Book Description

THE WONDER in the LAND: In this volume Comyns Beaumont brings together historical and biblical evidence to demonstrate that the history we have come to accept is far from accurate. He develops the theme of the advanced civilisation present in pre-Roman Britain - the post-diluvian remnant of the Hyperborean landmass Plato called Atlantis. His acceptance of ancient astronomical and meteorological knowledge puts an end to the whole concept of an 'Ice Age', as aeons melt into centuries. The past is closer than we think!


Book Description

The final title by William Comyns Beaumont, lost for almost sixty years, tells of the conspiracy to hide the true history of Britain and the world, perpetrated by Emperor Constantine and perpetuated ever since by the leaders of the Roman Church and those who support them. The author explains how not only the history but also the geography of the ancient world was altered for political and military gain. A global catastrophe and the context in which it occurred was covered up to protect the new Roman religion - an almost perfect control mechanism for humanity. Was it an act of gods, or men? Syria was moved from Britain to the Middle East and the ancient conflict is carried on there by proxy. Arguments over Palestine and Jerusalem, Damascus and Babylon need to be reviewed in the light of the apocalyptic truths revealed in this earth-changing book.


Book Description

This volume describes the events of the Bible as taking place in Britain, with the Jews identified as the Silures and Moses as an arms dealer fomenting conflict and touting serpent rods and golden apples. Sophisticated weapons are manufactured in underground bases and great wars take place causing a refugee crisis. Temples are burned and the war culminates in a catastrophe, but is it an act of gods or men?

Prehistoric Britain

Book Description

Library Friendly Edition of original- From the age of dinosaurs to the Roman invasion, this book tells the story of this vast and exciting period of British history.