The Relationship Between Demographic Characteristics and Stigma Toward Utilizing Mental Health Support Services in College Student-Athletes

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Current research has suggested that college student-athletes are at an increased risk for experiencing mental illness but utilize mental health support services at a lower rate than the general college student population. Stigma toward mental illness has been identified as a factor that can influence student-athletes' decision to utilize mental health support services. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between the demographic variables of socioeconomic status, sport played, class, race and gender and levels of stigma toward mental illness and peers that utilize mental health support services. This study also investigated college student-athletes' perceived attitudes toward the benefits and barriers to utilizing mental health support services. The participants in this study were 141 NCAA student-athletes who completed an online survey assessing stigma and attitudes toward peers that utilize mental health support services. Follow-up interviews were conducted with seven participants to gain a deeper understanding of the salient attitudes toward the benefits and barriers to utilizing mental health support services. Analyses were conducted to identify relationships between demographic variables and high stigma levels. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between sport played, class, and gender and stigma levels within the sample. Also, qualitative analysis indicated that self-awareness was identified as a perceived benefit to utilizing mental health support services, but mental health illiteracy, fear of being labelled, and stigma were perceived barriers to utilizing mental health support services in this sample. Findings from this study have implications for how college athletic departments deliver effective mental health support programs to their student-athletes.

Mental Health Service Utilization, Knowledge, Stigma, and Protective Factors in a College Student Sample

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Students of color and student-athletes undergo unique stressors in college, such as discrimination and time constraints, that impact their mental health needs. They have shown more mental health stigma and less service utilization. This study explored these variables and groups using secondary data analyses from the 2019-2020 Healthy Minds Study (HMS). The current study hypothesized that utilization would be associated with stigma, knowledge, and resilience. Additionally, student-athletes and students of color would report less utilization and more stigma and resilience. Results indicated that students of color reported no difference in utilization and less stigma and resilience than White students. Student-athletes reported less utilization and more stigma and resilience. Resilience was found to be a moderator between mental health difficulties and utilization. Resiliency is an important component among aspects of mental health in college students. As such, this research provides important information about help-seeking habits and considerations for interventions in these populations.

Student-athletes' Perceptions of Mental Illness and Attitudes Towards Help-seeking

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The negative effects of disclosing a history of mental illness and the need for mental health services are well documented in the professional literature (Corrigan, 2005). Being labeled as "mentally ill" can lead to negative stereotypes placed on the individual that lead to prejudice and discrimination (Corrigan, 2004). These negative effects of disclosing psychological disturbances have led to some individuals being hesitant to seek help, even if the individuals or those close to them feel it is needed (Thornicroft, 2006). College students are a vulnerable population due to the likelihood that they will experience their first psychological disturbance during their college years (Eisenberg, Golberstein, & Gollust, 2007), making access to mental health care crucial. College student-athletes may be even more at-risk for certain psychological disturbances, based on their unique demands and environmental stressors they face (Pinkerton, Hintz, & Barrow, 1989). College student-athletes appear to be underutilizing the mental health services available to them on college campuses (Watson & Kissinger, 2007). Prior studies have shown that college student-athletes are less likely to seek out mental health treatment than other college students (Watson, 2005). The purpose of this study was to see whether or not college student-athletes would exhibit more negative attitudes than student-nonathletes towards mental illness. This study also compared the attitudes toward seeking psychological help between athletes and non-athletes (using a measure developed for use with student-athletes and student-nonathletes by Watson, 2005). Scales that measure social distance, perceived devaluation and discrimination towards mental illness were used to operationalize stigma towards mental illness. The scales this study used to measure social distance (Martin et al., 2000) and perceived discrimination towards mental illness (Link, 1987) had never been used before in a student-athlete population. The potential roles that athletic identity, race, and gender play in treatment-seeking comfort were also examined.

