Tiberius Caesar

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The Reign of Tiberius

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The Reign of Tiberius

Book Description

Kings were the original Magistrates of Rome: Lucius Brutus founded Liberty and the Consulship: Dictators were chosen occasionally, and used only in pressing exigencies. Little more than two years prevailed the supreme power of the Decemvirate, and the consular jurisdiction of the military Tribunes not very many. The domination of Cinna was but short, that of Sylla not long. The authority of Pompey and Crassus was quickly swallowed up in Caesar; that of Lepidus and Anthony in Augustus. The Commonwealth, then long distressed and exhausted by the rage of her civil dissensions, fell easily into his hands, and over her he assumed a sovereign dominion; yet softened with a venerable name, that of Prince or Chief of the Senate. But the several revolutions in the ancient free state of Rome, and all her happy or disastrous events, are already recorded by writers of signal renown. Nor even in the reign of Augustus were there wanting authors of distinction and genius to have composed his story; till by the prevailing spirit of fear, flattery, and abasement they were checked. As to the succeeding Princes, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero; the dread of their tyranny, whilst they yet reigned, falsified their history; and after their fall, the fresh detestation of their cruelties inflamed their Historians. Hence my own design of recounting briefly certain incidents in the reign of Augustus, chiefly towards his latter end, and of entering afterwards more fully into that of Tiberius and the other three; unbiassed as I am in this undertaking by any resentment, or any affection; all the influences of these personal passions being far from me...


Book Description

Robin Seager has updated his classic biography of Tiberius, which focuses on the Emperor’s complex character as the key to understanding his reign. The most readable account available of the life of Tiberius, the second Roman emperor. Argues that Tiberius’ character provides the key to understanding his reign. Portrays Tiberius as a man whose virtues and beliefs were corrupted by power. Shows how Tiberius’ fears of conspiracy and assassination caused him to lose his grasp of reality. A new afterword discusses important new evidence that has come to light on the reign of Tiberius.


Book Description

Habitually vilified as a monstrous tyrant, Emperor Tiberius has been one of history's enigmas. Now he speaks for himself - a proud, secretive, troubled man, a great general yet reluctant ruler, disgusted by the degeneracy which surrounds him. In this sequel to Augustus, Allan Massie combines a compelling study in public power and private tragedy with a vibrant portrait of the Roman world.

Tiberius Caesar

Book Description

Including the latest research, a revised and expanded bibliography and a new index, David Shotter has updated this second edition throughout to provide a clear and concise survey of the character and life of Tiberius Caesar.


Book Description

Compared with the preceding rulers, Julius Caesar and Augustus, the name does not ring out with the same fame and pomposity. Shakespeare wrote no plays about Tiberius; his name does not echo in the history books with the same awe-inspiring prominence.

The Successor

Book Description

Vivid, scandalous, and thought-provoking, The Successor tells the story of a somber man--a figure neither wholly sympathetic nor entirely repulsive--who became an emperor, and of an emperor who became a tyrant.

The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus

Book Description

The book contains the Annals, written by the Roman historian and senator Tacitus. It is a historical account of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius to that of Nero, and this particular volume focuses specifically on sections regarding the reign of Tiberius. The Annals are an important source for modern understanding of the history of the Roman Empire during the 1st century AD. They are Tacitus' final work, and are generally considered to be his greatest writing by modern historians. Historian Ronald Mellor has called the Annals Tacitus's crowning achievement, representing the pinnacle of Roman historical writing.