The Quantum Principle: Its Interpretation and Epistemology

Book Description

This study deals with the development of, and the current discussion about, the interpretation of quantum mechanics. The following topics are discussed: 1. The Copenhagen In terpretation; 2. Formal Problems of Quantum Mechanics; 3. Process of Measurement and the Equation of Motion; 4. Macroscopic Level of Description; 5. Search for Hidden Variables; 6. The Notion of 'Reality' and the Epistemology of Quantum Mechanics; and 7. Quantum Mechanics and the Explanation of Life. The Bohr-Einstein dialogue on the validity of the quan tum mechanical description of physical reality lasted over two decades. Since the early nineteen-fifties, Eugene Wigner has provided much of the point and counterpoint of the continuing discussion on the interpretation and epistemolo gy of quantum mechanics. We have explored Wigner's views in some detail against the background of historical develop ment and current debate. Professor Eugene Wigner has sustained me over many years in my work on the conceptual development of mod ern physics by his kindness and encouragement. This study owes its existence to his direct inspiration, and to his suggestion to me in April 1971 that it would be of interest to write an account of the interpretation of quantum me chanics and the current discussion about it. XII PREFACE This study was completed in September 1972. Signifi cant new developments have occurred since then in the dis cussion of questions related to the epistemology of quan tum mechanics.

The Epistemology of Quantum Physics

Book Description

This book is about the epistemology of quantum physics and its interpretation as a scientific theory in its technical form. The contents of the book are essentially of non-formal nature although the formalism of quantum mechanics is also investigated (rather briefly) inline with the needs and requirements of the epistemological investigation and considerations. The reader should note that a general scientific and mathematical background (at the undergraduate level) is required to understand the book properly and appreciate its contents. The book is like my previous books in style and favorable characteristics (such as clarity, graduality and intensive cross referencing with hyperlinks in the electronic versions). However, the book, unlike my previous books, does not contain questions or exercises or solved problems. The book is particularly useful to those who have special interest in the interpretative aspects of quantum theory and the philosophy of science although it should be useful even to those who are interested in the purely-scientific and technical aspects of the quantum theory since the contents of the book should broaden the understanding of these aspects and provide them with qualitative and interpretative dimensions (as well as the added benefit of the brief investigation of the formalism of quantum mechanics).

Quantum Mechanics Between Ontology and Epistemology

Book Description

This book explores the prospects of rivaling ontological and epistemic interpretations of quantum mechanics (QM). It concludes with a suggestion for how to interpret QM from an epistemological point of view and with a Kantian touch. It thus refines, extends, and combines existing approaches in a similar direction. The author first looks at current, hotly debated ontological interpretations. These include hidden variables-approaches, Bohmian mechanics, collapse interpretations, and the many worlds interpretation. He demonstrates why none of these ontological interpretations can claim to be the clear winner amongst its rivals. Next, coverage explores the possibility of interpreting QM in terms of knowledge but without the assumption of hidden variables. It examines QBism as well as Healey’s pragmatist view. The author finds both interpretations or programs appealing, but still wanting in certain respects. As a result, he then goes on to advance a genuine proposal as to how to interpret QM from the perspective of an internal realism in the sense of Putnam and Kant. The book also includes two philosophical interludes. One details the notions of probability and realism. The other highlights the connections between the notions of locality, causality, and reality in the context of violations of Bell-type inequalities.

On Physics and Philosophy

Book Description

Among the great ironies of quantum mechanics is not only that its conceptual foundations seem strange even to the physicists who use it, but that philosophers have largely ignored it. Here, Bernard d'Espagnat argues that quantum physics--by casting doubts on once hallowed concepts such as space, material objects, and causality-demands serious reconsideration of most of traditional philosophy. On Physics and Philosophy is an accessible, mathematics-free reflection on the philosophical meaning of the quantum revolution, by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject. D'Espagnat presents an objective account of the main guiding principles of contemporary physics-in particular, quantum mechanics-followed by a look at just what consequences these should imply for philosophical thinking. The author begins by describing recent discoveries in quantum physics such as nonseparability, and explicating the significance of contemporary developments such as decoherence. Then he proceeds to set various philosophical theories of knowledge--such as materialism, realism, Kantism, and neo-Kantism--against the conceptual problems quantum theory raises. His overall conclusion is that while the physical implications of quantum theory suggest that scientific knowledge will never truly describe mind-independent reality, the notion of such an ultimate reality--one we can never access directly or rationally and which he calls "veiled reality"--remains conceptually necessary nonetheless.

Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

Christopher G. Timpson provides the first full-length philosophical treatment of quantum information theory and the questions it raises for our understanding of the quantum world. He argues for an ontologically deflationary account of the nature of quantum information, which is grounded in a revisionary analysis of the concepts of information.

