High School Principals' Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Teacher Efficacy

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This study investigated the relationship between high school principals' leadership style and teacher efficacy. A mixed method study was conducted using an online survey of current public high school teachers in southeastern Michigan. The quantitative portions of the survey consisted of the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale TES, short form (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy, 2001) and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Avolio & Bass, 2004). Investigation of correlations, if any, were calculated by using Pearson's "r" to understand the aspects of a transformational leadership style that were correlated to high teacher self-efficacy. A factor analysis and reliability investigation indicated that the data generated with the chosen instruments was highly reliable for measuring principals' leadership style and teacher efficacy. Finally, in the qualitative part of the survey, study participants provided answers to an open-ended question about the single most negative factor impacting teacher self-efficacy in today's schools. All teachers' self-efficacy mean scores on a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 on the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TES), short form, ranged from 3.25 to 5, indicating relatively high to high sense of self-efficacy. There were no participants whose self-efficacy mean scores ranged from 1 and>3.25, indicating a relatively low to low self-efficacy rating. Weak to moderate positive correlations were found between teachers with relatively high to high self-efficacy ratings and principals who have transformational leadership styles, especially the characteristic of Intellectual Stimulation. Because all teachers rated their sense of self-efficacy to be relatively high to high, and with no data available to compare relatively low to low scores and principals' leadership style, the data regarding the existence of a relationship between the variables was inconclusive, and the null hypothesis was accepted. No significant relationship exists between high school principals' leadership styles and teacher self-efficacy. In the qualitative portion of the survey instrument, teachers responded to an open-ended question about negative impacts on their sense of efficacy in schools. Comments were analyzed and grouped into themes that included governmental mandates, regulations, and budget cuts; quality of school administration; and parent and community perceptions of education. In general, teachers want to feel valued by parents, the community and the public; they look to their principals for support, guidance, consistency, and acknowledgement. Finally, the mandates and legislative changes that have taken place in Michigan have had a negative impact on teachers' self-efficacy. These responses provided greater understanding of the opinions of the teacher participants in this study. The results of this study have implications for leadership at the district and building level. Building principals who have a transformational leadership style are more likely to foster teachers with high self-efficacy ratings; this, in turn, creates an environment for higher levels of student achievement. It is important that district-level leaders hire transformational leaders and encourage such approaches in existing principals through focused professional development. This study's results have implications for principal preparation programs, encouraging courses that support the development of transformational leadership skills and recognizing the research-based connection to leadership style and high teacher self-efficacy.

An Examination of the Relationship Among Principals' Leadership Styles, Principals' Sense of Efficacy, Teachers' Sense of Efficacy, Teachers' Perceptions of Principal Support, and Teachers' Years of Experience in Urban Georgia Elementary Schools

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The study, "An Examination of the Relationship Among Principals' Leadership Styles, Principals' Sense of Efficacy, Teachers' Sense of Efficacy' Teachers' Perceptions of Principal Support, and Teachers' Years of Experience in Urban Georgia Elementary Schools," was designed to examine the factors impacting the efficacy of principals and teachers in urban elementary schools as related to different leadership styles, novice and experienced teachers and level of readiness versus leadership style. Based on social learning and motivational theories concerning leadership and efficacy, the theories were significant in identifying characteristics of leadership styles, level of readiness, and the sense of efficacy for principals and teachers. The study utilizes a non-experimental quantitative design employing both a descriptive and inferential analysis. Data were acquired from principals and teachers in two urban school systems in Georgia through the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale, Principal Sense of Efficacy Scale, Leadership Styles Questionnaire and the Teacher's Perception of Principal Support Questionnaire. Of the four research questions posed in this body of research, research question one indicated no significant difference in principal self-efficacy by leadership style. The remaining research questions noted a significant correlation between teachers' self-efficacy and perceptions of principal support. A statistical significance suggested a difference between the sense of efficacy of principals and teachers as well as a difference in the sense of efficacy of teachers based upon years of experience.

Assessing Instructional Leadership with the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale

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This volume provides a succinct up-to-date summary of global research on principal instructional leadership as it has evolved over the past 50 years. The book’s particular focus is on the development and use of the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS). The PIMRS is the most widely used survey instrument designed for assessing instructional leadership for research and practice. It has been used in more than 250 studies in more than 30 countries around the world. The authors provide a detailed conceptual and data-based description of the rationale and development of the instrument as well as the ways in which it has been used in practice. The book also provides, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the scale’s measurement properties. This represents essential information for future users of the instrument across different national contexts. Finally, the volume outlines an agenda for improving future research on the role of principal instructional leadership in student learning and school effectiveness.

Distributed Leadership

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Alma Harris The ?eld of school leadership is currently preoccupied with the idea of distributed leadership. Few ideas, it seems, have provoked as much attention, debate and c- troversy. Whatever your position on distributed leadership, and you cannot fail to have one, it is irrefutable that distributed leadership has become the leadership idea of the moment. Yet, it is an idea that can be traced back as far as the mid 20s and possibly earlier. So why the interest? Part of the answer can be found in a move away from theorizing and empirical enquiry focused on the single leader. This shift has undoubtedly been fuelled by structural changes, within schools and across school systems that have resulted in - ternative models or forms of leadership practice. Evidence highlights how those - cupying formal leadership positions are increasingly recognizing the limitations of existing structural arrangements to secure organizational growth and transformation (Fullan et al. , 2007; Harris et al. , 2008; Chapman et al. , 2008). As a consequence, many heads and principals are actively restructuring, realigning and redesigning leadership practice in their school (Harris, 2008). While the terminology to describe such changes varies, the core principle is one of extending or sharing leadership practice. While scholars have long argued for the need to move beyond those at the top of organizations in order to examine leadership (Barnard, 1968; Katz and Kahn, 1966) until relatively recently, much of the school leadership literature has tended tofocusupontheheadortheprincipal.

