has led both to worthwhile achievements and moral horrors and provides perspective on today's planetary crisis by viewing it as a transition within the larger picture of social evolution.

Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis

Book Description

Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis tells the story of a fundamental fight between a caring and an uncaring imagination. It helps us to recognise the uncaring imagination in politics, in culture - for example in the writings of Ayn Rand - and also in ourselves. Sally Weintrobe argues that achieving the shift to greater care requires us to stop colluding with Exceptionalism, the rigid psychological mindset largely responsible for the climate crisis. People in this mindset believe that they are entitled to have the lion's share and that they can 'rearrange' reality with magical omnipotent thinking whenever reality limits these felt entitlements. While this book's subject is grim, its tone is reflective, ironic, light and at times humorous. It is free of jargon, and full of examples from history, culture, literature, poetry, everyday life and the author's experience as a psychoanalyst, and a professional life that has been dedicated to helping people to face difficult truths.

Connecting with the Arcturians 4

Book Description

During this time of planetary crisis, the Arcturians explore how we starseeds can cope with these dramatic changes, such as updating our immune systems and dealing with electromagnetic energies and energy fields. They offer recommendations and ideas for helping us cope with these overwhelming planetary changes. This book explores the important subject of ascension and the work leading to ascension. The Arcturians present a model based on their observations that precipitating events of ascension occur when the third dimension and fifth dimension intersect. At the time of that intersection, a powerful spiritual energy will download into Earth’s energy field that can uplift those who are at the highest vibrations and prepared for ascension. Another concept introduced in this volume is the idea of holographic healing. In holography, a piece of an object can represent the whole. In this Arcturian theory, a person on Earth is only a part of their whole self. Other parts can include the past self, which is the self in other lifetimes, and the future self, which is the self that will live and evolve in future times. There is also a multidimensional self that exists on this and other dimensions.

The Cycle of Growth

Book Description

"THE CYCLE OF GROWTH" CONTAINS NEW CONCEPTS NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE. The main principle of The Cycle of Growth is that all cyclic processes, no matter how many stages we split them into, are manifestations of the same Whole. When we compare the Cycle of Growth with seeming different areas of study there is remarkable correspondence. The book compares traditional philosophic and esoteric teachings with some of the latest discoveries in Psychology and Science - the most important being the discovery of the Transcendent Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the now accepted story of Evolution beginning with The Big Bang, the modern scientific use of Number Zero - which was not recognised in earlier history. We also considers insights given by the trance medium Edgar Cayce - who also gave verifiable information about people he never met. This also reconciles differences when authorities on a subject disagree. ASTROLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY *- Ancient philosophy did not include knowledge of the psychological concepts that are available to everyone today, although it was present in symbolic form. We also recognise that, as with the Hunter Gatherer, the mental psychology was different to that of today because the Jungian Thinking Function has developed from the general public access to Reading, Writing, and Mathematics - which are also relatively new subjects. *- It is becoming recognised that our experiences in the womb affect our later life. When we compare the Astrological Logarithmic Timescale of a human lifetime from Conception to Death with The "Development of Personality" stages of Freud, Erikson, and Piaget there is exact correspondence. *- The Logarithmic Timescale also adds a "Transcendent Octave" which gives rise to evolutionary development. *- The planet Uranus clearly relates to the Jungian psychological concept of The Individuation Process. *- Now in The Age of Aquarius, we can use recent historical discoveries to understand the other Zodiac Ages. THE TAROT *- The 22 symbols of the Major Arcana match the 12 Cycle of Growth Stages in sequence. NUMEROLOGY *- Traditional philosophical systems and Numerology do not include Number Zero because it is a relatively new discovery - only becoming a number in its own right in the Computer Age. *- The sequence of Numbers corresponds with the process of Evolution - and therefore The Cycle of Growth - from The Big Bang onwards, as demonstrated by the development of all Chemical Elements from basic Hydrogen. THE KABBALAH TREE OF LIFE *- This symbolic system gets closer to the archetypal universal principles than the others and therefore associates with all other areas of study to the enrichment of them all. *- The Astrological symbol of Neptune is a basic depiction of the 3 Pillars of The Tree of Life. With the discovery of Number Zero, we are now able to associate Numbers Zero to 9 with the 10 Sephiroth of The Tree - which was not previously possible. *- With the discovery of the Transcendent Planets we are able to add them to The Tree of Life where there were traditionally no planetary associations. *- "The Lightning Flash" of Kabbalist involution and related Astrological planets exactly matches those of the sequence of stages in The Cycle of Growth. We can now add a Transcendent function to The Tree which was not apparent before. THE BIBLE *- The Life of Jesus and the Genesis Story of Creation relate to our life in the womb and The Transcendent Octave of The Cycle of Growth. *- The 3 Octaves of The Cycle of Growth refer to the first 3 chapters of Genesis. *- The Tree of Life mentioned in Genesis and Revelation (and The Kabbalah) refers to the human Chakra System of energy centres in the human body, and the related hormone-producing endocrine glands.

Psychological and Pedagogical Considerations in Digital Textbook Use and Development

Book Description

"This book offers balanced coverage of the technological solutions that contribute to the design of digital textbooks and contribute to achieving learning objectives, offering an emphasis on assessment mechanisms and learning theory"--