The Philosophy Behind Physics

Book Description

Thomas Brody had one of the most powerful and wide-ranging intellects of his generation. Although primarily a physicist who worked on statistical prob lems in nuclear physics, on probability theory and on computational physics he had an extensive knowledge of the philosophy of science and of philosophy, and was fluent in many languages. He is well-known among physicists for the Brody-Moshinsky transformation but his extensive work on probability and on the philosophy of science remained almost unknown. This was because the originality of his ideas entailed many lengthy battles with uncomprehending referees, and he frequently published in Mexican journals of limited circula tion. In addition, his strongly critical spirit inhibited his willingness to publish his ideas. He was always most concerned by the very unsatisfactory situation in the philosophy of physics, that is largely due to the generally poor knowledge that physicists and philosophers have of each other's disciplines. Philosophers of science write at length about physics without any detailed first-hand knowl edge of how research is actually carried out. Physicists, for their part, often implicitly assume naive or erroneous philosophical ideas, and this often hinders their scientific work, besides spreading further confusion if they try to give an account of what they are doing.

Grasping Reality

Book Description

Grasping Reality addresses the methodology of a sophisticated realistic approach to scientific as well as everyday recognition by using schemes and interpretative constructs to analyze theories and the practice of recognition from a hypothesis-realistic vantage point. The three main theses are: (1) Any OC graspingOCO of real objects, processes, entities etc. is deeply dependent on scheme interpretations and interpretative constructs OCo in short, on using schemes and constructs; the same applies to any sophisticated actions encroaching on reality; (2) a sophisticated interpretation-dependent realism is sketched out and defended from a methodological, non-foundational, epistemological point of view called pragmatic realism; (3) the most provocative thesis is generalized from the role of the well-known preparationist interpretation of quantum theory to everyday knowledge OCo the interpretative structuring and preparing of the experimental make-up as known in quantum mechanics is not just a special case but the rather general case of gaining any knowledge in science and everyday recognition. An appendix provides an overview regarding a realistic and pragmatic philosophy of technology, including the so-called new information technologies. Contents: OC GraspingOCO as Interpretation and Impregnation; Methodological Outline of the Systematic Scheme Interpretationism; Short Note about OC GraspingOCO in Traditional Philosophy; OC TruthOCO as a Metatheoretic Interpretative Construct; A Reappraisal Regarding OC TheoriesOCO and OC Theoretical ConceptsOCO: Towards an Action-Theoretical and Technology-Oriented Philosophy of Science and Epistemology; Reality Constructs and Different OC RealismsOCO From a Kantian Towards a Problematistic-Interpretationist Approach; Referential Realism as an Interactionist Interpretationism; Interpretation of Reality and Quantum Theory; R(r)sum(r): OC GraspingOCO as Acting in (Re)cognizing; Appendix OCo Progress and Characteristics of Traditional and New Technologies: Regarding a Realistic and Pragmatic Philosophy of Technology. Readership: Graduate and higher level undergraduate students as well as researchers in epistemology."

Quantum Philosophy

Book Description

This volume reviews the history and development of mathematics, logic and the physical sciences to show that late 20th-century work in quantum theory offers answers to questions that have puzzled philosophers for centuries such as: is the world ultimately intelligible?

The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

A collection of the various papers and lectures of Professor Willis E. Lamb, Jr (who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1955 for his precise measurement of what came to be called the Lamb Shift) on the fundamental, fascinating and fashionable subject of the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Professor Lamb began to bring his insights to this subject since he first started publishing his papers in the field in 1969. In a detailed editorial annotation on the Scientific Work of Willis E. Lamb, Jr (based on extensive conversations with Professor Lamb), Jagdish Mehra, a historian of modern physics, provides a survey of Professor Lamb's diverse contributions to the various fields of fundamental physics and the context in which they were made.

Quantum Philosophy

Book Description

In this magisterial work, Roland Omnes takes us from the academies of ancient Greece to the laboratories of modern science as he seeks to do no less than rebuild the foundations of the philosophy of knowledge. One of the world's leading quantum physicists, Omnes reviews the history and recent development of mathematics, logic, and the physical sciences to show that current work in quantum theory offers new answers to questions that have puzzled philosophers for centuries: Is the world ultimately intelligible? Are all events caused? Do objects have definitive locations? Omnes addresses these profound questions with vigorous arguments and clear, colorful writing, aiming not just to advance scholarship but to enlighten readers with no background in science or philosophy. The book opens with an insightful and sweeping account of the main developments in science and the philosophy of knowledge from the pre-Socratic era to the nineteenth century. Omnes then traces the emergence in modern thought of a fracture between our intuitive, commonsense views of the world and the abstract and--for most people--incomprehensible world portrayed by advanced physics, math, and logic. He argues that the fracture appeared because the insights of Einstein and Bohr, the logical advances of Frege, Russell, and Godel, and the necessary mathematics of infinity of Cantor and Hilbert cannot be fully expressed by words or images only. Quantum mechanics played an important role in this development, as it seemed to undermine intuitive notions of intelligibility, locality, and causality. However, Omnes argues that common sense and quantum mechanics are not as incompatible as many have thought. In fact, he makes theprovocative argument that the "consistent-histories" approach to quantum mechanics, developed over the past fifteen years, places common sense (slightly reappraised and circumscribed) on a firm scientific and philosophical footing for the first time. In doing so, it provides what philosophers have sought through the ages: a sure foundation for human knowledge. "Quantum Philosophy" is a profound work of contemporary science and philosophy and an eloquent history of the long struggle to understand the nature of the world and of knowledge itself.