The Role of Prdm1a in Zebrafish Neural Crest Development

Book Description

Understanding how cell fate decisions are regulated by signaling pathways and transcription factors is key to understanding how embryonic development takes place. Neural crest cells are an embryonic cell type that must undergo several cell fate choices and changes in gene expression before they are able to finally differentiate and contribute to adult tissues. Neural crest cells are formed at the border between developing neural and non-neural ectoderm in a region called the neural plate border. They are induced by several signaling factors and specified by the expression of transcription factors which will form a gene regulatory network for their development and control subsequent programs within the neural crest cells such as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, migration, and differentiation, which are required for proper development of the embryo. One transcription factor that is required for neural crest specification is the PR/SET domain containing transcription factor Prdm1a. The goal of this thesis is to explore the mechanisms by which Prdm1a regulates genes required for neural crest specification and migration. Prdm1a is expressed in the early neural plate border, and when its expression is abrogated, neural crest cells are significantly reduced. Here, I have demonstrated that Prdm1a is downstream of known signaling pathways that induce neural crest cells, specifically Wnt and Notch signaling. Prdm1a directly activates the expression of the neural crest specification genes foxd3 and tfap2a, which are also required for neural crest formation. In addition to its role as a transcriptional activator, Prdm1a is also required as a transcriptional repressor of yet unknown targets and this role is required for specified neural crest cells to continue development to migratory stages. Using whole-genome and transcriptome approaches, I was able to identify several novel targets of Prdm1a regulation, demonstrating its role as a master regulator of several genetic programs required for the formation of the neural crest and possibly other tissues as well including the neural plate and sensory placodes. Interestingly, one of the downstream targets of the Prdm1a regulatory network is a cell adhesion gene, cdon. I have demonstrated a novel role for cdon as a cell-autonomous regulator of neural crest motility and migration. Altogether, this work demonstrates the importance of the Prdm1a transcription factor and how Prdm1a and its downstream gene regulatory network influences and controls neural crest cell fate.

The Role of Tfec in Zebrafish Neural Crest Cell and Rpe Development

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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) show a unique pigmentation pattern comprised of three pigment cell types: melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores. Other pigmented cells include the retinal pigmented epithelium (rpe) which absorbs excess light in the eye and maintain the extracellular environment around the photoreceptors. While previous mutations in mitfa showed a role in regulating trunk melanophores, the rpe was not affected. TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 systems were used to generate mutant zebrafish for tfec, a transcription factor expressed in both neural crest and rpe. Embryos with tfec mutations showed a loss of iridophore pigmentation, and delays in the pigmentation of xanthophores and rpe, showing positive regulation of multiple pigment cells. Double mutants for tfec and mitfa displayed greater losses of iridophore, xanthophore and rpe pigmentation with noncircular globes, suggesting cooperative roles for these transcription factors.

The Roles of the Planar Cell Polarity Molecules Prickle1a and Prickle1b in Zebrafish Cranial Neural Crest

Book Description

In this dissertation, I will discuss my investigation into the roles of two molecules, zebrafish Prickle1b and Prickle1a, part of a suite of proteins called Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) proteins, in the specific context of a multipotent stem cell population, the neural crest. Neural crest cells have been likened to metastatic cancer cells in how they invade regions of the developing embryo by traversing large distances and subsequently differentiating into many different cell types. PCP proteins are known to behave in a variety of different contexts in both Drosophila melanogaster and vertebrate model systems, and although two other PCP proteins have been investigated in the cranial sub-population of the migrating neural crest in vertebrates, this is the first investigation into the roles of the pk1 paralogous genes, or any PCP genes, broadly during neural crest development including well before crest cells begin their migration. I demonstrate that not only are zebrafish Pk1b and Pk1a required for cranial neural crest migration, they are additionally required in a process that precedes migration: an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that occurs in neural crest cells and many other cell types in both vertebrate and invertebrate developing embryos. EMT allows neuroepithelial cells within the developing neural tube to transition to cells that lie outside the neural tube and eventually migrate away to different locations in developing embryos. By showing that the zebrafish PCP Pk1 proteins regulate specific morphological transitions during EMT that are required for neural crest cells to migrate away from their initial location, as well as during migration itself, at least partly through the regulation of the levels of two members of the Cadherin-family of adhesion molecules, I demonstrate roles for the PCP Pk1 molecules broadly during neural crest development through a hitherto-unrecognized function of PCP signaling during the process of EMT.

Zebrafish Deadly Seven: Neurogenesis, Somitogenesis, and Neural Circuit Formation

Book Description

Abstract: The relative simplicity of the early zebrafish nervous system makes it an attractive model for studying vertebrate nervous system development. Mutagenesis screens in zebrafish have been undertaken to identify new genes involved in different aspects of nervous system development. We have characterized an ENU induced mutation in zebrafish deadly seven/notch 1a (des), which perturbs neurogenesis, somitogenesis, and motor axon outgrowth. The neurogenic defect is manifested as an increase in hindbrain interneurons and spinal motoneurons. In addition, we find a decrease in the number of spinal sensory neurons, and an increase in sensory neurons derived from neural crest cells. This data demonstrates that Notch signaling is important for determining the number of specific neuronal cell types during early nervous system development. The somite defect in des mutants is revealed by abnormalities in somite/myotome boundary formation and somite/myotome gene expression in the mid- and posterior trunk and tail. Each somite/myotome in wild-type embryos contains an anterior and posterior domain. This anterior-posterior somite patterning is disrupted in des mutant embryos. Our studies reveal that this patterning defect causes aberrant motor axon outgrowth. Motor axons in wild-types obey domain restrictions, never entering the posterior domain. However, in des mutant embryos, motor axons are seen in both domains. Thus, proper patterning of the somite is essential for stereotyped motor axon pathfinding. The des mutation results in a dramatic increase in the hindbrain interneuron, Mauthner (Mth). This neuron is an integral part of a relatively simple neural circuit driving the escape response in zebrafish and thus presents an excellent opportunity to study properties of neural circuit formation. Due to the presence of supernumerary Mth cells in des mutants; we analyzed the affect of having one cellular component of this circuit dramatically increased on circuit formation and behavior. Our results indicate that all of the supernumerary Mth cells are integrated into the circuit and the circuit is functional. The escape behavior of des mutants is very similar to wild-type embryos. We found, however, that individual Mth cells in des mutants contacted fewer target cells in the spinal cord than Mth cell in wild-type larvae. These data indicate that when there are more Mth cells present, they divide up the territory thus incorporating all cells into the circuit yet maintaining a normal escape response behavior. This study demonstrates that there is plasticity in the formation of the escape response circuit in zebrafish.