The Role of Information, Education and Communication in the Malawi Social Action Fund

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The note looks at the strategy of the Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF) in linking the roles of information, education, and communication (IEC), designed through a process known as "systematic client consultations" which involved nongovernmental organizations, communities, government officials, as well as donor participants. Given the budget for IEC activities was high, a public awareness campaign was launched early on, and follow-on programs reinforced the benefits from MASAF subprojects: it involves a two-way communication, where facilitators work intensively with the communities on identifying IEC needs, and gaps. Significant impacts of this free flow of information have been better working relationships between stakeholders, and improved trust among the various key players. Among the lessons learned, the importance for an IEC campaign to precede project implementation is reinforced, so as to inform, and shape opinion on project features, provided such communication initiative is followed up with a second wave of clarification, and by regular dissemination of project experiences, emphasizing the non-political, non-partisan nature of the project, enhancing responsiveness to community demands, and, highlighting adherence to publicly-stated norms.

The Role of Information, Education and Communication in the Malawi Social Action Fund

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The Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF), which began implementation in 1996, was proposed by the Government of Malawi as a quick-disbursing poverty alleviation facility that would be based on and respond to the needs and demands of the country's poor rural communities. The country's experience with self-help projects and programs to date had not been notably successful this project was intended to herald a paradigm shift in this respect. It was designed to promote a change in the way all development actors, including, and perhaps, especially, the government, would work with other stakeholders. Communities were required to contribute up to 20 percent of total sub-project costs, in the form of cash, or labor or materials. Participation was therefore a key factor in the designing of the project. The Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) component was primarily intended as a tool to generate support for and disseminate information about the project. However, it evolved and was shaped, as were the rest of the project and its actors, by the dynamics of project implementation.

Malawi Social Action Fund

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Social Funds and Reaching the Poor

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This paper reports on proceedings from an international workshop on social funds, held on May 21-24, 1997, in Washington, DC. The objectives of the workshop were to take stock of a decade's implementation experience of social funds with a view to assessing their impact on poverty reduction; establish a broad consensus on their main achievements, weaknesses, and risks; generate a set of recommendations for improving existing operations as well as for the design of future social funds; and facilitate the integration of international and regional networks of social funds.

Transforming Education and Development Policies for Pastoralist Communities in Kenya

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This study is a contribution towards exploring alternative but sustainable education policies for pastoralist societies and sets out to explore how pastoralist IKSs (Indigenous Knowledge Systems) can be integrated or used as an entry point to provide formal schooling to pastoralist communities in Kenya. Pastoralists constitute the majority of the socially and economically vulnerable groups in the country. Children, among pastoralist communities, face detrimental hardships that compromise their growth and development. One of these hardships is the imposition of an education and development paradigm that is irrelevant to their existence and which compounds their problems. This study therefore sought to explore how, through better government policies, the indigenous knowledge (IK) of pastoralists could be integrated into the curriculum of formal schooling. Specifically, the study discusses the following issues: Gaps in policies for schooling provision for pastoralist groups, with particular reference to the content of the curriculum and methods of delivery; Aspects of pastoralist IKS that can be integrated into the context of national education policy to enrich their schooling within; and General recommendations regarding the use of participatory and social engineering approaches in designing education and development policies affecting pastoralist communities in Kenya.

Malawi Social Action Fund

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Creating Opportunities for Change and Organization Development in Southern Africa

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This book takes the position that successful OD applications in cross-cultural settings are predicated on the ability of OD experts to localize them for purposes of suiting local conditions and context. Cultural frameworks have been utilized by global OD experts to understand the general cultural settings of environments in which they are working and applying OD techniques. However, the complexities of culture within organizations, communities and countries may not always be understood within these cultural frameworks and models. Assumptions of culture based or reliant on models alone can impede the successful applications of OD. The author discusses the role of cultural translations of OD techniques within a southern African context. It examines the approach of western consultants in a southern African environment as well as the approach of local southern African consultants as they interact with western developed OD applications in their own local environments. The book uses three methods for conveying the opportunities and experience of OD in southern Africa: research, practitioner point of view, and storytelling. The author recognizes the works of renowned African scholars in the field of management as well OD practitioners carrying out innovative and pioneering work in southern Africa. Their work may not have had much exposure in the West; however, their contributions to the field of management should be recognized. OD is discussed in this book as an opportunity for change and development for southern African countries that are in democratic transitions, post conflict environments and on a path of development. The future of OD is explored within the context of economical, global and political emerging issues. The time is right for change and development in southern Africa with OD as the driving force.