The Quick Path to Omniscience

Book Description

“Lamrim” or “stages” of the path is a Tibetan Buddhist presentation of the step-by-step guide for attaining enlightenment. The Lam rim lineage began in the 11th century when King Jangchub ‘Od invited Atiśa to come to Tibet from India to clarify the Buddhist teaching and give a summary of all the Buddhist doctrines so that Tibetans could more easily grasp the meanings. In the 14th century, Je Tsongkapa founded the Tibetan Buddhist Gelugpa school, which was based on Atiśa's Kadampa school and composed a Great Lamrim and a Concise Lamrim. Among others, in the 17th century the Fourth Panchen Lama Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsan wrote the Easy Path Leading to Omniscience and his successor the Fifth Panchen Lama Lozang Yeshes was requested to write an even more practical guide of how to actually practice the teachings presented in the various stages of the path to enlightenment texts. Thus this Myur lam or Quick Path text covers the usual Lam rim topics such as serving your spiritual teacher, purifying your mind, grasping the essential meaning of this life, and training the mind for the three levels of persons: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. Within each category there are instructions for meditations, recitations and visualizations to use while in practice sessions and instructions for what to do in between sessions in daily life.

Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason

Book Description

The great Buddhist scholars Santaraksita (725 - 88 CE.) and his disciple Kamalasila were among the most influential thinkers in classical India. They debated ideas not only within the Buddhist tradition but also with exegetes of other Indian religions, and they both traveled to Tibet during Buddhism's infancy there. Their views, however, have been notoriously hard to classify. The present volume examines Santaraksita's Tattvasamgraha and Kamalasila's extensive commentary on it, works that cover all conceivable problems in Buddhist thought and portray Buddhism as a supremely rational faith. One hotly debated topic of their time was omniscience - whether it is possible and whether a rational person may justifiably claim it as a quality of the Buddha. Santaraksita and Kamalasila affirm both claims, but in their argumentation they employ divergent rhetorical strategies in different passages, advancing what appear to be contradictory positions. McClintock's investigation of the complex strategies these authors use in defense of omniscience sheds light on the rhetorical nature of their enterprise, one that shadows their own personal views as they advance the arguments they deem most effective to convince the audiences at hand.

The Easy Path

Book Description

The First Panchen Lama's Easy Path (de lam), written nearly four hundred years ago, is like a chest of jewels that has, until now, been locked to English speakers. This translation, with Gyumed Khensur Lobsang Jampa's commentary, unlocks that chest and holds each jewel up to the sunlight to reveal its great beauty and value. A number of books in the past have explained how to meditate on the stages of the path, but Geshe Lobsang Jampa's volume is unique in showing the reader how to integrate visualizations from highest yoga tantra, guru yoga, and the instructions of the oral tradition within the contemplations of every single stage. From the initial meditations on the precariousness and immense value of human existence, through the contemplations of how we perpetuate the cycle of suffering, to the highest teachings on the practice of universal compassion and the empty nature of phenomena, The Easy Path leads practitioners step by step through the journey to enlightenment.

The Swift Path

Book Description

This collection of guided meditations from eighteenth-century Tibet harnesses elements of tantric visualization to induce realizations while contemplating the steps on the path to buddhahood. The Swift Path by the Second Panchen Lama has long been heralded in the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism as one of the “eight great lamrims,” or works presenting the stages of the path to enlightenment, but it is the last to become widely available in English translation. Composed by a preceptor of two Dalai Lamas, this practical and systematic guide to meditating on the lamrim is based on the Easy Path, a more concise work by the First Panchen Lama. In The Swift Path, Panchen Losang Yeshé expands on the earlier Panchen Lama’s meditation guide with more detailed instructions on how to generate a clear and profound experience of the key recognitions that allow us to advance on our spiritual journey. These include the recognition of the opportunity afforded by our human existence, both its preciousness and its precariousness, and the way to adopt and live out the practices of a bodhisattva. The guided meditations here make use of a visualization of one’s teacher in the guise of Sakyamuni Buddha to unlock our own innate potential for buddhahood, complete enlightenment, to best benefit humanity and all living beings.

