Book Description
Birth of a Salesman is the quintessential how-to-sell and sales leadership book, encased within the business conspiracy novel detailing the exploits of fictional author, Vincent Scott. The chapters of his book The Selling Game are strategically placed throughout the narrative as they illustrate lessons on interviewing for the job, sales preparation, gripping introduction, quality fact-finding, effective pitching, solid closing, superior overcoming objections, earning the promotion, battling burnout and leading sales teams that he learned along the road to success. As Vincent sculpts his book and professionally heads into a pivotal time in his career, he draws upon memories of the clashes, controversy, friends and foes that shaped his rise to power over the last ten years of his life for reference. Along the way, he has had his heart broken, suffered losses, stood up repeatedly to corrupt superiors and been to hell and back, but he is still standing as he leads his team through a dark period.