The Rauceby Burial Grounds

Book Description

This is the story of Rauceby Asylum near Sleaford in Lincolnshire and its two burial grounds containing over 700 former patients.Case studies are given on several patients based on medical notes made at the turn of the century.

The Ontario Military Hospital

Book Description

This is the story of the Ontario Military Hospital which was built in Orpington, Kent in 1916. The hospital was extended in 1917 and became the No.16 Canadian General Hospital. In 1919 the hospital was taken over by the Ministry of Pensions and later by Kent County Council. In 1948 Orpington Hospital became part of the NHS. Today only the Canada Wing remains.

Royal West Kents in Orpington

Book Description

This is the story of the men from Orpington who fought and died in the Royal West Kent Regiment in the Great War and the Second World War.

Canadian Corner

Book Description

The story of the men of Canada who fought and died in the Great War and were buried in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery - known locally as Canadian Corner - at All Saints churchyard, Orpington, Kent.

Seven Steps to Glory: Private Pateman Goes to War

Book Description

This is the story of Walter Pateman, a Gypsy who was born at Leg of Mutton Common, Farnborough, Kent in 1886 and who died in action during the Great War near Leg of Mutton Wood, Bouchavesnes, France in 1917.

Ten Pound Pom: Victor Poxon Goes To War

Book Description

This is the story of Victor Poxon and time in the Royal Navy during the Second World War on HMS Aurora and his life in Australia in the 1960s and 70s.

Cray to Canada: Frank Rodbourne Goes To War

Book Description

The story of Frank Rodbourne and his time in the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force during the Great War.

Parliamentary Papers

Book Description