The Short-backfire Antenna

Book Description

The Short-backfire Antenna as an Element for High-gain Arrays

Book Description

The short backfire (SBF) antenna consisting of a large reflector illuminated by a dipole feed and smaller disk reflector produces a gain of 15 dB above isotropic. As an array element it has been efficiently adapted for various configurations of high-gain antennas producing gains of up to 25 dB, with a single SBF element capable of replacing four to six elements of a conventional multidipole array. Farfield patterns and directivity measurements are presented for a single element and for a twin element mounted on a common reflector. Optimized dimensions for both cases are discussed for possible application to more complex types of antennas.

The Short-Backfire Antenna: A Numerical-Physical Optics Study of Its Characteristics

Book Description

A numerical-physical optics method is applied to study the circuit (impedance) and radiation characteristics of the short-backfire antenna. This radiator, developed through extensive experimentation by AFCRL, consists of a dipole exciter located between a large rimmed reflector and a small secondary reflector. It has wide bandwidth and high directivity comparable to sophisticated reflector antennas. In the numerical-physical optics method, the following steps are followed: (1) a set of coupled integral equations for the currents excited in the dipole and on the surface of the secondary reflector are formulated and solved numerically, assuming for this step that the large reflector is infinite; (2) the surface currents of the large reflector are approximated by a truncated form of those calculated for the infinite conducting sheet; (3) the radiation field maintained by the currents of the steps (1) and (2) is calculated; and (4) a diffracted field correction is made to account for the finite dimensions of the large reflector and its rim. This method has the advantage, relative to earlier studies, that it can successfully predict the antenna's circuit characteristics. Excellent results are obtained for both square and circular geometries. Comparison is made with experimental measurements made by AFCRL. (Author).

The Backfire Antenna

Book Description

The Short-backfire Antenna as an Element for High-gain Arrays

Book Description

The short backfire (SBF) antenna consisting of a large reflector illuminated by a dipole feed and smaller disk reflector produces a gain of 15 dB above isotropic. As an array element it has been efficiently adapted for various configurations of high-gain antennas producing gains of up to 25 dB, with a single SBF element capable of replacing four to six elements of a conventional multidipole array. Farfield patterns and directivity measurements are presented for a single element and for a twin element mounted on a common reflector. Optimized dimensions for both cases are discussed for possible application to more complex types of antennas.

A Dielectric-rod Backfire Antenna

Book Description

A backfire antenna is described which incorporates a dielectric slow-wave structure in place of the parasitic directors of earlier models. Using previously investigated optimum dimensions, this antenna uses new techniques of energizing in a cross polarized sense. Measurements of far-field patterns, directivity, and isolation between primary planes are given. (Author).

The Backfire Antenna

Book Description

Influence of Variation of Backfire Antenna Parameters. 1

Book Description

A large number of numerical results for Yagi backfire antennas are presented, from which the influence of a variation of the antenna parameters may be deducted. The results were obtained by means of a previously described theory for backfire antennas with dipole elements, and the numerical computations were carried out on a digital computer. Samples of the numerical results were compared with experimental results obtained in a radio anechoic chamber. Finally, the influence of small changes in the general Yagi backfire antenna structure, such as changing the single dipole reflector elements into a half-transparent or solid conducting plate or changing the array of equally long dipole director elements into a tapered array, was investigated. (Author).