The Examination of the Attitudes and Stigma Toward Mental Health Services Held by Black College Student-athletes and College Nonathletes

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Author's abstract: The primary purpose of the current study was to examine the differences in attitudes and stigma toward mental health services between Black college student-athletes and college nonathletes. The secondary purpose of the study was to examine any gender difference in attitudes and stigma toward mental health services between Black college student-athletes and college nonathletes. A Mann-Whitney U statistical analysis was used to compare participant results from the three stigma toward mental health services survey measurements (Komiya et al., 2000; Vogel et al., 2006; Vogel et al., 2009). The current study hoped to further advance the literature examining the attitudes and stigma toward mental health services held by racially diverse college student-athlete populations.

Exploring Mental Health Help-seeking Behaviors in Student-athletes

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Introduction: Adolescents and young adults experience a high level of mental health conditions.These disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The prevalence rate for 18-25-years-olds is 8.7% in 12 months. Mental health conditions are treatable, yet many people do not seek professional help. Seeking help from a professional source is particularly important for preventing, early detection, treatment, and recovery from mental health conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to demonstrate the prevalence of depression, explore student-athletes attitudes towards seeking mental health help, understand what factors may influence help-seeking behaviors, and explore the athlete's perceptions of the role that athletic trainers play in the assessment and referral process. Methods: An exploratory, concurrent mixed methods design was used. Survey data from the ATSPPH-SF and PHQ-9 were collected from collegiate student-athletes. A phenomenological approach will guide the qualitative research process. Semi-structured interviews will be audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using an interpretive thematic analytical approach. Study Participants: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes participating at the Divsion III (DIII) level. Results: The prevalence of depression was almost 42% in the study population. There was no relationship between PHQ-9 scores and sex. Attitudes towards seeking help were generally positive. Females tend to have more favorable attitudes than males, but this finding was not statistically significant. There was no relationhship between PHQ-9 scores and ATSPPH-SF scores. Barriers to help-seeking included perceived seriousness, stigma, lack of time, accessibility, prefer to handle issues on own, and cost. Facilitators to help-seeking included perceived and nee-problems that were serious enough to warrant help and a supportive network. Clinical Importance: As we continue to address the mental health crisis, it is imperative to understand what prevents student-athletes from seeking professional psychological help and develop supportive programs to help them overcome these barriers. Certified athletic trainers, coaches, and other athletic personel need to understand the seriousness of untreated mental health conditions and be educated to recognize when an athlete may be struggling with issues beyond their control. Knowing when to refer a student-athlete to a professional is essential in preventing potential unnecessary and irreversible consequences.

Mind Body and Sport

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Exploring the Relationship Between Team Characteristics and Mental Health Symptoms Amongst Student Athletes

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Depression and anxiety are disabling conditions that are particularly prevalent amongst young adults (Wolanin, Hong, Marks, Panchoo, & Gross, 2016). Student athletes must cope with extensive time demands that go beyond those of ordinary young adults, consequently putting them at increased risk to experiencing mental health issues. Numerous factors may influence an athlete's well being, such as gender, injury, and type of sport. This study tests these various factors but also extends previous literature by analyzing the effects of team dynamics on student athlete mental health. An anonymous multi-part questionnaire was sent out to all JMU athletes in the Fall of 2017. Chi square statistical tests were used to determine whether there was a mathematical association between team characteristics and the presence or absence of mental health symptoms. There was a significant correlation between 'pressure' and anxiety (X2 = 13.403, p = .009). In addition, 'inability to trust teammates' and 'not sharing goals of personal improvement' also contributed to increased levels of anxiety. There was a significant correlation between serious injuries and depression (X2 = 4.325, p = .038). Lack of time for social life and inability to effectively manage conflicts within the team both contributed to increased levels of depression as well. Fortunately, the data showed that JMU's student athletes had higher mental health scores than American college students as a whole, according to prior research, and they do feel as though the resources available to them are adequate.

The Stigma of Mental Illness - End of the Story?

