The Renaissance: All That Matters

Book Description

Was the Renaissance just a period of extraordinary art and architecture? The Renaissance: All That Matters examines the major developments of the Renaissance era from its beginnings in Italian city/states to later cultural, political, and scientific achievements in France, Spain, England, and Germany. By examining original sources and introducing readers to new research and important debates, this accessible book provides an exciting introduction to the Renaissance age. This book attempts to answer two questions. Firstly, what are the essential features of the Renaissance movement that gradually transformed Europe in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries? Secondly, how many of these cultural, artistic, and intellectual transformations continue to influence modern societies today? The Renaissance began as a renewal of classical Greek and Roman culture that originated in fourteenth-century Italy, gradually spread throughout Europe, and continues to influence Western societies up to the present. The Renaissance: All That Matters introduces the brilliant writers and cultural innovators of the Renaissance, who transformed the West through their scholarly, artistic, and scientific activities, including Francesco Petrarch, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas More, and Galileo Galilee. Throughout the Renaissance, intriguing visionaries revived the study of literature, reformed medieval universities, invigorated the arts, enhanced the economy, explored new geographic worlds, and invented machines and devices such as the printing press, the telescope, firearms, and clocks.

Atheism: All That Matters

Book Description

Why are more and more people believing that there is no god? It sometimes feels that much of the western world is now post-religious. But now the initial charge of Richard Dawkins and the new atheists has past, what does atheism really mean? That is the question that Dylan Evans addresses in this thoughtful and engaging atheist manifesto. Discover what values atheists share with believers. Explore how can a belief that something doesn't exist can still be a belief. And find out whether modern atheism is new or just a new form of an old system of values. Building on the work of atheist philosophers and psychologists, Dylan Evans shows how the history of atheist thought has developed and offers fresh ideas for how life has meaning from an atheist perspective.

Shakespeare's Comedies: All That Matters

Book Description

In Shakespeare's Comedies: All That Matters, Mike Scott explores and explains the secrets that have made Shakespeare's comedies so enduring that they continue to be performed, watched and studied by millions of people every year. Professor Scott focuses in turn on The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, As You Like It and The Merchant of Venice and builds an argument based around Shakepeare's use of language to prompt the audience's imagination and thought. This original little book, and its companion volume Shakespeare's Tragedies, fills a major gap in the market for a book which will enable readers to understand a Shakesperean play in the context of its ouevre. This accessible and readable book will appeal both to students and general readers, giving a fascinating intoruduction to Shakespeare's comedies - and what matters most about them. "'Comedy is a serious business' says Michael Scott - it is, and his splendid short book takes it very seriously as it should, but remains lively and wonderfully readable withall." Dr Drummond Bone, Master of Balliol College, Oxford "An authoritative and expert overview of the entire fields of Shakespearean Comedy and Tragedy combined with persuasive and eminently accessible close readings of particular plays. Michael Scott brings to the task and infectious enthusiasm and deep knowledge of their theatrical, literary and cultural significance and he provides a clear and compelling endorsement of their continued relevance. These books provide an exemplary introduction to the complex world of Shakespearean drama, full of insights, observations, and ideas, all of which are brought firmly to bear on the abiding question of what these plays mean for us today." John Drakakis, Professor of English at the University of Stirling "Everything is so clear - no academic jargon, for instance. With Shakespeare's Comedies, even the most critical scholars can learn something... as well as students at the start of their encounter with Shakespeare and the same for regular theatre goers. To address all three at once... has to be an accomplishment... from the Introduction to the Conclusion... to the last sentence: (the) reader will readily grasp why this series of books is called All That Matters." Professor M.L.Wine, Evanston, USA

Why China did not have a Renaissance – and why that matters

Book Description

Concepts of historical progress or decline and the idea of a cycle of historical movement have existed in many civilizations. In spite of claims that they be transnational or even universal, periodization schemes invariably reveal specific social and cultural predispositions. Our dialogue, which brings together a Sinologist and a scholar of early modern History in Europe, considers periodization as a historical phenomenon, studying the case of the “Renaissance.” Understood in the tradition of J. Burckhardt, who referred back to ideas voiced by the humanists of the 14th and 15th centuries, and focusing on the particularities of humanist dialogue which informed the making of the “Renaissance” in Italy, our discussion highlights elements that distinguish it from other movements that have proclaimed themselves as “r/Renaissances,” studying, in particular, the Chinese Renaissance in the early 20th century. While disagreeing on several fundamental issues, we suggest that interdisciplinary and interregional dialogue is a format useful to addressing some of the more far-reaching questions in global history, e.g. whether and when a periodization scheme such as “Renaissance” can fruitfully be applied to describe non-European experiences.

