The Real Narrow Path into the Hidden Kingdom of God

Book Description

This book was birthed as a result of seeing many sincere Christians falling into heresy, myths, and fairy tales spun by irresponsible preachers who would speak anything in order to gain an audience through lies and deceit. The contents of this book are not fictional. They were all painstakingly tested and lived in order to test the doctrines learnt in the modern churches. This book is dedicated to help those who want to move in the Spirit of God, to be truly led by him and not by man-made rules and teachings, which have no power to manifest the presence of God in their walk. The author teaches how to hear from God and the main principles or laws in the kingdom of God that is true kingdom living. The author was ordained and called by God through three distinct verses given supernaturally by the Holy Spirit; these are Numbers 33:33, Job 33:33, and Ezekiel 33:33.

The Narrow Path - The Road Less Travelled

Book Description

May the Grace of God and of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with us all, as we all journey into the Narrow Path. May the Glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ be preached throughout all the earth. And may we all meet and see each other in Heaven! In Christ Always. Amen.

The Narrow Way

Book Description

Jim Clark is the founder of Ministers Training Institute which has been training five-fold ministry for thirty years. In apostolic form he has planted churches and has overseen pastors since the 1980's. Presently he spends his time writing "spiritually technical" books to assist present day ministry. He is the author of The Harmony of Proverbs, The Church and Present Day Apostleship, 101 Things Every Pastor Should Know, Romans, A commentary, A Brief Theology (encapsulated systematic theology). The is presently writing The Church in a Cultural Conflict. Jim was born in Connecticut in the 1930's; he received his BA from William Carey College, his MDiv from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctorate from Vision International University. He is married to his wife, Janet and they now have seven children, twenty-five grand children and two great-grand children. The reside in Prairieville, Louisiana and are an integral part of the Bethany World Prayer Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; where Jim serves as one of the Apostolic presbyters. "The Narrow Way" a Handbook on Discipleship takes a 'raw' convert into a lifestyle of discipleship beginning with his conversion and water baptism into a thorough training of Jesus' Character (some 50 aspects) to develop proper motives and attitudes. The disciple learns not only the Scriptural values of every aspect of the narrow way, but is also trained to strengthen them using the sixteen disciplines the early church practiced to allow the salvation experience to be enhanced - spirit, soul and body. The goal, of course, for every disciple is to serve God; but in the normal church experience that follows the American culture; it is usually a "fast track" that results in an uninformed and ill-prepared "leader" that ninety-five time out of one hundred - fails; usually causing the ill-trained member to leave the church and often his Lord. The book discusses the aspects and processes from which come true leaders-servants that are ready for Kingdom living.

Shaped in the Fire

Book Description

While walking through many trials of hardship, brokenness and shattered dreams, I found myself desperate to find the Lord on an intimate level. During that time, the scripture: “knock and the door will be opened, seek and you will find” became reality to me. I found myself in His constant presence, discovering life in the spirit. There in the fire where everything around me fell apart, Jesus met and drew me into His heart. No words can express the love I developed for the Lord. On this journey, I discovered a key that has the power to unveil the true identity inside of our being and to open our mind to true and hidden things of God’s Kingdom and – most importantly – to the greatest love affair with our Creator. Once we discover that we are not merely human but a spirit being and thus meant to live in the Spirit we cannot get enough of His presence because He becomes the very center of our existence. This key is the prayer language of the Holy Spirit, which has set me free, given me strength beyond my own understanding and still is opening my eyes to the spiritual reality more and more every day. It sets my heart on fire, burning with a holy desire for the holy God, the only true God. What an adventure awaits those who become one with the Holy Spirit and embrace Him fully.

The Hidden Kingdom

Book Description

There are divine moments in life when you turn a corner and are astounded by unexpected, breathtaking vistas that you never imagined. Suddenly, your world is changed forever. You have entered a supernatural realm, an eternal dimension, where Jesus is Lord and creation itself shouts His glory. The brilliantly illuminating revelation in The Hidden Kingdom will catapult you into such an experience. Embark on a voyage of discovery into the mystery of God’s timeless realm. If you want an empowered life, if you dare to engage in a life-changing adventure, this book will lead you on a journey into the heart of God.

The Narrow Path

Book Description

We have been warned that the way to life is narrow and few will find it. We as humans are searching for meaning, but apart from God's light we stumble in darkness. This is one woman's journey of spiritual blindness of the New age, Occult, and mysticism in the church, to finding the true light that can only be found in Jesus.

Faith, Hope, and Love in the Kingdom of God

Book Description

We live in a world full of challenges. The three graces can almost be seen as motors for Christian life in today's world, but the words faith, hope, and love have so many everyday uses that their technical, theological meanings are, for many, difficult to appreciate. Modern life also leaves many yearning for authenticity and meaning. Many religions have answered that need by calling to mind the image of a path. Always profound progressions, religious paths tend to be motivated either by practices (the act of walking the path) or focal points. Christianity has a focal point, an object, and it sees the three graces as distinctively content filled. The heart of this book is about helping people find the Christian path and their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual balance--an equilibrium that is sustained by a strong personal faith, an enduring hope for the future, and genuine love that will withstand the worst of times. It contributes to the category of Christian literature that provides a pattern for Christian living without surrendering the intellect to the more popular side of this genre.

The Homiletic Review

Book Description

Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Book Description

Originally published in the Aleut (Eskimo) language in 1833, this book is a simple yet challenging introduction to Christianity from one of the greatest teachers of the Russian Orthodox Church: sainted Russian Bishop and missionary Innocent Veniaminov. Timeless and universal, this updated edition--which includes a new section entitled "Points for Reflection" at the end of each chapter--discusses what it means to know God and have a relationship with Jesus. It will appeal to those seeking to understand their own faith more fully.