The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library

Book Description

This anthology, the largest collection of Pythagorean writings ever to appear in English, contains the four ancient biographies of Pythagoras and over 25 Pythagorean and Neopythagorean writings from the Classical and Hellenistic periods. The material of this book is indispensable for anyone who wishes to understand the real spiritual roots of Western civilization.


Book Description

The timeless brilliance of this exhaustive survey of the best classical writers of antiquity on Pythagoras was first published in 1687 in Thomas Stanley’s massive tome, The History of Philosophy. It remains as contemporary today as it was over three hundred years ago. The text of the 1687 book has been reset and modernized to make it more accessible to the modern reader. Spelling has been regularized, obsolete words not found in a modern dictionary have been replaced, and contemporary conventions of punctuation have been used. Biographical sketches of Thomas Stanley and Pythagoras by Manly Palmer Hall, founder of the Philosophical Research Society, have been included, along with a profound overview of Pythagorean philosophy by Platonic scholar Dr. Henry L. Drake. The extensive Greek language references throughout the text have been corrected and contextualized, and reset in a modern Greek font. Each quotation has been verified with the source document in Greek. An extensive annotated appendix of these classical sources is included. A complete bibliography details all the reference works utilized, and a small Glossary defines a number of terms, especially those from musical theory, which may be unfamiliar to the non-technical reader.


Book Description

This is the story of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, whose insights transformed the ancient world and still inspire the realms of science, mathematics, philosophy and the arts. Einstein said that the most incredible thing about our universe was that it was comprehensible at all. As Kitty Ferguson explains, Pythagoras had much the same idea - but 2,500 years earlier. Though known by many only for his famous Theorem, in fact the pillars of our scientific tradition - belief that the universe is rational, that there is unity to all things, and that numbers and mathematics are a powerful guide to truth about nature and the cosmos - hark back to the convictions of this legendary scholar. Kitty Ferguson brilliantly evokes Pythagoras' ancient world of, showing how ideas spread in antiquity, and chronicles the incredible influence he and his followers have had on so many extraordinary people in the history of Western thought and science. 'Pythagoras' influence on the ideas, and therefore on the destiny, of the human race was probably greater than that of any single man before or after him' - Arthur Koestler.

Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism

Book Description

For this first English edition of his distinguished study of Pythagoreanism, Weisheit und Wissenschajt: Studien zu Pythagoras, Philolaos, und Platon, Walter Burkert has carefully revised text and notes, taking account of additional literature on the subject which appeared between 1962 and 1969. By a thorough critical sifting of all the available evidence, the author lays a new foundation for the understanding of ancient Pythagoreanism and in particular of the relationship within it of "lore" and "science." He shows that in the twilight zone when the Greeks were discovering the rational interpretation of the world and quantitative natural science, Pythagoras represented not the origin of the new, but the survival or revival of ancient, pre-scientific lore or wisdom, based on superhuman authority and expressed in ritual obligation.

The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library

Book Description

This anthology, the largest collection of Pythagorean writings ever to appear in English, contains the four ancient biographies of Pythagoras and over 25 Pythagorean and Neopythagorean writings from the Classical and Hellenistic periods. The material of this book is indispensable for anyone who wishes to understand the real spiritual roots of Western civilization.

The Cult of Pythagoras

Book Description

Martínez discusses various popular myths from the history of mathematics. Some stories are partly true, others are entirely false, but all show the power of invention in history. Martínez inspects a wealth of primary sources, in several languages, over a span of many centuries. By exploring disagreements and ambiguities in the history of the elements of mathematics, The Cult of Pythagoras dispels myths that obscure the actual origins of mathematical concepts. Chosen as a major selection by Scientific American Book Club (Library of Science(R))