Principal Self-efficacy, Teacher Perceptions of Principal Performance, and Teacher Job Satisfaction

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In public schools, the principal's role is of paramount importance in influencing teachers to excel and to keep their job satisfaction high. The self-efficacy of leaders is an important characteristic of leadership, but this issue has not been extensively explored in school principals. Using internet-based questionnaires, this study obtained scores on the self-report Principal Sense of Efficacy Scale, including areas of management, instructional, and moral leadership, of 50 elementary, middle, and high school principals in Arizona. These scores were compared to their teachers' perceptions of their leadership (N = 1403 across the 50 schools), using the Leadership Behavior Survey, including subscales on human relations, trust/decision making, instructional leadership, control, and conflict. Teachers reported intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction on the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. As hypothesized, teacher job satisfaction was strongly related to perceptions of their principal's leadership in all areas (total satisfaction ©7 overall perception: r = .645, p

Teachers' Perceptions of Their Principals' Leadership Styles

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This quantitative case study examined teacher perceptions within one rural, public East Tennessee school district of principal leadership styles based upon Kouzes and Posner's five domains: challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart, inspire a shared vision, and model the way to determine if a dominate domain existed within teacher perception of the principal's leadership style. Principals who understand the effectiveness and impact that different leadership styles have upon the school environment, specifically teacher perceptions, generally identify with a particular style allowing the creation of a positive educational environment (Rowland, 2008). Teacher understanding of principals' leadership styles increased self-awareness and job satisfaction the teacher achieved. Effectively decreasing the chances of teacher burnout and job-related stress (Meador, 2016).

Correlating Principals' Self-efficacy Ratings with Ratings of Their Efficacy by Their Teachers

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Principals' perceptions of their leadership efficacy play an important role in the success of the buildings they lead. This study was designed to contribute to the body of educational leadership literature pertaining to principal self-efficacy (PSE), thus informing principals and central office administrators of the importance of PSE. Thus far, research dealing with principal self-efficacy (PSE) has relied heavily on self-reporting. Therefore, the first research question explored the relationship between self-reported PSE ratings and the principals' efficacy ratings and predicted PSE by their teachers. The second research question explored whether or not there is any value in enhancing PSE across the three leadership realms explored: instructional, managerial, and moral leadership tasks. The Principal Sense of Efficacy Scale (PSES), an instrument developed by Tschannen-Moran and Gareis (2004) to measure principals' self-reported leadership efficacy, was administered to a stratified random sample of principals and teachers across the state of Ohio. Demographic variables of race, gender, building level, district typology, and years of service, overall and in current position, were collected. Performance Index (PI) and school building student enrollment data were also collected. Results were analyzed using SPSS Version 18 to compute descriptive and inferential statistics. Significant findings and implications for educational leaders were discussed.

Exploring the Perception of Self-efficacy Among Teachers and Principals in Meeting the Demands of Contemporary School Reform Initiatives

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Results of data analysis indicate that teachers perceive their efficacy in very unique and personal ways. Teachers' sense of self-efficacy was influenced by their own philosophy of teaching, opportunities for collaboration, instructional challenges they faced, learner outcomes, rural community considerations, and the school's sense of collective efficacy. With respect to principals, a number of themes emerged that influenced their sense of self-efficacy including their perceived sense of autonomy, leadership role style, external pressures for accountability, and the overall sense of the school's collective efficacy.

The Perception of Teachers and Principals on Leaders' Behavior Informed by 13 Core Competencies and Its Relationship to Teacher Motivation

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There is an emerging body of literature that places importance on the behavior of leaders of 21st-century schools. Research shows that the behavior of school leaders has a major impact on the effectiveness of a school. The effectiveness of a school is impacted by teacher motivation, and teacher motivation impacts student achievment. Successful school leaders have been found to possess a number of specific skills and attributes necessary to lead effective schools; thus, it is vital that school leaders strive to understand, value, and implement competencies necessary for achieveing success. This study approces excellence in leadership by examining 13 core competencies that school leaders must possess to remain successful in 21st-century schools. The 13 core competencies that inform the behavior of leaders are visionary leadership, curriculum and instruction, assessment, reflection, unity of purpose, diversity, inquiry, collaboration, professional development, professionalism, instructional leadership, organizational management, and learning community.The purpose of this study was to investigate: (a) the extent to which principals percieved that they valued and exhibited behaviors informed by the aforementioned core competencies, (b) the extent to which teachers percieved that principals valued and exhibited behaviors informed by the core competencies, and (c) the relationship, if any, between teacher perceptions and teacher motivation. The Leadership Behavior Inventory and the Attitude Toward Teaching Survey provided data for the research.It was hypothesized that the higher the teachers' perceptions were regarding principal leadership behavior the stronger the teachers' motivation would be. Data found that teachers were more likely to have higher self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and intrinsic motivation when they perceived that principals valued and implemented behaviors informed by the 13 core competencies. This confirms past research, showing that that the 13 core competencies are critical in creating transformational leaders within 21st-century schools.