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This book makes a highly innovative contribution to overcoming the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness – still the heaviest burden both for those afflicted and those caring for them. The scene is set by the presentation of different fundamental perspectives on the problem of stigma and discrimination by researchers, consumers, families, and human rights experts. Current knowledge and practice used in reducing stigma are then described, with information on the programmes adopted across the world and their utility, feasibility, and effectiveness. The core of the volume comprises descriptions of new approaches and innovative programmes specifically designed to overcome stigma and discrimination. In the closing part of the book, the editors – all respected experts in the field – summarize some of the most important evidence- and experience-based recommendations for future action to successfully rewrite the long and burdensome ‘story’ of mental illness stigma and discrimination.

Establishing Foundational Data on the Mental Health Functioning, Stress, Mood, Self-Regulation Capacity, and Perceptions of Coaching Climate of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Student-Athletes

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Mental health has become increasingly important on post-secondary campuses across Canada, as the majority of university students represent the cohort of the Canadian populace that is most vulnerable to mental illness, substance abuse, and suicide. Evidence suggests that student-athletes, a visible and diverse sub-population of university students, are at equal risk of experiencing a mental illness (Reardon & Factor, 2010), but could be even more vulnerable to mental health challenges than their non-athlete peers (Neal et al., 2013; Watson & Kissinger, 2007), given the additional demands and pressures that they face. Problematic though, is that the culture of athletics and prevailing stigma surrounding mental illness can lead student-athletes to overreport their well-being and deny distress (Steiner, Denny, & Stemmle, 2010), as well as underutilize the mental health services available to them on campus (Lopez & Levy, 2013). Although researchers have investigated the mental health of American college students (e.g., Eklund, Dowdy, Jones, & Furlong, 2011) and attempted to understand the vulnerability of National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) student-athletes to specific mental illnesses (e.g., eating disorders and substance abuse, Reardon & Factor, 2010), no study to date has investigated the mental health of student-athletes competing in Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS), particularly not using a holistic lense. As such, the overall purpose of the present study was to provide foundational data relating to Canadian student-athletes' mental health functioning and other relevant indices such as their stress levels, mood, capacity to self-regulate, and perceptions of coaching climate. The first objective was to understand (a) the level and prevalence of mental health functioning (MHF) of student-athletes competing in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) system at two different time points in their academic year (Fall = Time 1, Winter = Time 2) and (b) whether significant differences existed in their levels of MHF (emotional, social, and psychological well-being) between Time 1 and Time 2 and based on gender, alcohol use, living situation, year of study, and type of sport. Results indicated that the student-athletes from 30 different Canadian universities experienced moderate to high levels of MHF at both time points, including those who reported a previous mental illness diagnosis. Furthermore, there was a higher prevalence of flourishing compared to languishing student-athletes at both time points. Repeated measures MANOVA tests indicated that student-athletes' MHF did not significantly differ across time based on their gender, alcohol use, living situation, year of study, and/or type of sport. However, when a 5-way MANOVA test was conducted with the larger sample Time 1 data to have more statistical power, results revealed a significant main effect of gender, suggesting that women had significantly lower levels of social well-being than men during the first part of the academic/athletic year (see Article 1). The second objective was to examine relationships between variables that could potentially influence the MHF of CIS student-athletes, namely, their stress, mood, self-regulation capacity, and perceptions of the coaching climate. A path analysis revealed that the student-athletes' MHF was significantly impacted by the frequency of their maladaptive reactions to stressors, mood states, capability to self-regulate, and the climate fostered by coaches. The third aim was to determine if changes in student-athletes' self-regulation capacity over the academic/athletic year were related to changes in the other variables of interest. A t-test was first run to establish whether there was a change in their self-regulation capacity from Time 1 to Time 2, however, their levels remained steady over these time points. A subsequent path analysis showed that change scores in self-regulation capacity were not significantly related to change scores in MHF, stress, mood, and perceptions of coaching climate (see Article 2). The hope is that the results of this study may inform the strategic directions of mental health promotion and maintenance programming designed for CIS student-athletes in the future.