The Restless Pen Beverly J Raffaele

Book Description

Mrs. Raffaele encourages all to "free your spirit through the written word." That is why her last two books of poetry are also journals for you to have a place to pen your own thoughts. It is her hope that her poetry will be an inspiration.

Blanket of Darkness Spray of Light

Book Description

From the Author: I encourage all to write. It is a wonderful outlet for the spirit. I am happy to bring this book to you with "A place to Pen Your Thoughts" following every poem. I am proud to say that I share my life with Stephen he is my best friend and husband of thirty plus years. We have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. I love to paint, create, dance, sing, and spoil our grandkids.

Life's Poetic Dance

Book Description

A Journal presenting the poetry of Beverly J. Raffaele...Be inspired by the words of this eclectic collection of poetry. Each verse is about the dance of life. Then at the back of the book is the "Journal" for you to pen your thoughts.

Six Short Stories

Book Description

The stories in this book are honest, sensitive and earthy. You will laugh and you may even cry, but in some way they will touch you. Beth is a socialite who is taught a valuable lesson about giving in the story, "Touched.""The Testimony" is the poignant story of a man who over came wrenching adversity.There is the story of "Jake," the selfish son. In "An Interview with a Preacher," a seminary student is amazed at the candidness and honesty of his Pastor. The short story "Mom's Insane," is gut wrenching. In it's few pages you will find stark raw emotion.The last story is biographical and unbelievable, but very true:"When The Pacific Ocean Came Through Our Front Door."

Billy from Blackwell Lane

Book Description

A child negelcted and abused. A child in limbo and then his life takes turns that no one expects. He has witnessed the worst and the best of life, with very little middle ground. Will he be whole someday?There is a killing and a setting in a small coastal town where everyone knows everyone. This is a compelling story of tragedy, triumph,death and redemption. The ending will not leave you disappointed. The Author Beverly J Raffaele resides in the Pacifc Northwest With her husband Stephen and their naughty cat Mac.View her websight at Artists and Writer's Magazine

Murder in A Small Town A Detective Mike Sullivan Mystery

Book Description

A picturesque small town in northern Idaho is rocked by a grisly murder scene that shocks even a seasoned detective like Mike Sullivan. You will find some of the characters endearing and others despicable. You will ache over the tradgedy and rejoice over redemption. There are twists and turns, deep love and great hatred. The cast of characters will make you anxious for book two.

Life Is a Ball of Yarn, Sometimes Homespun, Sometimes Soft, But Almost Always a Little Twisted

Book Description

“Free your spirit through the written word.â€â€œMy last three books of poetry are also journals for you to have a place to pen your own thoughts or poetry. It is my hope that this book of story poems will be an inspiration to the reader so this book is also a journal.The poetry is about life: earthy, sinful, sad, glad and humorous.â€Beverly J. Raffaele

Tsunami in Crescent City California ~ March 27 1964

Book Description

The true story of the Gee family who survived the biggest tsunami to strike the main land of the United States. It struck on a beautiful night with a bright full moon, on good Friday in 1964. You'll hear the children and their heroic Dad.

The Criminal Brain, Second Edition

Book Description

A lively, up-to-date overview of the newest research in biosocial criminology What is the relationship between criminality and biology? Nineteenth-century phrenologists insisted that criminality was innate, inherent in the offender’s brain matter. While they were eventually repudiated as pseudo-scientists, today the pendulum has swung back. Both criminologists and biologists have begun to speak of a tantalizing but disturbing possibility: that criminality may be inherited as a set of genetic deficits that place one at risk to commit theft, violence, or acts of sexual deviance. But what do these new theories really assert? Are they as dangerous as their forerunners, which the Nazis and other eugenicists used to sterilize, incarcerate, and even execute thousands of supposed “born” criminals? How can we prepare for a future in which leaders may propose crime-control programs based on biology? In this second edition of The Criminal Brain, Nicole Rafter, Chad Posick, and Michael Rocque describe early biological theories of crime and provide a lively, up-to-date overview of the newest research in biosocial criminology. New chapters introduce the theories of the latter part of the 20th century; apply and critically assess current biosocial and evolutionary theories, the developments in neuro-imaging, and recent progressions in fields such as epigenetics; and finally, provide a vision for the future of criminology and crime policy from a biosocial perspective. The book is a careful, critical examination of each research approach and conclusion. Both compiling and analyzing the body of scholarship devoted to understanding the criminal brain, this volume serves as a condensed, accessible, and contemporary exploration of biological theories of crime and their everyday relevance.