The Senior Driver's Survival Guide

Book Description

Senior Drivers! Your future is in jeopardy. A disturbing situation is developing in the United States. Since people are living longer, the number of drivers over 65 is escalating three times as rapidly as the general driving population. Older people have difficulty concentration, shorter attention spans and failing vision among other ailments. Unfortunately this results in frequent driving mishaps, sometimes with catastrophic results. Taking away their driving privileges would deprive them of their self esteem and independence. This could happen if they continued to have accidents caused by their propensity to get distracted easily and lose concentration. Some states have already enacted laws requiring re-exams for seniors. No doubt many more will follow. Driving slower in traffic is not the answer. This could cause accidents. Driving too fast would be worse since a person’s attention span and reaction time deteriorate with age. It does not matter how skillful he or she once were, aging diminishes skill in almost all areas including the operation of a motor vehicle. Driving today has become more complex as many more cars are on the road. When seniors started to drive, turnpikes and expressways were non existent. After observing the avoidable accidents seniors were having, and realizing how their ranks were exploding, I decided to write “The Senior Driver’s Survival Guide” – subtitled What You Must Know to Protect Your Driving Privileges. Its contents can enable older drivers to drive with a more acute awareness and help them to be better drivers in their “Golden” years. It is an important book which has the power to change and save lives.

Safe Senior Drivers

Book Description

The post-World War II generation, the Baby Boomers, are beginning to retire at a time when U.S. life expectancy has never been higher. As a result, the population of senior drivers is exploding, a phenomenon that will create potentially massive problems for our traffic planners, highway safety engineers, and healthcare providers, as more and more Americans in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s continue to ply the roadways. Safe Senior Drivers is a unique, invaluable tool for keeping yourself—and your aging parent—as safe as possible on the roads. Packed with useful information and references, this guide is the clearest, most comprehensive resource available on what indeed is a critical time in the life of everyone who intends to stay behind the wheel and function well in today's driving environment.

Advantageous Driving 4 Seniors

Book Description

Senior drivers (of all ages) will benefit from this edutainment approach to driving. Written for experienced drivers, this interesting eBook puts fun and increased control skills back into your travels. Youll gain surprising insight from an experts experience and earned wisdom that teach how to become a more thoughtful and somewhat quicker-yet-efficient driver. Main chapters focus on: The Driver, The Vehicle and the Roadway; with subchapters describing a wide variety of interesting presentations about skills and technologies. An integrated approach to safer driving identifies & encourages the American Drivers Team for mutual support, and personal responsibility on our roadways. Another section introduces autonomous technologies used in todays vehicles. Topics include: 1) Passing your License Renewal Test. p.85 2) When to hang-up the keys. p.86 3) (Almost) Never stop at a traffic light! P.14 4) Avoid becoming a prisoner of the vehicle ahead. P.43 5) What color makes a turn signal safer? P. 67 6) Stop sign extinction. p.35 7) Becoming the New Primary Driver. p.7 8) Should it stay, or should it go? P.48 9) Develop X-Ray Vision. p.41 10) State-of-the-art safety technologies. p.68 11) Get rid of Your jerk (when stopping)! p.27 And many, many more! Casual and serious drivers alike will find useful and enjoyable topics in Advantageous Driving 4 Seniors: Survival Skills, Strategies and Knowledge. Happy motoring, Dale McCormack Educator, Managing Director & Founder The Institute 4 Traffic Safety

Pre-Senior/Senior Survival Guide

Book Description

The following pages act as a guide in the transition process from afternoon to night with thought given to the evening, in between. The following pages are also a collection of situations, dialogue, and thoughts, with some attitude added here and there. Not a coffee table book or bathroom read but instead meant for reference, present and future. Perhaps even a convenient guide during a period of difficulty or indecisiveness.

Survive Your Drive: A Survival Guide for Driving in the New Millenium

Book Description

Before the worlds were framed God had a plan for a family. God had all of the angels He had created and the whole of the universe. The angel's minister to Him they are subject to His command acting on His spoken word. The universe is subject to God to perform according to His instruction of its formation. This was not fulfilling to God, something was missing God desired a family of being that was like Him intelligence with a mind He could relate to. God wanted someone He could entrust all of His wonderful works to. God wanted a family He could shower with love, and affection of Himself. All scripture references in this book are from the King James Bible. This book will show God's heart for His family. The preparations He made for them before He created the first man in His image. Like a man and his wife prepare the nursery getting it in order before the birth of the baby they are expecting. You will see the actions God's took to save His man when his disobedience to His commandment, caused separation from Him, and His glory covering. There was numerous times God's family disappointed Him, and He almost destroy them completely. God redeemed His family through His son Jesus Christ, and after His sacrifice to save the family, God gave Him head ship over them, and they became His body. How the Trinity works together to help the family, now the body of Christ to maintain that salvation. You will get to know the role of the body of Christ, here in the earth realm. The main one is to come against the adversary Satan, who temped and caused the fall of man in the beginning, and is still intent on man's destruction.

