The Rival of Nature

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Natural Rivals

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John Muir and Gifford Pinchot have often been seen as the embodiment of conflicting environmental philosophies. Muir, the preservationist and co-founder of the Sierra Club. Pinchot, the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service advocating sustainability in timber harvests, instituted conservation. The idealistic Muir saw nature as something special and separate; the pragmatic Pinchot accepted that people used the products of nature. The environmental movement’s original sin, and the root of many of it's difficulties, was its inability to reconcile these two viewpoints—and these two men.So how was it that Muir and Pinchot went camping together—and delighted in each other's company? Does this mean that the seemingly irreparable divide in environmental ethos is not as unbridgeable as it might seem? The perceived rivalry between these two men has obscured a fascinating and hopeful story. Muir and Pinchot actually spent years in an alliance that lead to the original movement for public lands. Their shared commitment to the glories of natural landscapes united their disparate talents and viewpoints to create a fledgling and uniquely American vision of land ownership and management.

The Rival Beauties

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The Rival of Nature

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The Rival Sirens

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The tale of the onstage fight between prima donnas Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni is notorious, appearing in music histories to this day, but it is a fiction. Starting from this misunderstanding, The Rival Sirens suggests that the rivalry fostered between the singers in 1720s London was in large part a social construction, one conditioned by local theatrical context and audience expectations, and heightened by manipulations of plot and music. This book offers readings of operas by Handel and Bononcini as performance events, inflected by the audience's perceptions of singer persona and contemporary theatrical and cultural contexts. Through examining the case of these two women, Suzanne Aspden demonstrates that the personae of star performers, as well as their voices, were of crucial importance in determining the shape of an opera during the early part of the eighteenth century.

Mosher's Magazine

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The Natural Contract

Book Description

Meditations on environmental change and the necessity of a pact between Earth and its inhabitants

Introduction. List of Dryden's works. Epistle dedicatory of the Rival ladies. Preface to Annus mirabilis. Of dramatic poesy, an essay. Prologue to Secret love or the Maiden queen. Defence of an Essay of dramatic poesy. Preface to An evening's love. Of heroic plays, an essay. Epilogue to the second part of the Conquest ... and Cressida, containing the grounds of criticism in tragedy. Preface to Ovid's Epistles. Dedication of the Spanish friar. Preface to Sylvae (The second miscellany) Preface to Albion and Albanus. Notes

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