The Organization of American States (OAS)

Book Description

This volume in the Global Institutions series will focus on the history, decision making procedures, relevance, functions, and operations of the Organization of American States. The organization will be analyzed in the context of the web of international and regional institutions that deal with global governance and international politics in the Western Hemisphere. The book will provide information and guidance for practitioners, scholars, and students on the various aspects of the OAS.

Political Issues in America

Book Description

This is a collection of papers dealing with the role of liberalism in the United States during the 1980s and what it means for the 1990s in American politics. Other, related, political areas covered are social and economic policy (health, women's issues, urban issues), foreign policy (the Middle East, the end of the Cold War, dominance, East Asia and foreign investment), issues of representation (the electorate, the decay of American democracy, the media and the message) and issues in government institutions (American federalism, the courts, ethics and the presidency).

The Future of the Organization of American States

Book Description

Almost every aspect of American foreign policy has been subject to reexamination in the aftermath of the cold war. The struggle with the Soviet Union was a prism that shaped our perceptions of all international relationships, including those with the nations closest to us. Indeed, the mix of U.S. interests and goals in the Western Hemisphere probably has changed not only in terms of what it was during any previous period. As a practical matter, in this hemisphere the Untied States has long been what it now is globally, the sole superpower. But its military preponderance did not then mean and does not now mean that it can enforce its will in every nation. Nor does the term superpower turn out to mean that the United States can expect to regain ( or sustain, depending on whose numbers you use) its overwhelming global economic preeminence. After World War II, the Americas, the one area of long-term U.S. hegemony, provided a justification for continuing an ancient habit of sporadic intervention inthe internal affairs of neighboring states. Today, however, we are at an early state of reassessment for the United States and the role we will play in the Americas region in the post-cold war era. Indeed, we are in the process of learning just what such organizations can and cannot do in a world without the certainties of the cold war. In some cases--NATO is the obvious example--it is not at all clear that a given institution will survive in anything like its previous form. In others--the United Nations clearly comes to mind--a broadened and heightened role in the world is already underway, likely to continue, and perhaps even to expand. And still others, --such as the Organization of AmericanStates (OAS)--it may be that the sort of partnership often described in rhetoric now has a chance to become reality. This volume focuses on the special challenges facing the OAS in the post-cold war era. It's authors identify new opportunities for the institution to extend

Cooperation, Conflict and Consensus in the Organization of American States

Book Description

This book examines conflict resolution efforts in Latin America by the Organization of American States (OAS) over the past fifty years by exploring the relationship of the United States with other member states within the context of the OAS. The book focuses on the impact of institutional factors on the influence that member states are able to wield within the organization. This innovative theoretical approach yields general insights into organizational behaviour and interstate relations within an international organization. The examination of thirty-one cases provides a wealth of empirical data and facilitates cross case comparisons.