Senior Guide for Safe Driving

Book Description

Senior Behind the Wheel

Book Description

Seniors Can Drive Safely Of course you want to keep your senior driver driving, for as long as you can. Maybe you (the reader) are the senior driver. Either way, theres a strong desire to keep on driving. But only if its still safe, right? This book is written to help you/or your senior driver, avoid the dangers of the road. It takes you through the whole list of dangers and helps you know what to do about each of them. No senior driver wants to give up or lose his or her drivers license. To not have it any more changes a lot of things. No more independence. Somebody else has to take you to where you want or need to go. This book will help you/or your senior driver, postpone that day. It also has lots of tips for the senior driver to use the very next time he or she drives. And, the good news is that its yours for the low price of $9.99. A senior driver has an extra responsibility. Why? Because in our senior years we cannot do the task of driving as well as we used to. Even if youre still a good driver, many things change when you get up in years. These things make driving, for seniors, even more dangerous. But, be aware, that senior drivers have more accidents than any other age group except new, teen drivers. This should alert you that driving is dangerous, especially for the senior. Per mile driven, the fatality rate for drivers 85 years and older is nine times higher than the rate for drivers 25 to 69 years old. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of injury-related death for Heres a list of the topics with which this book will help you. Motorcycles Pg. 4 We all know that they are dangerous to drive, but this chapter deals with why they are dangerous to be around when you are driving your car. Big Trucks Pg. 5 Where are the four blind spots and how to avoid them; the six other dangers that semi-tractor trailers pose and how to avoid them. Safety Belts Pg. 7 Why it is so important to wear them each and every time you drive; what the risks are of not wearing the seat belt and some statistics that back this up. Intersections Pg. 9 The dangers that are present at any intersection and some safety tips that greatly reduce the dangers of driving at intersections. This is especially true for senior drivers. Roadway Hazards Pg. 10 The three types of hazards and the two things you must do to make them much less of a danger to you. Drowsy Driving Pg. 12 How to prevent drowsy driving and the four warning signs prior to falling asleep at the wheel. Tips on how to keep yourself awake at the wheel. Other Elderly Drivers Pg. 15 Why they are a danger to others; what to expect when around them, and how you, a senior driver can avoid getting run into by other senior drivers. Distracted Drivers Pg. 16 An entire section on how extremely dangerous it is to talk or text on the cell phone. Then, a section about the many other things that distract senior drivers and why they are so dangerous. Aggressive Drivers Pg. 18 The many types of and dangers of aggressive driving; how it turns into dangerous road rage, and how to control your anger. Drunk and Drugged Driving Pg. 19 What the police look for; how alcohol and drugs impair driving; some very sobering facts and what to do if you or your friend(s) have been drinking or smoking pot and want to drive a car. Crashes Pg. 23 What are the major causes of crashes; how to prevents getting into one; what to do if you are involved in an accident; what to do on curves; how to avoid a head-on collision. Speeding Pg. 26 Why speeding is so very dangerous. General Tips, Driving on Snow&Ice and Gas Savers Pg. 27 Everyone wants to save on gas. Here are some handy tips, plus some other general things that will help you. Lots of General Tips for Senior Drivers Pg. 30 These will help you be a much safer driver. Driving Defensively Get it now, for just $9.99, and sleep better tonight, since you can order

Driving Survival

Book Description

This comprehensive guide from AAA tells you everything you need to know about a wide variety of driving situations and how to handle them. Illustrations and tips make the information easy to understand. Book jacket.

The Caregiver's Survival Handbook

Book Description

A practical handbook for women confronting the problems of caring for an aging parent explains how to deal with the changing parent/child roles, foster aging parents' independence, get help from other family members, find time for oneself, and balance work, family, and caregiving responsibilities. Original.

The Caregivers Survival And Empowerment Guide: Home Health & Behavioral Health Model Of Caregiving

Book Description

"Caregivers Are Just Superheroes In Comfortable Clothes." Taking care of an elderly individual whether that person is a parent, relative, friend or simply someone in your community who needs support makes you a caregiver. Caregivers are needed now, more than ever with the rapidly increasing numbers of senior citizens who want to continue to live in their homes and communities but, in order to do so they need assistance with daily living activities. The elderly require a variety of services that may be provided in the home environment. Individuals considering caring for an elderly person in the home or community setting need to have information and knowledge to determine whether or not they are capable of providing care for the elderly while also staying healthy themselves. These training of trainers materials are specifically designed for helping inform and prepare potential and current caregivers with understanding and facing the day-to-day challenges of caring for an elder, creating safe home environments, dealing with specialized behavior problems or issues that may be caused by illness or medications, as well as how to care for themselves. Heres Only A Few Topics We’ll Explore: -When To Take a Seniors Car Keys -Dealing With Alzheimers -Stages of Alzheimer’s -Caring For The Caregiver -Taking Care of Yourself -Recognizing and Preventing Senior Abuse -Hospice -Understanding Grief And Much More……