The Quantum Torah and the Alien Deception

Book Description

This book covers everything from creation to the coming Great Deception. It reveals in detail what space aliens actually are, what the mark of the beast actually is, what it will do, and how they are prepping our bodies for it right now. It shows how the alien deception starts and ends with the Flower of Life that was first discovered on the tomb of Osiris, AKA the Antichrist, and is one of the most common shapes found in crop circles. It shows how our reality resembles a light based hologram and how this hologram is directly linked to the Torah. Finally, it describes how all the aforementioned ties together. Most of this information is new revelation that you won't find anywhere else. This is a Bible-based book that shows how true science and archeology confirm the Word of God.

The Quantum Torah and the Alien Deception

Book Description

This book covers everything from creation to the coming Great Deception. It reveals in detail what space aliens actually are, what the mark of the beast actually is, what it will do, and how they are prepping our bodies for it right now. It shows how the alien deception starts and ends with the Flower of Life that was first discovered on the tomb of Osiris, AKA the Antichrist, and is one of the most common shapes found in crop circles.It shows how our reality resembles a light based hologram and how this hologram is directly linked to the Torah.Finally, it describes how all the aforementioned ties together.Most of this information is new revelation that you won't find anywhere else. This is a Bible-based book that shows how true science and archaeology confirm the Word of God. INTRODUCTIONSometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. What will be revealed to you in the following pages goes against everything you have been conditioned to believe and is far more bizarre than anything Hollywood could come up with.The truth revealed in this book will change your world view and reality as you perceive it forever. This is not a conspiracy theory. The following information is based on the most logical explanations based on hard facts and data after thousands of hours of research. The best way to start is by quoting a few lines from The Matrix and looking at this book as if it were the RED PILL...."This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill the story ends (you close the book now) you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes....remember, all I am offering is the truth, nothing more." Shall we begin?

The Scientism Delusion Techno Mysticism And Techno Spiritual Warfare Exploring the Connections Between Scientism and Luciferianism

Book Description

"This enthralling page turner breaks all the molds, and fearlessly exposes the deepest darkest intrigue in history...The Luciferian Agenda for a New World Order. In it, we learn of the Luciferian roots of Modern Science, as the reader is transported back in time to the insidious origins of modern-day Scientism, the current religion of most scientists today. Through an excursion into the roots of Scientism, Mr. Garrett deftly retraces the historical antecedents of Scientism, echoing back to The Secret Mystery Schools of Kabbalistic, Egyptian Hermeticism, onwards into the true nature of Freemason and Alchemical Occultist, Sir Isaac Newton, and then further into the nefarious Vatican Jesuit Priesthood, whose hidden hand can be linked to the creation of The Illuminati, as well as the current Luciferian New Age Religion. Finally, the serpentine path leads up into modern Freemasonic Luciferian, NASA, and then to The Jesuit Controlled Alien Deception about to take hold of the world." --Christian Chesterfield Ph.D.

The Alien Disclosure Deception

Book Description

This book tries to answer two questions: 1) Why has the U.S. Government suddenly done an about-face in 2021, from debunking UFOs to officially admitting that they are "real"? 2) Since UFOs appear on radar, leave physical traces, and produce a wide spectrum of psychic and paranormal phenomena, exactly what are they? The answer to the first question is: "Because 'disclosure' is part of a long-term social engineering project beginning at least as early as the end of WWII." The answer to the second is: "They are psycho-physical entities such as have been reported throughout human history, called the Jinn by the Muslims and Fairies by the Northern Europeans. The social engineers have opted to use this well-known phenomenon-whether or not they fully understand it-to shift the paradigm in the Western world from Democracy and Christianity to Technocracy and Transhumanism. Extensive evidence is given for both these theories, drawing upon history, individual and social psychology, traditional metaphysics and eschatology, the physical sciences, and the phenomenology of the paranormal, thus producing the most global and consistent explanation to date-if not the most easily accepted one-of the UFO phenomenon. Charles Upton, poet and metaphysician, was born on December 13, 1948, in San Francisco, CA. He is a protege of the Beat Generation, a veteran of the psychedelic counterculture, a peace activist, a Sufi Muslim, a writer of the Traditionalist/Perennialist School, and author of 20 books, mostly on "metaphysics and social criticism." In 2013, along with Dr. John Andrew Morrow, he co-founded the international Muslim/Interfaith peace movement known as the Covenants Initiative, and is presently Executive Director of the Covenants of the Prophet Foundation. He has been writing on the subject of UFOs since 2001.

