A Study of the Relationship Between Self-esteem and High-risk Sexual Behaviors in College-aged Black Women

Book Description

The purpose of this research study was to examine the relationship between self- esteem and high-risk sexual behaviors. This project aimed to determine if there was a significant difference in this relationship in Black females and non-Black females. Exploring self-esteem and high-risk sexual behaviors could enhance sexual health programs. A pilot survey was developed to measure high-risk behaviors, self-esteem and intentions of practicing safe sex. The survey was distributed via email to all female undergraduate students attending James Madison University during the Spring 2015 semester. SPSS was used to analyze the data collected. The participants of the study (n=268) were given scores based on their responses in the categories of risk behaviors, self-esteem and intentions. It was found that Black females have significantly higher self- esteem than their non-Black counterparts using the t-test (p=0.018). Findings of this study also suggested high-risk behavior and self-esteem have no correlation (p=0.051). High-risk behaviors and intentions to practice safe sex also had no correlation (p=- 0.014). Neither of these correlations were statistically significant and both were found using Pearson’s correlation. Of the 268 participants, only 21 were Black. In the future, a larger scale study where all races were equally represented may lead to more generalizable and significant results. Future studies on this topic should also examine the origin of high or low self-esteem.

The Social Psychology of Gender

Book Description

Noted for its accessibility, this text--now revised and updated to reflect a decade of advances in the field--examines how attitudes and beliefs about gender profoundly shape all aspects of daily life. From the schoolyard to the workplace to dating, sex, and marriage, men and women alike are pressured to conform to gender roles that limit their choices and impede equality. The text uses real-world examples to explore such compelling questions as where masculine and feminine stereotypes come from, the often hidden ways in which male dominance is maintained, and how challenging conventional romantic ideals can strengthen heterosexual relationships. New to This Edition *Chapter on the sexualization of women's bodies, and resistance to it (including #MeToo). *Chapter on the harmful effects of "real man" ideology. *Numerous new examples drawn from current events. *Updated throughout with the latest theories, research, and findings.

Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance

Book Description

This scholarly work is the most comprehensive existing resource on human physical appearance—how people’s outer physical characteristics and their inner perceptions and attitudes about their own appearance (body image) affect their lives. The encyclopedia’s 117 full-length chapters are composed and edited by the world’s experts from a range of disciplines—social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. The extensive topical coverage in this valuable reference work includes: (1) Important theories, perspectives, and concepts for understanding body image and appearance; (2) Scientific measurement of body image and physical attributes (anthropometry); (3) The development and determinants of human appearance and body image over the lifespan: (4) How culture and society influences the meanings of human appearance; (5) The psychosocial effects of appearance-altering disease, damage, and visible differences; (6) Appearance self-change and self-management; (7) The prevention and treatment of body image problems, including psychosocial and medical interventions. Chapters are written in a manner that is accessible and informative to a wide audience, including the educated public, college and graduate students, and scientists and clinical practitioners. Each well-organized chapter provides a glossary of definitions of any technical terms and a Further Reading section of recommended sources for continued learning about the topic. Available online via ScienceDirect or in a limited-release print version. The Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance is a unique reference for a growing area of scientific inquiry It brings together in one source the research from experts in a variety of fields examining this psychological and sociological phenomenon The breadth of topics covered, and the current fascination with this subject area ensure this reference will be of interest to researchers and a lay audience alike

Close Encounters

Book Description

Taking a relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication, this best-selling text helps students better understand their relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family members. The authors offer research-based insights and content illustrated with engaging scenarios to show how state-of-the-art research and theory can be applied to specific issues within relationships-with a focus on issues that are central to describing and understanding close relationships. While maintaining the spotlight on communication, the authors also emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the study of personal relationships by including research from such disciplines as social psychology and family studies. The book covers issues relevant to developing, maintaining, repairing, and ending relationships. Both the "bright" and "dark" sides of interpersonal communication within relationships are explored.

Encyclopedia of Social Deviance

Book Description

Social deviance does not involve just criminal behavior—it’s any behavior that violates a cultural norm, and that can involve something as minor as consistently and deliberately wearing lively mismatched socks. Moreover, whether a crime, a sin, or simply unique taste, what’s considered deviant at one time and place can change, as when extensive tattooing and "body art" evolved from a sideshow carnival spectacle to a nearly universal rite of passage within U.S. culture. Drawing contributions from across the social and behavioral sciences, including sociology, anthropology, criminology, politics, psychology, and religion, the Encyclopedia of Social Deviance introduces students to this lively field of rule-making and rebellion that strikes at the core of what it means to be an individual living in a social world. Key Features: More than 300 articles are organized A-to-Z in two volumes available in both electronic and print formats. Articles, authored by key figures in the field, conclude with cross-reference links and further readings. Although organized A-to-Z, a thematic “Reader’s Guide” groups related articles by broad areas (e.g., Concepts; Theories; Research Methodologies; Individual Deviance; Organizational Deviance; etc.) as one handy search feature on the e-Reference platform, which also includes a comprehensive index of search terms.

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 9, Special Issue 2

Book Description

University Ethics: The Status of the Field Matthew J. Gaudet A Crisis of Mistaken Identity: The Ethical Insufficiency of the Corporate University Model Conor M. Kelly Discipline is not Prevention: Transforming the Cultural Foundations of Campus Rape Culture Megan K. McCabe Navigating the Ethics of University-Based Medical Research Michael McCarthy Catholic Universities and Religious Liberty Laurie Johnston The System of Scholarly Communication through the Lens of Jesuit Values Lev Rickards and Shannon Kealey The Community Colleges: Giving Them the Ethical Recognition They Deserve James F. Keenan, S.J. The Data and Ethics of Contingent Faculty at Catholic Colleges and Universities Andrew Herr, Julia Cavallo, and Jason King The Ethics Program at Villanova University: A Story of Seed Sowing Mark J. Doorley A University Applied Ethics Center: The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University Brian Patrick Green, David DeCosse, Kirk Hanson, Don Heider, Margaret R. McLean, Irina Raicu, and Ann Skeet Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion —Doing the Work of Mission in the University Teresa A. Nance


Book Description

This bestselling text presents research about gender and helps students think critically about the differences between research findings and gender stereotypes. It examines the biology and social context in which women and men express gendered behaviors. Defining gender as the behaviors and attitudes that relate to (but are not entirely congruent with) biological sex, the book focuses on research and scholarship to provide the material for a critical review and an overall picture of gender from a psychological perspective. To highlight how research findings can relate to people's lives, the book supplements the review of scholarly research with personal, narrative accounts of gender-relevant aspects of people's lives. To emphasize the cross-cultural perspective of gender, the book including a section on diversity in most chapters but also weaves diversity issues throughout the text. The personal narrative and diversity highlights help to balance the research-based scholarship with the personal experience of gender.