The Metaphysics of the Pythagorean Theorem

Book Description

Bringing together geometry and philosophy, this book undertakes a strikingly original study of the origins and significance of the Pythagorean theorem. Thales, whom Aristotle called the first philosopher and who was an older contemporary of Pythagoras, posited the principle of a unity from which all things come, and back into which they return upon dissolution. He held that all appearances are only alterations of this basic unity and there can be no change in the cosmos. Such an account requires some fundamental geometric figure out of which appearances are structured. Robert Hahn argues that Thales came to the conclusion that it was the right triangle: by recombination and repackaging, all alterations can be explained from that figure. This idea is central to what the discovery of the Pythagorean theorem could have meant to Thales and Pythagoras in the sixth century BCE. With more than two hundred illustrations and figures, Hahn provides a series of geometric proofs for this lost narrative, tracing it from Thales to Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans who followed, and then finally to Plato's Timaeus. Uncovering the philosophical motivation behind the discovery of the theorem, Hahn's book will enrich the study of ancient philosophy and mathematics alike.

Homage to Pythagoras

Book Description

Homage to Pythagoras collects essential documents by people at the leading edge of the sacred sciences today. These articles--both scholarly and sympathetic to the Pythagorean perspective--are proof of the contemporary interest in Pythagoras' philosophy as a living reality and provide a major addition to the field of Pythagorean studies and traditional mathematics. Contents: Introduction by Christopher Bamford "Ancient Temple Architecture" by Robert Lawlor "The Platonic Tradition on the Nature of Proportion" by Keith Critchlow "What is Sacred Architecture? by Keith Critchlow "Twelve Criteria for Sacred Architecture" by Keith Critchlow "Pythagorean Number as Form, Color, and Light" by Robert Lawlor "The Two Lights" by Arthur Zajonc "Apollo: The Pythagorean Definition of God" by Anne Macaulay "Blake, Yeats, and Pythagoras" by Kathleen Raine About the Authors ROBERT LAWLOR is the author of Sacred Geometry; Earth Honoring; and Voices of the First Day. After training as a painter and a sculptor, he became a yoga student of Sri Aurobindo and lived for many years in Pondicherry, India, where he was a founding member of Auroville. In India, he discovered the works of the French Egyptologist and esotericist, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, which led him to explore the principles and practices of ancient sacred science. KEITH CRITCHLOW is the author of Order in Space; and Time Stands Still. A painter, Critchlow discovered geometry intuitively. A period of intensive geometric practice and work with Buckminster Fuller led him to recognize that the universal principles of geometry are revealed and confirmed both by the area of design where art and mathematics meet and in the study of nature and ancient and medieval sacred cosmological architecture of temples, cathedrals, and mosques. He has been a senior lecturer at the Architectural Association in London and taught Islamic Art at the Royal College of Art. He has also participated as geometer in various sacred architectural projects, and is a cofounder of Temenos, a journal devoted to the arts and imagination, and Kairos, a society that investigates, studies, and promotes traditional values of art and science. ARTHUR ZAJONC is Professor of Physics at Amherst College, where his research has concerned the nature of light and the experimental foundations of quantum mechanics. He has also taught and written extensively on interdisciplinary aspects of science, the history of science, culture, and spirituality, especially the works of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. He is the author Catching the Light and The New Physics and Cosmology, featuring dialogues with the Dalai Lama. He has been a visiting scientist at many laboratories and was a Fulbright professor. ANNE MACAULAY lives in Scotland where she has, for many years, studied the origins of the alphabet, the history of the guitar, the figure of Apollo, and other mysteries surrounding Pythagorean thought. She has lectured at Research into Lost Knowledge Organization (RILKO) and was a trustee of the Salisbury Center in Edinburgh. KATHLEEN RAINE was a British poet with an international reputation as a scholar of the imagination. A renowned student of William Blake, a penetrating critic, and a profound autobiographer, she wrote numerous books and articles. Kathleen Raine was a cofounder and the editor of Temenos.

Wicca Craft

Book Description

Traces the origins of Wicca and offers up a cauldron brew of spells, unusual recipes and fascinating Pagan lore. Also contains easy-to-follow rituals for the eight annual sabbats observed by Wiccans, an up-to-date listing of Pagan periodicals and sections on herbalism, tree magick and dreams. The author, a practising Witch, reveals the ancient secrets of magick and divination and offers her insights on Wiccan history, deities, tools, ethics and much more.