Forbidden Disclosure

Book Description

Forbidden Disclosure is 'the' manual on defense against alien abduction. While author Destiny Pasteur has had clairvoyant dreams since childhood, it was not until 1995 that she established a connection with hidden masters who inducted her into a year long study concerning so-called "aliens." Much of what she learned has since been verified or has come to pass, while other events and predictions are currently unfolding. The details of alien abduction accounts become sobering and validate these revelations.The need to understand alien interference and mind control technology is urgent, as is resistance against their psychic and sociological manipulation. This guidebook explains how to defeat the ancient enemy who is conspiring to decimate global civilization through programs that would implode democratic governments and keep mankind in a state of perpetual bondage. Abolishing the enemy's control begins with preventing the abductions and the mental coercion that accompanies them. Pasteur confronts the enemy's practice of forcibly retrieving gametes and unborn transfigured babies from the womb and rebukes the lies that rationalize these crimes. For many people, resistance will naturally follow from simply learning the heart breaking truth.Pasteur annihilates the deception that the large-headed gray mutants from the breeding program are robots or human-alien hybrids and exposes them as something far worse. Further, the campaign to convince people that these are inter-dimensional beings is both dangerous and alarmingly effective: These abominations have nothing in common with higher beings. She warns that the deceitful, hazardous, and even deadly intruders must not be mistaken for spirit guides, divine emissaries, or ascended masters, as they are instead, essentially, weapons of mass destruction.The most powerful defense against this ancient enemy is the truth, which dispels delusions that lead to compliance. Pasteur paves the way for a future that is free of dark technologies that target the mind and the free will. To declare victory, we must face this dreaded disclosure while maintaining hope via a clear plan of defense. For this war to be won, the truth must find its way into mass consciousness where it can, in fact, make us free.

Aliens, Angels and Demons

Book Description

A review of Judaic, and Kabbalistic literature that discusses angels and demons, and investigates whether or not the ancient legends have any relationship to the modern legend of UFO's and extraterrestrial life.

Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?

Book Description

Witty and thought provoking, two Vatican astronomers shed provocative light on some of the strange places where religion and science meet. “Imagine if a Martian showed up, all big ears and big nose like a child’s drawing, and he asked to be baptized. How would you react?” —Pope Francis, May, 2014 Pope Francis posed that question—without insisting on an answer!—to provoke deeper reflection about inclusiveness and diversity in the Church. But it's not the first time that question has been asked. Brother Guy Consolmagno and Father Paul Mueller hear questions like that all the time. They’re scientists at the Vatican Observatory, the official astronomical research institute of the Catholic Church. In Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? they explore a variety of questions at the crossroads of faith and reason: How do you reconcile the The Big Bang with Genesis? Was the Star of Bethlehem just a pious religious story or an actual description of astronomical events? What really went down between Galileo and the Catholic Church—and why do the effects of that confrontation still reverberate to this day? Will the Universe come to an end? And… could you really baptize an extraterrestrial? With disarming humor, Brother Guy and Father Paul explore these questions and more over the course of six days of dialogue. Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial will make you laugh, make you think, and make you reflect more deeply on science, faith, and the nature of the universe.

No Sense of Obligation

Book Description

Some of the Praise for No Sense of Obligation . . . fascinating analysis of religious belief -- Steve Allen, author, composer, entertainer [A] tour de force of science and religion, reason and faith, denoting in clear and unmistakable language and rhetoric what science really reveals about the cosmos, the world, and ourselves. Michael Shermer, Publisher, Skeptic Magazine; Author, How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science About the Book Rejecting belief without evidence, a scientist searches the scientific, theological, and philosophical literature for a sign from God--and finds him to be an allegory. This remarkable book, written in the laypersons language, leaves no room for unproven ideas and instead seeks hard evidence for the existence of God. The author, a sympathetic critic and observer of religion, finds instead a physical universe that exists reasonlessly. He attributes good and evil to biology, not to God. In place of theism, the author gives us the knowledge that the universe is intelligible and that we are grownups, responsible for ourselves. He finds salvation in the here and now, and no ultimate purpose in life, except as we define it.

2300 Days of Hell

Book Description

Sense and Goodness Without God

Book Description

If God does not exist, then what does? Is there good and evil, and should we care? How do we know what’s true anyway? And can we make any sense of this universe, or our own lives? Sense and Goodness answers all these questions in lavish detail, without complex jargon. A complete worldview is presented and defended, covering every subject from knowledge to art, from metaphysics to morality, from theology to politics. Topics include free will, the nature of the universe, the meaning of life, and much more, arguing from scientific evidence that there is only a physical, natural world without gods or spirits, but that we can still live a life of love, meaning, and joy.