Kadam: Stages of the Path, Mind Training, and Esoteric Practice, Part One

Book Description

​A comprehensive selection of texts central to the Kadam lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, including topics like Mind Training, Stages of the Path, and esoteric tantric instructions. The Treasury of Precious Instructions by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet’s greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own. ​​The Kadam lineage derives from the teachings and practices taught by the Indian master Atiśa and his Tibetan students. Atiśa spent twelve years in Tibet and left a scholarly and devotional lineage that would be significant to all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, but particularly the Geluk, the tradition of the Dalai Lamas, which fashioned themselves as the New Kadam tradition. ​ Jamgön Kongtrul’s catalog to The Treasury of Precious Instructions classifies Kadam literature into five categories: treatise, instruction, esoteric practice, ancillary works, and associated works. The first two are the main topics covered in this volume: Lamrim, or Stages of the Path, and Lojong, or Mind Training. These two Kadam teachings continue to exert a significant influence on Tibetan Buddhism and therefore represent the legacy of the Kadam tradition. ​The first centers around “The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment,” written by the eleventh-century Indian master Atiśa who spent twelve years in Tibet, and this volume also includes stories of Atiśa’s life and travels. The second set of teachings consists of aphorisms known as the Seven-Point Mind Training, meant to be used as contemplative practices to develop compassion and transform the mind. These selections show not only the foundational texts of the Kadam tradition but also the widespread impact these teachings continued to have across traditions.

Lama Chopa Jorcho eBook

Book Description

English and Phonetics only. Lama Chopa is a practice of guru devotion special to the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism where we invoke all the lamas of the graduated path lineage beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha himself, extending to our present direct teachers who have shown us the path. Practicing this Guru Puja [Lama Chopa], which is an integration of the three deities, makes it much easier to achieve enlightenment in a brief life of this degenerated time. Doing this practice every day, with purification and many infinite skies of merit, brings the mind closer to the path to enlightenment and closer to enlightenment itself, and so much closer to freeing all sentient beings from obscurations and suffering and leading them to enlightenment. Putting the meaning of this into practice in ones life makes each day extremely rich and worthwhile. - Lama Zopa Rinpoche 148 pages, Oct. 2016 edition.

The Path to Bliss

Book Description

Clear, eloquent, simple, and profound, His Holiness's teachings are easily accessible to beginning practitioners yet richly nourishing to those more advanced in practice. In The Path to Bliss, the Dalai Lama shows how visualization, reason, and contemplation can be systematically crafted to enhance personal development. Beginning with practices designed to create an effective mental outlook, His Holiness skillfully guides the student to more advanced techniques for developing the mind's deepest potential and happiness. An impeccable attention to the correctness of detail, yet manages at the same time to convey a sense of playfulness, a balance of specific technical guidance, and delightful asides. It exemplifies the sophistication and elegance of Tibetan Buddhist methods for spiritual development.

How to Free Your Mind

Book Description

Tara, the feminine embodiment of enlightened activity, is a Buddhist deity whose Tibetan name means "liberator," signaling her ability to free beings from the delusion and ignorance that keep them trapped in ever-recurring patterns of negativity. She embodies a challenge, but one that is profoundly nurturing: to transform our minds and become like her, reflecting the tranquility, compassion, and wisdom that make her so beautiful. Thubten Chodron describes a simple meditation on Tara, explaining its benefits and its application to daily life. She also presents two well-loved praises—"Homage to the Twenty-one Taras" and "A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible"—together with reflections on their meanings for modern practitioners.

Door to the Diamond Way

Book Description

Door to the Diamond Way: A Guide to Higher Happiness by Tsongkapa (1357-1419) with an explanation by Pabongka Rinpoche (1871-1941) translated by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin, with Geshe Michael Roach No matter what country we live in, or what religion we believe in, or what work we do, the ancient wisdom of the Buddha can lead us to greater success, and higher happiness. Door to the Diamond Way was written by Tsongkapa (1357-1419), the famous teacher of the first Dalai Lama. In 1402 he climbed atop a mountain called the Lion Crag, far above an ancient Tibetan monastery. Here he fell into a deep vision where he sat among the greatest teachers of two thousand years, immersed directly in the nectar of their wisdom. When he finally came out of his vision, Tsongkapa wrote a song to his teachers called The Source of All My Good. These verses are themselves an exquisite guide to inner and outer personal success. By tradition, they are used to prepare a disciple for the quest to make direct contact with angelic beings—a journey which is itself called “The Diamond Way.” The work has been translated by Geshe Lobsang Tharchin, one of the greatest lamas of modern times, along with Geshe Michael Roach, author of The Diamond Cutter. Profits from the sale of this book go to benefit the Diamond Cutter Classics translation program