The Republican Ethic (President Ram Nath Kovind - Selected Speeches - Vol. IV)

Book Description

In the four-year period since he was elected to the post, President Ram Nath Kovind has been vocal and has been sharing his thoughts on a wide range of subjects endearing himself to the people of the country through his simplicity, thoughtfulness and erudition. This volume contains the speeches delivered by the President during the fourth year of his presidency.

The Republican Ethic

Book Description

The compilation of this volume, includes a wide array of speeches that touch the diverse facets of the nation's life. A total of 58 speeches were selected and categorised into eight sections. These are: (i) Addressing the Nation, (ii) Moral Exemplars, Guiding Lights, (iii) Window to the World, (iv) Educating India, Equipping India, (v) Dharma of Public Service, (vi) Honouring Our Sentinels, (vii) Spirit of the Constitution & Law, and (viii) Acknowledging Excellence. This volume, includes a special section wherein the President expresses his contemplations on two great souls, Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, and the significance of their preachings, especially in the twenty-first century.

The Republican Ethic- President Ram Nath Kovind Selected Speeches (July 2017-July 2018)

Book Description

President Ram Nath Kovind assumed office on July 25, 2017 and in a short span of one year has been able to make a distinct mark in the way he reaches out to the citizens of the country. With the heart of a “common man”, he understands the challenges that India faces as a nation, while as an erudite mind, he has the vision of the India’s rightful place of eminence among the comity of nations.The book “The Republican Ethic” is a collection of 95 of his selected speeches out of a total of 243 made by him in the first year of office. They have been divided in eight sections, viz: Addressing the Nation, Diversity of India, Window to the World, Educating India: Equipping India, Dharma of Public Service, Honouring our Sentinels, Spirit of the Law and Acknowledging Excellence. The book has been conceived to help the readers assess the vision and thought that the President espouses specially with relation to the vision of nation and individual citizen’s duties.

The Republican Ethic

Book Description

The Republican Ethic President Ram Nath Kovind Selected Speeches Vol. 2 (July 2018 - July 2019)

Book Description

This book is second in the series of "The Republican Ethic Selected Speeches of President Ram Nath Kovind", and contains the Hon'ble President's prominent speeches delivered in the second year of his presidency i.e. 2018-19. The volume is a collection of 95 selected speeches and has been divided in 8 sections. A special section has been added to the volume in commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The book will help the reader appreciate the unique style and eloquence of Shri Kovind, in which he maintains the high ideals of governance as enshrined in our Constitution and also reflects upon the dreams of the citizens of India. The President's vision and ethics guide us as a nation to strive for excellence

A Time for Choosing

Book Description

The Last Liberal Republican

Book Description

The Last Liberal Republican is a memoir from one of Nixon’s senior domestic policy advisors. John Roy Price—a member of the moderate wing of the Republican Party, a cofounder of the Ripon Society, and an employee on Nelson Rockefeller’s campaigns—joined Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and later John D. Ehrlichman, in the Nixon White House to develop domestic policies, especially on welfare, hunger, and health. Based on those policies, and the internal White House struggles around them, Price places Nixon firmly in the liberal Republican tradition of President Theodore Roosevelt, New York governor Thomas E. Dewey, and President Dwight Eisenhower. Price makes a valuable contribution to our evolving scholarship and understanding of the Nixon presidency. Nixon himself lamented that he would be remembered only for Watergate and China. The Last Liberal Republican provides firsthand insight into key moments regarding Nixon’s political and policy challenges in the domestic social policy arena. Price offers rich detail on the extent to which Nixon and his staff straddled a precarious balance between a Democratic-controlled Congress and an increasingly powerful conservative tide in Republican politics. The Last Liberal Republican provides a blow-by-blow inside view of how Nixon surprised the Democrats and shocked conservatives with his ambitious proposal for a guaranteed family income. Beyond Nixon’s surprising embrace of what we today call universal basic income, the thirty-seventh president reordered and vastly expanded the patchy food stamp program he inherited and built nutrition education and children’s food services into schools. Richard Nixon even almost achieved a national health insurance program: fifty years ago, with a private sector framework as part of his generous benefits insurance coverage for all, Nixon included coverage of preexisting conditions, prescription drug coverage for all, and federal subsidies for those who could not afford the premiums. The Last Liberal Republican will be a valuable resource for presidency scholars who are studying Nixon, his policies, the state of the Republican Party, and how the Nixon years relate to the rise of the modern conservative movement.

The Last Lincoln Republican

Book Description

Of all the great “what if” scenarios in American history, the aftermath of the presidential election of 1880 stands out as one of the most tantalizing. The end of the Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln had thrown the future of Lincoln’s vision for the country into considerable doubt; the years that followed—marked by impeachment, constitutional change, presidential scandals, and the contested election of 1876—saw Republicans fighting to retain power as they transitioned into the party of “big business.” Enter James A. Garfield, a seasoned politician known for his advocacy of civil rights, who represented the last potential Reconstruction presidency: truly, Benjamin T. Arrington suggests in this book, the last “Lincoln Republican.” The story of the presidential election of 1880, fully explored for the first time in The Last Lincoln Republican, is a political drama of lasting consequence and dashed possibilities. A fierce opponent of slavery before the war, Garfield had fought for civil rights for African Americans for years in Congress. Holding true to the original values of the Republican Party, Garfield wanted to promote equal opportunity for all; meanwhile, Democrats, led by Winfield Scott Hancock, sought to return the South to white supremacy and an inferior status for African Americans. With its in-depth account of the personalities and issues at play in 1880, Arrington’s book provides a unique perspective on how this critical election continues to resonate through our national politics and culture to this day. A close look at the contest of 1880 reveals that Garfield’s victory could have been the start of a period of greater civil rights legislation, a continuation of Lincoln’s vision. This was the choice made by the American people—and, as The Last Lincoln Republican makes poignantly clear, the great opportunity forever lost when Garfield was assassinated just a few months into his term.