The Range Expansion of the Northern Barred Owl

Book Description

Since their range expansion into the Pacific Northwest, anecdotal evidence suggests that northern barred owls (Strix varia varia) may be displacing northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina). My objectives were to characterize barred owl distribution and population increase in Oregon, investigate spotted owl territory performance before and after barred owl detection, and document cases of hybridization between barred owls and spotted owls. Between 1974-1998, 706 unique barred owl territories were reported in Oregon. At five spotted owl demographic study areas in Washington and Oregon, barred owl detections increased rapidly between 1987-1999. After barred owls were detected within 0.80 km of the spotted owl territory center, occupancy of spotted owls declined, and there was a significant likelihood of spotted owl displacement when barred owls were either currently or previously present. When barred owls were detected between 0.81-2.40 km from the spotted owl territory center, there was no difference in mean occupancy of spotted owls after barred owls were detected, and spotted owl detection rates when barred owls were currently or previously present were not significantly different from territories without barred owls. There was no effect on spotted owl reproductive performance after barred owls were detected within 0.80 km or between 0.8 1-2.40 km of the territory center. When barred owls were detected within 0.80 km of a spotted owl territory center, 46% of the spotted owls moved> 0.80 km and 39% were never found again. In comparison, at territories without barred owls, only 21% of spotted owls moved> 0.80 km, and only 11% disappeared completely. When barred owls were detected between 0.81-2.40 km from the territory center there was no difference in rates of movement or disappearance of spotted owls between territories with and without barred owls. Reports of hybridization between spotted owls and barred owls are uncommon. Between 1974 and 1999, 24 adult and 26 juvenile hybrids were confirmed in Washington and Oregon. Data from this study suggest that barred owls pose a threat to spotted owls but it is too soon to predict whether trends observed in this study will continue, or will spread to other areas.

Competitive Interactions and Resource Partitioning Between Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls in Western Oregon

Book Description

The federally threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is the focus of intensive conservation efforts that have led to much forested land being reserved as habitat for the owl and associated wildlife species throughout the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Recently, however, a relatively new threat to spotted owls has emerged in the form of an invasive competitor: the congeneric barred owl (Strix varia). As barred owls have rapidly expanded their populations into the entire range of the northern spotted owl, mounting evidence indicates that they are displacing, hybridizing with, and even killing spotted owls. The barred owl invasion into western North America has made an already complex conservation issue even more contentious, and a lack of information on the ecological relationships between the 2 species has hampered conservation efforts. During 2007-2009 I investigated spatial relationships, habitat selection, diets, survival, and reproduction of sympatric spotted owls and barred owls in western Oregon, USA. My overall objective was to determine the potential for and possible consequences of competition for space, habitat, and food between the 2 species. My study included 29 spotted owls and 28 barred owls that were radio-marked in 36 neighboring territories and monitored over a 24-month tracking period. Based on repeated surveys of both species, the number of territories occupied by pairs of barred owls in the 745 km2 study area (82) greatly outnumbered those occupied by pairs of spotted owls (15). Estimates of mean size of home-ranges and core-use areas of spotted owls (1,843 ha and 305 ha, respectively) were 2-4 times larger than those of barred owls (581 ha and 188 ha, respectively). Individual spotted and barred owls in adjacent territories often had overlapping home ranges, but inter-specific space sharing was largely restricted to broader foraging areas in the home range with minimal spatial overlap among core-use areas. I used an information-theoretic approach to rank discrete choice models representing alternative hypotheses about the influence of forest conditions and interspecific interactions on species-specific patterns of nighttime habitat selection. Spotted owls spent a disproportionate amount of time foraging on steep slopes in ravines dominated by old (>120 yrs old) conifer trees. Barred owls used available forest types more evenly than spotted owls, and were most strongly associated with patches of large hardwood and conifer trees that occupied relatively flat areas along streams. Spotted and barred owls differed in the relative use of old conifer forest (higher for spotted owls) and slope conditions (steeper slopes for spotted owls). I found no evidence that the 2 species differed in their use of young, mature, and riparian-hardwood forest types, and both species avoided forest-nonforest edges. The best resource selection function for spotted owls indicated that the relative probability of a location being selected was reduced if the location was within or in close proximity to a core-use area of a barred owl. I used pellet analysis and measures of food niche overlap to examine the potential for dietary competition between spatially associated pairs of spotted owls and barred owls. I identified 1,223 prey items from 15 territories occupied by pairs of spotted owls and 4,299 prey items from 24 territories occupied by pairs of barred owls. Diets of both species were dominated by nocturnal mammals, but diets of barred owls included many terrestrial, aquatic, and diurnal prey species that were rare or absent in diets of spotted owls. Northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus), woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes, N. cinerea), and lagomorphs (Lepus americanus, Sylvilagus bachmani) were particularly important prey for both owl species, accounting for 81% and 49% of total dietary biomass for spotted owls and barred owls, respectively. Dietary overlap between pairs of spotted and barred owls in adjacent territories ranged from 28-70% (mean = 42%) In addition to overlap in resource use, I also identified strong associations between the presence of barred owls and the behavior of spotted owls, as shown by changes in space-use, habitat selection, and reproductive output of spotted owls exposed to different levels of spatial overlap with barred owls in adjacent territories. Barred owls in my study area displayed both numeric and demographic superiority over spotted owls; the annual survival probability of radio-marked spotted owls from known-fate analyses (0.81, SE = 0.05) was lower than that of barred owls (0.92, SE = 0.04), and barred owls produced over 6 times as many young over a 3-year period as spotted owls. Survival of both species was positively associated with an increasing proportion of old (>120 yrs old) conifer forest within the home range, which suggested that availability of old forest was a potential limiting factor in the competitive relationship between the 2 species. When viewed collectively, my results support the hypothesis that interference competition with a high density of barred owls for territorial space can act to constrain the availability of critical resources required for successful recruitment and reproduction of spotted owls. My findings have broad implications for the conservation of spotted owls, as they suggest that spatial heterogeneity in survival and reproduction may arise not only because of differences among territories in the quality of forest habitat, but also because of the spatial distribution of an invasive competitor.


Book Description

A fascinating introduction to the biology, life cycle, and behavior of owls Illustrated with gorgeous watercolor paintings and full-color photography Features an identification guide to all North American species Owls have always occupied a special place in the popular imagination, regarded throughout history as both harbingers of doom and symbols of wisdom. In this newest title in Stackpole's Wild Guide series, author Cynthia Berger explores the lives of these mysterious creatures, including their fearsome hunting abilities, their surprisingly tender courtship rituals, and, of course, their haunting vocalizations. Also included is an identification guide covering the full range of North American species-from the tiny Elf Owl to the imposing Great Gray Owl-as well as tips for observing owls in the wild. There are even instructions for building your own nest box to attract these remarkable birds to your backyard.