The Secret Code of the Superior Investor

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In these uncertain times, learn how to crack the code and become a superior investor. Don’t worry about the market, the economy, or the Fed. Instead, concentrate on what’s important: how to construct your own bulletproof portfolio by finding the best individual stocks and mutual funds for you. This timely book is your guide to volatile markets. We live in a world saturated with the short-term: Who’s up, who’s down? Which stocks rose yesterday, which fell? Did corporate profits rise (or drop) last quarter . . . what’s going to happen this quarter? Is Alan Greenspan raising (or lowering) interest rates . . . what’s the impact? The superior investor knows that none of this matters. He or she understands that investing is simple, but not in the way most people think. With Jim Glassman as your guide, everything about investing becomes clear. You’ll know what to do, how to behave, and how to profit—whatever the market, the economy, and your stocks are doing. Superior investors crack the code of investing and practice a coherent philosophy that gives them the strength and confidence to do the right thing no matter which way the economic and financial winds blow. They’re relaxed—calm, cool, and collected—because the secret code provides the foundation for making superior investments, the kind that generate wealth to fund more interesting pursuits, provide for their children’s education, and fund retirement. Superior investors * Are not outsmarters—people who try to beat the system through inside advice and superior brainpower—but partakers. They know that the best way to make money is to share in the profits of successful businesses. * Own a portfolio that looks like the U.S. economy ten years from now. * Know the kind of investments they should be making (e.g., pharmaceuticals, for-profit education, mind-numbingly boring but extraordinarily profitable companies) and those they should not (e.g., corporate bonds). * Understand when to start selling the stocks they’ve bought: almost never . . . only when the fundamental reasons why they bought in the first place change. * Understand how to pick the companies that will make them superior investors. * See that bear markets are for buying. We live in a world of increasing uncertainty, but by practicing the principles of The Secret Code of the Superior Investor day-in and day-out for years on end, your future will indeed be superior. From the Hardcover edition.

Income Investing Secrets

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"Rick Stooker is on the right track. We also intend to pursue a more income-oriented strategy in the years to come. Capital gains are subject to both the risk of a decline in economic fundamentals and a deterioration in market psychology. High-quality dividends and income are subject only to the former, and that makes a big difference in modeling your portfolio returns in retirement." -- Charles Lewis Sizemore CFA, Senior Analyst HS Dent Investment Management, LLC "I am a Chartered Accountant in Canada and spent most of my career teaching in a community college. "Over the years, I have used various "plans," with varying degrees of success, but had never given much thought to dividends, so I fell prey to the hype about capital gains. So what was I thinking? Should have been investing for dividends. "I also learned about some new investment vehicles, and got a "heads up" on some investments that I was aware of, but put on the back burner. "Wish I knew about all this stuff when I was in my 20's, or at least paid attention to the theories involved in my 40's." --- Dennis Wilson "What an eye-opener!!! "I had heard about REITs, MLPs, BDCs, but you really explained their advantages and disadvantages. Thank you, Rick. You have set me on the right path to generate a steady income stream." -- Kenny H While the financial markets are collapsing . . . Finally, you too can discover the old-fashioned -- yet now revolutionary (and updated for the 21st century) -- "gold egg" income investing secrets for lazy investors Despite following the conventional financial wisdom, many senior citizens are now asking what happened to that worry-free fun and relaxation they promised themselves after a long career of hard work. Many people in their fifties and early sixties are wondering when -- or even if -- they'll be able to retire. What's the alternative? Investing for income. Learn how to make money whether the stock market goes up, down or sideways. Discover how to avoid the financial pitfalls and emotional stress of depending upon the stock market to deliver market price appreciation to you -- capital gains. They come -- sometimes -- but they also disappear. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now just a little over the high it first broke six years ago. These days the buy and hold strategy requires a lot of patience. This book advocates rewarding yourself right away with regular income from stock dividends and bond interest. It shows you the best, most dependable types of income-producing investments -- and how to minimize risk. So invest now in the book that can guide your retirement portfolio to generating large amounts of income in the long term. Just scroll up and download Income Investing Secrets: How to Receive Ever-Growing Dividend and Interest Checks, Safeguard Your Portfolio and Retire Wealthy.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance

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The most trustworthy source of information available today on savings and investments, taxes, money management, home ownership and many other personal finance topics.

The Law of Trustee Investments

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The use of trusts, both revocable and irrevocable, is growing, and it is increasingly important for the trustee to prudently invest the trust's assets. The Madoff scandal and legislative developments have highlighted the importance of that duty. Written with the individual trustee in mind - lawyers, individuals acting as trustees, financial planners, and accountants - this book examines the law of diversification, investment directions, determining breach and damages, and provides guidelines for drafting an investment plan.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance

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The most trustworthy source of information available today on savings and investments, taxes, money management, home ownership and many other personal finance topics.

Analyzing the Analysts

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Oversight Hearing on Expensing Stock Options

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Safety Net

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How can you construct a financial investment strategy to protect yourself … yet still get the growth to ensure a solid financial future and comfortable retirement during these turbulent times? By building an investing safety net that gives you the gains needed for growth – though more modest than those of past years – but protection against the downside. So when turbulence strikes again – and it will – you won’t re-live the financial nightmares of recent years when portfolios and 401Ks were devastated. Jim Glassman provides the specifics you need for shrewd asset allocation, specifically: Reduce stock ownership. For those stocks you do own, ensure they meet one of these criteria: pay dividends; are low-priced and from industries of the future; or companies based in aspiring nations such as India, Brazil and China. Make a substantial investment in bonds, especially US Treasury TIPS bonds and corporate bonds Hedge against decline by owning a bear fund that shorts the US economy. Own funds based on other currencies, thus protecting yourself against the potential declining value of the US dollar. And consider derivatives. Yes, derivatives! Specific stock, bond and fund recommendations and ample portfolios then provide the starter ideas for properly balancing a portfolio. And the 5 principles and 18 specific rules of “the new rule book” help keep “animal spirits” in check when fads and news flashes provide the temptation to make rash investing decisions that will be quickly regretted.