The Saint-Etienne Compound Hypogea (Jerusalem)

Book Description

***Angaben zur beteiligten Person Lufrani: Riccardo Lufrani is Professor Invited at the LUMSA University, Rome, (Italy) and Professor Invited at the Pontifical Theological Faculty, Palermo, (Italy).

The Saint-Etienne Compound Hypogea, Jerusalem

Book Description

In 1885, a large hypogeum was discovered at the Saint-Étienne Compound, the domain acquired only two and a half years before by the Dominicans on the western slope of El Heidhemiyeh hill, about 250 m north of the Jerusalem Ottoman wall. After the unearthing of a second large hypogeum, only fifty metres north of Hypogeum 1, in their monumental work on the history of Jerusalem, the two eminent Dominican scholars Louis-Hugues Vincent and Felix-Marie Abel proposed to date the two burial complexes to the Hellenistic or Roman period. This dating remained unchallenged until the survey of 1974–75, carried out by the distinguished Israeli archaeologists Gabriel Barkay and Amos Kloner, who proposed to date the two burial caves towards the end of the Judahite kingdom, on the basis of an unsystematic comparison of few architectural features with those of other tombs. In the frame of the improved knowledge of the broad and adjacent archaeological contexts since the last study of the Saint-Étienne Compound Hypogea, between 2011 and 2014 Riccardo Lufrani carried out a detailed survey of the two burial caves, providing new and more detailed photographic, topographic, archaeological and geological documentation. The systematic comparison of the significant architectural features of the Saint-Étienne Compound Hypogea with a consistent sample of 22 tombs in the region suggest dating the hewing of the two hypogea to the Early Hellenistic period, shedding a new light on the history of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Through the Ages

Book Description

In this broad yet detailed account of one of the world's oldest, holiest, and most contested cities, leading expert Jodi Magness incorporates the most recent archaeological discoveries and original research to weave an authoritative history of Jerusalem's ancient and medieval periods.

Holy Land. Archaeology on Either Side

Book Description

The title of the volume may be a little perplexing: Archaeology on Either Side. But on either side of what? The picture we chose for the front cover might give an indication of the answer. This image shows two sides of the River Jordan – the Israeli side and the Jordanian side – both part of the Holy Land! Or we might understand the “either side” of our topic in another way, that is, archaeology both as the study of artifacts and archaeology as the study of literary sources. In the contributions the reader will find all these topics and much more: essays on excavations or archaeological findings in the Holy Land as defined above, and essays on literary sources linked to the history of the ancient Near East, especially in the time of the Christian/Common Era (CE). The book is made up of three main sections: “Excavations and Topographical Surveys”; “Architecture, Decorations, and Art”; “Epigraphy and Sigillography”. Some articles touch on more than one specific section, so they may be found between sections.

The Trojan Kings of Britain

Book Description

Caleb Howells, author King Arthur: The Man Who Conquered Europe, argues that the legend of Brutus is based on real historical events. Constructing a compelling argument based on a re-examination of original sources, the book offers a fresh perspective on the history of Britain.

The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre

Book Description

The Roman amphitheatre was a site both of bloody combat and marvellous spectacle, symbolic of the might of Empire; to understand the importance of the amphitheatre is to understand a key element in the social and political life of the Roman ruling classes. Generously illustrated with 141 plans and photographs, The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre offers a comprehensive picture of the origins, development, and eventual decline of the most typical and evocative of Roman monuments. With a detailed examination of the Colosseum, as well as case studies of significant sites from Italy, Gaul, Spain and Roman North Africa, the book is a fascinating gazetteer for the general reader as well as a valuable tool for students and academics.

Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide

Book Description

Cryopreservation has proven to be an important tool for the storage and conservation of plant genetic resources. This book is a unique resource for plant scientists, providing more than 100 ready-to-use cryopreservation protocols for plant types from algae and bryophytes to a range of flowering plants. It includes techniques for diverse plant parts such as dormant buds, pollen, and apical meristems and for cell types such as suspension and callus cultures.

Studies in Ancient Near Eastern World View and Society

Book Description

This book examines the outlook of the ancient Mesopotamians in such areas as their religious values; views on death and burial, health and healing, and scholarship. Specific topics discussed include the heavenly constellations, the historian Berossus, magic and witchcraft, the clergy, the legend of Adapa, and much more.

The Library of Alexandria

Book Description

The Library of Alexandria was one of the greatest cultural adornments of the late ancient world, containing thousands of scrolls of Greek, Hebrew and Mesopotamian literature and art and artefacts of ancient Egypt. This book demonstrates that Alexandria became - through the contemporary reputation of its library - a point of confluence for Greek, Roman, Jewish and Syrian culture that drew scholars and statesmen from throughout the ancient world. It also explores the histories of Alexander the Great and of Alexandria itself, the greatest city of the ancient world. This new paperback edition offers general readers an accessible introduction to the history of this magnificent yet still mysterious institution from the time of its foundation up to its tragic destruction.

Roman Building

Book Description

With over 750 illustrations, Roman Buildings is a thorough and systematic examination of Roman architecture and building practice, looking at large-scale public buildings as well as more modest homes and shops. Placing emphasis on the technical aspects of the subject, the author follows the process of building through each stage -- from quarry to standing wall, from tree to roof timbers -- and describes how these materials were obtained or manufactured. The author also discusses interior decoration and looks at the practical aspects of water supply, heating and roads.