The Quark-hadron Phase Transition in the Early Universe

Book Description

A first order phase transition between the quark-gluon plasma and the hadron gas can have important consequences for cosmology. These consequences result from the generation of isothermal baryon number density fluctuations as the universe passes through the phase transition. Calculations based upon simple models for the statistical mechanics of the two phases indicate that these fluctuations have large amplitude. The fluctuations persist after completion of the phase transition, being slowly damped by diffusion of baryon number. Upon decoupling of neutrons and protons at temperature T (approximately) 1 MeV, the neutrons begin to diffuse rapidly out of the dense regions and substantial segregation of the neutrons and protons results. Light element nucleosynthesis then occurs at T (approximately) 0.1 MeV. It is possible to reconcile the observed abundances of the light elements with model universes in which all of the matter is composed of baryons, the cosmological constant is zero, and the geometry is flat. 12 refs., 2 figs.

Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations

Book Description

A fundamental, profound review of the key issues relating to the early universe and the physical processes that occurred in it. The interplay between cosmic microwave background radiation, large scale structure, and the dark matter problem are stressed, with a central focus on the crucial issue of the phase transitions in the early universe and their observable consequences: baryon symmetry, baryogenesis and cosmological fluctuations. There is an interplay between cosmology, statistical physics and particle physics in studying these problems, both at the theoretical and the experimental / observational levels. Special contributions are devoted to primordial and astrophysical black holes and to high energy cosmic rays and neutrino astrophysics. There is also a special section devoted to the International Space Station and its scientific utilization.

Generation of Fluctuations from the Quark-hadron Transition in the Early Universe

Book Description

We present a model for the generation of isothermal baryon density fluctuations in the early universe associated with the quark-hadron transition. The model is based on thermal nucleation theory for the creation of bubbles of the new phase and on entropy conservation during the phase transition. We find that the baryon number transport characteristics together with the rapid motion of the phase boundary can result in baryon density fluctuations with amplitudes considerably larger than the chemical equilibrium limit. All of these results depend on uncertain quantities associated with the underlying QCD physics. We discuss how uncertainties in these quantities translate into uncertainties in the fluctuation amplitude, shape, and mean separation.

Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations

Book Description

A fundamental, profound review of the key issues relating to the early universe and the physical processes that occurred in it. The interplay between cosmic microwave background radiation, large scale structure, and the dark matter problem are stressed, with a central focus on the crucial issue of the phase transitions in the early universe and their observable consequences: baryon symmetry, baryogenesis and cosmological fluctuations. There is an interplay between cosmology, statistical physics and particle physics in studying these problems, both at the theoretical and the experimental / observational levels. Special contributions are devoted to primordial and astrophysical black holes and to high energy cosmic rays and neutrino astrophysics. There is also a special section devoted to the International Space Station and its scientific utilization.

Quark Matter in Astrophysics and Cosmology

Book Description

We dicuss the role of quark matter in astrophysics and cosmology. The implications of the dynamics of the quark-hadron phase transition in the early universe for the element abundances from big bang nucleosynthesis and the composition of the dark matter in the universe are addressed. We discuss the possibility of deciding on an equation of state for high density matter by observing the cooling of a neutron star remnant of SN1987A. Quark matter models for the Centauros events, Cygnus X-3 cosmic ray events, high energy gamma-ray bursts and the solar neutrino problem are described. 25 refs., 3 figs.

The Early Universe

Book Description

The Early Universe has become the standard reference on forefront topics in cosmology, particularly to the early history of the Universe. Subjects covered include primordial nubleosynthesis, baryogenesis, phases transitions, inflation, dark matter, and galaxy formation, relics such as axions, neutrinos and monopoles, and speculations about the Universe at the Planck time. The book includes more than ninety figures as well as a five-page update discussing recent developments such as the COBE results.