The Revival of China, Volume 1

Book Description

This is Volume 1 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and has eight parts. This volume contains the first four parts of the full book, and covers the history of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of Republic of China (Part 1),the establishment of the Red Army in countryside bases (Part 2), the Long March of the Red Army (Part 3) and the war against Japanese invasion (Part 4).

The Revival of China, Volume 1

Book Description

This is Volume 1 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and has eight parts. This volume contains the first four parts of the full book, and covers the history of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of Republic of China (Part 1),the establishment of the Red Army in countryside bases (Part 2), the Long March of the Red Army (Part 3) and the war against Japanese invasion (Part 4).

The Revival of China

Book Description

This is Volume 1 of the book entitled "The Revival of China." The volume covers the civil revolution in China, the red bases of Mao Ze-dong in countryside, the Long March and the Anti-Japanese War.


Book Description

这是《复兴记》这部著作的上册。《复兴记》这部著作 记录中国在近代的复兴史。这本上册包括《复兴记》这部著作(共八篇)的前四篇,主要记述 孙中山等人 推翻清朝并创立中华民国(第一篇)、毛泽东和朱德等人在农村创建红色根据地(第二篇)、中国工农红军进行万里长征(第三篇)、中国人民在蒋介石的领导下进行抗日战争(第四篇)的史实。 This is Volume 1 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and has eight parts. This volume contains the first four parts of the full book, and covers the history of overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of Republic of China (Part 1),the establishment of the Red Army in countryside (Part 2), the Long march of the red army (Part 3) and the war against Japanese invasion (Part 4). The book is written in Chinese.

The Revival of China

Book Description

This is Volume 2 of the book entitled "The Revival of China." The full book has 8 parts, and this volume contains Parts 5 and 6. The volume covers the history of the decisive battles in the civil war before the establishment of the People's Republic of China (Part 5), as well as the history of the New China before the Great Cultural Revolution.

The Cambridge History of China

Book Description

International scholars and sinologists discuss culture, economic growth, social change, political processes, and foreign influences in China since the earliest pre-dynastic period.

End of an Era

Book Description

China's reform era is ending. Core factors that characterized it-political stability, ideological openness, and rapid economic growth-are unraveling. Since the 1990s, Beijing's leaders have firmly rejected any fundamental reform of their authoritarian one-party political system, and on the surface, their efforts have been a success. But as Carl Minzner shows, a closer look at China's reform era reveals a different truth. Over the past three decades, a frozen political system has fueled both the rise of entrenched interests within the Communist Party itself, and the systematic underdevelopment of institutions of governance among state and society at large. Economic cleavages have widened. Social unrest has worsened. Ideological polarization has deepened. Now, to address these looming problems, China's leaders are progressively cannibalizing institutional norms and practices that have formed the bedrock of the regime's stability in the reform era. End of an Era explains how China arrived at this dangerous turning point, and outlines the potential outcomes that could result.


Book Description

这是《复兴记》这部著作的下册。《复兴记》这部著作 记录中国在近代的复兴史。这本下册包括《复兴记》这部著作(共八篇)的第七篇、第八篇,主要记述文化大革命的历史(第七篇),以及邓小平推动改革开放的过程(第八篇)。 This is Volume 3 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and has eight parts. This volume contains Parts 7 and 8 of the full book, and covers the great culture revolution (Part 7) and the Reform and Opening up pushed by Mr. DENG Xiao-ping (Part 8). The book is written in Chinese.

The Sage and the People

Book Description

Winner of the 2015 Pierre-Antoine Bernheim Prize for the History of Religion by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres After a century during which Confucianism was viewed by academics as a relic of the imperial past or, at best, a philosophical resource, its striking comeback in Chinese society today raises a number of questions about the role that this ancient tradition might play in a contemporary context. The Sage and the People is the first comprehensive enquiry into the "Confucian revival" that began in China during the 2000s. Based on extensive anthropological fieldwork carried out over eight years in various parts of the country, it explores the re-appropriation and reinvention of popular practices in fields as diverse as education, self-cultivation, religion, ritual, and politics. The book analyzes the complexity of the "Confucian revival" within the broader context of emerging challenges to such categories as religion, philosophy, and science that prevailed in modernization narratives throughout the last century. Exploring state cults both in Mainland China and Taiwan, authors Sébastien Billioud and Joël Thoraval compare the interplay between politics and religion on the two shores of the Taiwan strait and attempt to shed light on possible future developments of Confucianism in Chinese society.

The Civil Revolution in China

Book Description

This is Part 1 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. This part of the book records how SUN Zhong-shan led people overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China, how YUAN Si-kai and other warlords ruled China and how JIANG Jie-shi led the army unifying China.