SME Contributions to Employment, Job Creation, and Growth in the Arab World

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Recent economic and political developments have highlighted a challenge shared across the Arab region of generating employment, promoting inclusive growth, and improving competitiveness. In the short run, weakened macroeconomic fundamentals in the developing economies of the Middle East and North Africa are a key challenge. The region's main challenge is to achieve sustainable growth that delivers the quantity and quality of jobs needed. An inclusive and competitive private sector has proven to be one of the most effective and long-term solutions for this challenge. This paper provides an analytical framework to diagnose and identify key challenges to the growth of small and medium enterprises that is supported by a quantitative model based on the World Bank's Enterprise Surveys database. The findings reconfirm that the route to a sustained role for small and medium enterprises in job creation requires improving the credibility of reforms, the effectiveness of policies, and equitable enforcement. Although one size fits all is infeasible for Arab countries, it is important to design policies across sectors to create productive employment and promote economic growth. Supporting innovation and enhancing access to finance are central to the development agenda for small and medium enterprises. And creating an enabling environment and setting up accountable institutions are key to ensure equal opportunity and inclusive growth.

Enhancing the Role of SMEs in the Arab World—Some Key Considerations

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a cornerstone of Arab economies, accounting for over 90 percent of all businesses and providing a major source of new job creation. Governments across the Arab World1 recognize the important role that SMEs can play in delivering higher and more inclusive growth. Many have rightly placed SME development at the center of growth and jobs strategies to meet the needs of young populations. Authorities have initiated policy interventions and schemes to support SME development. But progress so far has been patchy, and more comprehensive policy action is needed.

The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Job Creation in the Arab Countries

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It is expected for small and medium-sized to be a locomotive for economic growth in the Arab countries during the coming decades. In addition to providing many job opportunities for the steady population growth. The role of the sector, small and medium enterprises in creating jobs and combating unemployment in the Arab countries increased on two fronts, first: to combat high unemployment. The second front: meet the needs of Arab countries, the development of 100 million jobs during the next twenty years. The aim of this paper is to study small and medium enterprises and their role in employment and job creation in the Arab countries. By identifying the concept of small businesses and their importance to the Arab countries. In addition to presenting the most important challenges facing the development of these projects. Finally, the paper tries to recommend a number of policies for the development and activation of this important sector and increase its role in employment and job creation in the Arab countries.

SMEs for Job Creation in the Arab World

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The Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has brought to the forefront key challenges: the need to create job opportunities, equal access, a level playing field, transparency and accountability, and a fair and competitive environment. Crony capitalism, the privileged access of certain elites to favorable legal and regulatory treatment, access to markets, and the coincidence of political and economic power, was a major concern contributing to the uprising. Many saw privilege and corruption as the source of unemployment and inequality, effectively raising barriers to entry and growth for the majority of entrepreneurs. At the same time, practices such as connected lending and preferential land allocations, contributed to poor performance of key institutions, underpinning the market economy. It is critical for the MENA countries to achieve the aspirations of their people and attain sustainable and inclusive development by expanding private-led employment and creating entrepreneurship opportunities. This report assesses the supply and demand of financial services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the MENA region, as well as the regulatory, institutional and policy environment that determines the cost, risk, and scale of SME finance. Emerging and promising SME finance models for banks, investors, government and regulators are outlined. These could significantly improve the outreach, viability, risk management, and development impacts of SME finance in the MENA region. SMEs need access to longer term credit products and equity, in addition to working capital loans and trade finance. They also need payment and card services, deposit facilities, liquidity management, risk management tools and insurance. The principal role of the state is as an enabler and regulator, providing the financial infrastructure, and legal and policy frameworks that financial institutions need to be able to meet the range of SME financial needs profitably. All this will contribute to attaining a more sustainable and inclusive system that can play a more important role in economic growth, and the regions prosperity.

Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

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Due to their increasing importance to production growth and vital relation with various productive sectors in society, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have become one of the key instruments to face economic and social problems and achieve development objectives in most industrial and developing countries. They contributions to employment creation, productivity improvement, and income generation are underutilized in the Arab countries at a time when economic transformation is shifting the onus for productivity from the public sector to the private sector. Population growth and economic restructuring in many Arab countries make the creation of substantial new employment opportunities a necessity.SMEs play a significant role in Arab countries, both in terms of the total number of enterprises, as well as their contribution to employment levels.This book ultimate aim is to layout some general principles of support to enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs in the Arab countries.

Small and Medium Enterprises in the Arab Countries

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Promoting (SMEs) have been one of the best strategies for achieving economic development. Many Arab countries have recognized the importance of small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), and have formulated policies to encourage, support, and fund there. The benefits of SMEs to any economy are easily noticeable, they include: contribution to an economy in terms of creation of jobs, development of skilled and semi- skilled workers, and developing and adapting appropriate technological approaches. This book aims to study the developmental role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Arab countries.

Competitiveness and Private Sector Development New Entrepreneurs and High Performance Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa

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The book assesses the current policy context for young enterprises in the MENA region and outlines policy tools and instruments, both indirect and direct, that governments can implement to support new enterprise development.

Private Sector Job Creation in MENA: Prioritizing the Reform Agenda

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This paper examines the extent to which firms in selected MENA countries reported being constrained by the business environment around the time of the Arab Spring and the extent to which these constraints affected their employment performance. The results suggest that small firms in MENA faced more structural constraints than similar firms in other regions. We also find that MENA firms’ weaker job creation can be explained in great part by the macroeconomic environment and structural constraints. Low GDP growth, falling external competitiveness, corruption, lack of access to finance and poor access to electricity are found to explain a significant part of the lack of employment growth in MENA firms compared to their peers.

Small and Medium Enterprises Financing in the Arab Countries

Book Description

The following study aims to give a better comprehension of the concept of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) financing in Arab countries, which has been the subject of many recent discussions and seminars. This research endeavors to prove that SMEs are fundamental for economic growth and expansion in both developed and rising countries, by playing a major role in generating new jobs. The study will focus on existing literature to combine recent research themes and aspects related to SMEs, and include in-depth interviews regarding SMEs financing (Debt, Equity and Hybrid Instruments) in one Lebanese Alpha Bank, a well known company famous for financing SMEs, Kafalat and a Business development center, Berytech. The research will answer the following main questions: - What role do SMEs play in the Arab countries and what is the effect on the economy? - What are the growth limitations and financing barriers for SMEs m Arab countries? - How are the public and private entities contributing in strengthening the SMEs? - What are the major ratifications that should be implemented on the Lebanese code of commerce and the regulatory environment in order to have a healthier SMEs expansion? In the Lebanese framework, the research reveals that despite the efforts that the Government is making, Lebanon is still ranked way behind other economies. However, it is still possible to improve the investment behaviors in Lebanon.