Safety and Reliability of the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent

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Evaluation of Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties Methodology for Assessing and Certifying the Reliability of the Nuclear Stockpile

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Maintaining the capabilities of the nuclear weapons stockpile and performing the annual assessment for the stockpile's certification involves a wide range of processes, technologies, and expertise. An important and valuable framework helping to link those components is the quantification of margins and uncertainties (QMU) methodology. In this book, the National Research Council evaluates: how the national security labs were using QMU, including any significant differences among the three labs its use in the annual assessment whether the applications of QMU to assess the proposed reliable replacement warhead (RRW) could reduce the likelihood of resuming underground nuclear testing This book presents an assessment of each of these issues and includes findings and recommendations to help guide laboratory and NNSA implementation and development of the QMU framework. It also serves as a guide for congressional oversight of those activities.

National Security and Nuclear Weapons

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A principal national security goal of the United States is to deter aggression against ourselves and our allies. Every American administration since President Truman has formulated a U.S. national security policy that makes clear the essential role that nuclear weapons play in maintaining deterrence. It is the policy of this Administration to achieve an effective strategic deterrent at the lowest level of nuclear weapons consistent with our national security and our commitments to allies. In 2001, President Bush directed that the United States reduce the number of operationally deployed strategic nuclear weapons from about 6,000 to 1,700-2,200 by 2012 -- a two-thirds reduction. Corresponding reductions in the nuclear stockpile will result in the lowest level since the Eisenhower Administration. However, these reductions in the stockpile are only achievable with a responsive nuclear infrastructure. Successive efforts at extending the service life of the current inventory of weapons risks incorporating technical changes that could, over time, inadvertently undermine their reliability and performance. As the United States continues to observe a moratorium on underground nuclear testing, it becomes increasingly difficult to certify the existing stockpile of weapons. Moreover, it is difficult to incorporate modern safety and security features into Cold War-era weapon designs. To address these issues of sustainability, safety, security, and reliability, and to achieve a smaller yet credible nuclear deterrent force, the United States needs to invest in the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) program. RRW will make U.S. nuclear weapons safer and more secure against unauthorized use by incorporating state-of-the-art security features that cannot be retro-fitted to older weapons. RRW designs will provide more favorable reliability and performance margins than those currently in the stockpile, and will be less sensitive to incremental aging effects or manufacturing variances.

Stockpile Stewardship Program Strategy

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In announcing the extension of the moratorium on nuclear testing, President Clinton reaffirmed the importance of maintaining confidence in the enduring U.S. nuclear stockpile: ''To assure that our nuclear deterrent remains unquestioned under a test ban, we will explore other means of maintaining our confidence in the safety, reliability, and performance of our weapons.'' To this end, the Department of Energy's nuclear weapon program is undergoing fundamental change--from advancing military characteristics to maintaining the reliability and safety of the existing stockpile. Consequently, a new strategy was needed to meet these new mission requirements. This report summarizes the new strategy. The fundamental premise of the new strategy lies in the ability to respond to problems in monitoring and maintaining the existing stockpile by preserving specialized facilities, maintaining the skill and knowledge bases, and advancing our understanding of nuclear weapon physics necessary to manage the nuclear future in an era without nuclear testing. The foundation of this Science-based Stockpile Stewardship strategy was laid at a workshop attended by DOE officials, DoD customers, stakeholders from other government agencies, nuclear weapon experts, and members of the scientific community. The principles of the evolving strategy were regularly discussed during the formative stages with the primary customers and stakeholders and reviewed by the JASONs. This report summarizes the strategy as it now exists, but we recognize that stockpile stewardship must be a continuing process--updated as necessary to respond to national security objectives.

Modernizing the Nuclear Security Enterprise

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"NNSA has primary responsibility for ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile. NNSA carries out these activities at three national labs, four production sites, and one test site-collectively known as the nuclear security enterprise. Contractors operate these sites under management and operations (M&O) contracts. The enterprise workforces often possess certain critical skills that can only be developed through a minimum of 3 years of experience working in a secure, classified environment.Because NNSA could have difficulty maintaining the critically skilled workforces necessary to ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the nation's nuclear weapons, GAO was asked to examine: (1) strategies NNSA and its M&O contractors use to recruit, develop, and retain critically skilled workforces; (2) how NNSA assesses the effectiveness of these strategies; and (3) challenges in recruiting, retaining, and developing this specialized workforce and efforts to mitigate these challenges. GAO reviewed NNSA's and its M&O contractors' human capital documents and interviewed officials."