Maternal Employment

Book Description

This timely book describes numerous empirical research investigations exploring attitudes toward maternal employment. Large samples of young adults were asked a wide variety of questions about their experiences and plans for the future. The impact of maternal employment on relationships with parents was a particular focus of several of these studies. Several studies also explored the views of adolescents, to see if younger individuals saw things differently. Children from both suburban and urban backgrounds were compared. Parents were also surveyed. Their perceptions of the effects of maternal employment on their own and others' families were assessed. Finally, cross-temporal and cross-cultural examinations were conducted, to examine changes in attitudes over time and place. These studies allow the reader to consider the long-term consequences of maternal employment and to juxtapose empirical findings with conventional assumptions about the impact of maternal employment. Some of the findings are consistent with cultural myths, but other findings sharply contrast with conventional wisdom. Reviewing this research will be helpful to those interested in exploring how their families helped to shape their lives, and those formulating career and family plans. Reading this research may enable them to make more informed personal choices.

Female Well-Being

Book Description

This global survey starts from the assumption that the significant transformations in women's lives deserve to be fully documented and interpreted. Janet Mancini Billson and Carlyn Fluehr-Lobban tackle the complexities of social change by using data from countries in every world region to illustrate the most critical challenges that women faced during the last century - challenges that are also likely to shape the 21st century. Global knowledge and feminism dovetailed in the 20th century, fed by international air travel, telecommunications, the internet, and a growing awareness that solving female oppression would improve the lot of all humankind. The authors therefore adopt a strong international, comparative, cross-cultural, and feminist framework that uncovers the fundamental processes that promote, sustain, or degrade the female condition. At the heart of Female Well-Being are case studies written by country teams of scholars, educators, and policy analysts, in Canada, The United States, Colombia, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Japan, Bangladesh, Thailand, South Africa, and Sudan. Female well-being is measured by analysing trends in infant mortality, maternal mortality, literacy, life expectancy, education, work, income, family structure, and political power. These trends are contextualised in the light of the century's major events, legislative initiatives, social policies, and leadership, to illustrate the processes that enhance, sustain, or detract from the female condition. This book will be a critical resource for academics, development experts and policy analysts.

The Underrepresentation of Women in Science: International and Cross-Disciplinary Evidence and Debate

Book Description

There is no shortage of articles and books exploring women’s underrepresentation in science. Everyone is interested--academics, politicians, parents, high school girls (and boys), women in search of college majors, administrators working to accommodate women’s educational interests; the list goes on. But one thing often missing is an evidence-based examination of the problem, uninfluenced by personal opinions, accounts of “lived experiences,” anecdotes, and the always-encroaching inputs of popular culture. This is why this special issue of Frontiers in Psychology can make a difference. In it, a diverse group of authors and researchers with even more diverse viewpoints find themselves united by their empirical, objective approaches to understanding women’s underrepresentation in science today. The questions considered within this special issue span academic disciplines, methods, levels of analysis, and nature of analysis; what these article share is their scholarly, evidence-based approach to understanding a key issue of our time.