Osmotic and Ionic Regulation

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In the 40 years since the classic review of osmotic and ionic regulation written by Potts and Parry, there has been astonishing growth in scientific productivity, a marked shift in the direction and taxonomic distribution of research, and amazing changes in the technology of scientific research" It is indicative of the growth of the subject that as

Cellular Mechanisms of Ionoregulation in the Gill of Japanese Medaka and Rainbow Trout

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Euryhaline fishes are capable of adapting to a wide range of salinities such as freshwater, brackish water or seawater. Through the combined effort of the gill, kidney and intestine, they are able to osmoregulate to maintain a constant internal hydromineral balance. As the gill is in direct contact with the external environment, it is continuously working to maintain ion and acid/base balance, gas exchange and eliminate nitrogenous waste. Fish in freshwater are subjected to osmotic water gain and diffusional ion loss across the gill and experience the opposite in seawater. Therefore, the gill exhibits extreme plasticity when experiencing a change in external salinity. Osmoregulation in fishes is controlled mainly by the endocrine system. Prolactin is a freshwater-adapting hormone as it decreases epithelial permeability and increases ion-retention in osmoregulatory tissues. This dissertation examines the osmoregulatory function of the gill in two euryhaline teleosts, the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykiss). Gill of medaka exposed to seawater and freshwater were used to observe the effect of salinity on the expression of key ion transporters. Hormone in vitro studies were performed to understand the mechanism of prolactin-induced expression of the Na+, Cl- cotransporter in medaka gill. Finally, rainbow trout were subjected to ion poor water to expand our understanding of ion retention and ionocyte re-uptake function in a salmonid species. Furthermore, several human diseases are related to (dys)function of osmoregulatory proteins including cancers, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic kidney disease. Because of the adaptability of the gill epithelia, euryhaline teleosts represent a unique model that may help us understand pathologies in human diseases related to epithelial dysfunction. The endocrine system of teleosts is also analogous to the human endocrine system and is therefore valuable to better understand hormone-linked diseases in human such as breast cancer, diabetes and atherosclerosis. The experiments performed in this dissertation demonstrate the ability of euryhaline teleosts to provide an alternative model to study human diseases.

Extra-renal Mechanisms of Osmotic and Acid/base Regulation in a Euryhaline Elasmobranch (Dasyatis Sabina)

Book Description

ABSTRACT: The Atlantic stingray is unique because it is one of the few elasmobranchs to establish populations in both fresh and seawater environments. Before this dissertation, the mechanisms that allow elasmobranchs to live in such contrasting environments were unknown. The goals of this dissertation were to describe the general osmoregulation of the Atlantic stingray, and to establish the extra-renal mechanisms this species uses for osmotic and acid/base balance in fresh and seawater environments. First, I described the osmoregulatory strategy of freshwater Atlantic stingrays. I established that the plasma of freshwater stingrays had relatively low urea and NaCl concentrations, and a small salt-secreting rectal gland, compared to marine Atlantic stingrays. When freshwater stingrays were acclimated to seawater, plasma urea and NaCl concentrations increased to typical seawater Atlantic stingray levels, which suggested that the stingrays were not physiologically restricted to freshwater environments. Second, I investigated the influence of salinity on Na+, K+-ATPase expression in gills and rectal glands of Atlantic stingrays. In gills, Na+, K+-ATPase expression (activity, immunoreactivity, and number of Na+, K+-ATPase-rich cells) was highest in freshwater stingrays, compared to seawater individuals. In rectal glands, Na+, K+-ATPase activity and immunoreactivity were higher in seawater stingrays, compared to freshwater individuals. These results suggested that the gills are important for active ion uptake in fresh water, while the rectal gland is important for active ion secretion in seawater. Third, I focused on expression of vacuolar-proton-ATPase (V-H-ATPase) in stingray gills. The V-H-ATPase immunoreactivity was higher in gills from freshwater stingrays, compared to seawater individuals. Localization of V-H-ATPase was basolateral in relatively large cells of the gill epithelium that were not Na+, K+-ATPase-rich. I proposed that V-H-ATPase-rich cells were sites of Cl-/HCO3- exchange and that Na+, K+-ATPase-rich cells were sites of Na+/H+ exchange. Last, I described the expression of a pendrin-like transporter in the Atlantic stingray gill. Pendrin is a Cl-/HCO3- exchanger that plays an important role in HCO3- excretion in the mammalian kidney. Pendrin immunoreactivity was highest in gills of freshwater stingrays and occurred in the apical region of V-H-ATPase-rich cells. This suggested that V-H-ATPase-rich cells are sites of Cl- uptake and HCO3- excretion in stingray gills.