God: All That Matters

Book Description

In this book: 'Mark Vernon writes with sharp insight and a generous understanding of how humans search and create meanings to sustain their lives' - Madeleine Bunting, Guardian. Why doesn't God go away? God: All That Matters, by philosopher Mark Vernon,suggests that there is something odd about the way God is discussed today. It is often as if the divine were being examined in a test tube, in a search for empirical and objective confirmation of his/her existence. Yet, for people of faith, the experience of God is nothing if not subjectively real; they know God, in-so-far as they do, in their lives. Vernon therefore looks to move the argument on from the debates between atheist and religious fundamentalists, to look at how people through time have looked for, experienced, and explained God - in suffering, in nature, in morality, in peak experiences, in goodness, in the future and in love. This accessible and concise book will appeal to both students and general readers, giving a fascinating introduction to a wide range of perspectives on God. The All That Matters series: All That Matters books: All books in the All That Matters series are written by world experts in their subject field. These experts work to distil a topic and get right to its heart, making the book accessible for both students and general readers. Each compelling book contains new and interesting perspectives and tells stories that matter. The Author: Mark Vernon has an unparalleled ability to convey profound philosophical ideas in a manner that is both accessible and personal but also rigorous and challenging.'- Raymond Tallis Mark Vernon is a journalist, broadcaster, teacher and author of several books. He is an honorary research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and has degrees in physics, and theology and a PhD in philosophy. He was a priest in the Church of England, left a convinced atheist, though now takes religious and spiritual practice very seriously - a journey he has written about in his book How to be an Agnostic. Keep up with Mark Vernon on his website: Other books in the All That Matters series: All That Matters - Interesting introductions to important issues Books on the following subjects are available from the All That Matters series: Muhammad, Water, Political Philosophy, Sustainability, Philosophy, Intelligence, Love, Russian Revolution, War, and Creativity.To find out more visit: God - philosophy - the way God is discussed today - divine - empirical - objective - existence of God - faith - experience of God - subjective - debate - atheist - religious fundamentalists - explaining God - suffering - nature - morality - goodness - love - accessible - concise - students - general readers - fascinating - introduction - perspectives on God - spiritual practice - agnostic - All That Matters - pocket book - Christianity - Judaism - Islam - Buddhism - Sikhism - non-religious - spirituality

History of Medicine: All That Matters

Book Description

The History of Medicine is an amiable amble through medicine's past, designed as a primer for those taking history of medicine modules as part of their studies and for the wider public seeking a relaxed yet informative read. The approach is to follow medicine's history through the author's neatly designed 'Ages' that offer a meaningful way of grasping and memorising key eras and events. Twenty one 'Ages' take us from 'pre-history' to a glimpse of the future. The chapters' themes will clearly straddle timelines rather than be perfectly chronological, although there is a general progression through time. This book is not a description of all that ever happened in medicine's history. It is a collection of true stories of the more pivotal and fascinating bits. Through stories of inspiring and often odd people and inspired and often distinctly unexpected objects we take a journey through the archipelago of medicine's somewhat quirky history and stop on the shores of some of its more alluring islands. Then, armed with the map, the more keenly disposed may dip into the surrounding waters as far and as deeply as they choose.

The Renaissance

Book Description

The exclusive family book, The Renaissance – The Life & Times of the Modis, which is being digitally released on 11 April 2021, showcases Indian values, the importance of simple living and staying connected with family and friends despite being from different countries and cultures.

Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America

Book Description

Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984) was probably the single greatest intellectual influence on young evangelicals of the 1960s and '70s. He was cultural critic, popular mentor, political activist, Christian apologist, founder of L'Abri, and the author of over twenty books and two important films. It is impossible to understand the intellectual world of contemporary evangelicalism apart from Francis Schaeffer.Barry Hankins has written a critical but appreciative biography that explains how Schaeffer was shaped by the contexts of his life -- from young fundamentalist pastor in America, to greatly admired mentor, to lecturer and activist who encouraged world-wary evangelicals to engage the culture around them. Drawing extensively from primary sources, including personal interviews, Hankins paints a picture of a complex, sometimes flawed, but ultimately prophetic figure in American evangelicalism and beyond.

Editing the Harlem Renaissance

Book Description

In his introduction to the foundational 1925 text The New Negro, Alain Locke described the “Old Negro” as “a creature of moral debate and historical controversy,” necessitating a metamorphosis into a literary art that embraced modernism and left sentimentalism behind. This was the underlying theoretical background that contributed to the flowering of African American culture and art that would come to be called the Harlem Renaissance. While the popular period has received much scholarly attention, the significance of editors and editing in the Harlem Renaissance remains woefully understudied. Editing the Harlem Renaissance foregrounds an in-depth, exhaustive approach to relevant editing and editorial issues, exploring not only those figures of the Harlem Renaissance who edited in professional capacities, but also those authors who employed editorial practices during the writing process and those texts that have been discovered and/or edited by others in the decades following the Harlem Renaissance. Editing the Harlem Renaissance considers developmental editing, textual self-fashioning, textual editing, documentary editing, and bibliography. Chapters utilize methodologies of authorial intention, copy-text, manuscript transcription, critical edition building, and anthology creation. Together, these chapters provide readers with a new way of viewing the artistic production of one of the United States’ most important literary movements.

Eating Right in the Renaissance

Book Description

"Albala 's engaging tour through the host of Renaissance dietary theories reminds us that our preoccupations with food and susceptibility to cranky advice about nutrition are nothing new. This is superior scholarship delivered with a light touch."—Rachel Laudan, author of The Food of Paradise: Exploring Hawaii’s Culinary Heritage "This stimulating work is an important contribution to social and especially medical-dietetic history. Albala is the first to explore in detail the role of dietetic literature in the development of the European nation state. His book is a pleasure to read."—Melitta Weiss Adamson, editor of Food in the Middle Ages