Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do

Book Description

Writing about music, far from being the specialized domain of the rock critic with encyclopedic knowledge of micro-genres or the fancy-pants star journalist flying on private planes with Led Zeppelin, has become something almost any music lover can do—and does. It’s been said, however, that writing about music is a difficult, even pointless enterprise—an absurd impossibility, like “dancing about architecture.” But aside from the fact that dancing about architecture would be awesome, what is that ineffable something that drives people to write about music at all? In this short, insightful book, Joel Heng Hartse unpacks the rock writer Richard Meltzer’s assertion that writing about music should be a “parallel artistic effort” with music itself—and argues that music and the impulse to write about it is part of the eminently mysterious desire for meaning-making that makes us human. Touching on the close resonances between music, language, love, and belief, Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do is relevant to anyone who finds deep human and spiritual meaning in music, writing, and the mysterious connections between them.

Songs of the Servant

Book Description

"He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." As part of the last of four great poems known as the "Servant Songs," these familiar words were first uttered by a lonely prophet to Jewish exiles in mighty Babylon: to folk who were convinced that their tiny, storm-tossed nation had been forgotten by its God. To them Isaiah brings a message of hope, telling of a mysterious "Servant of the Lord" who suffers beyond human endurance for sins which he did not commit, yet who lives again to witness the deliverance of those for whom he died. What were these people to make of this strange figure? Who was Isaiah speaking about? And, centuries later, who gave the New Testament writers the idea that these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus Christ? Henri Blocher is Knoedler Professor of Systematic Theology at Wheaton College, Illinois, and Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculte Libre de Theologie Evangelique in Vaux-sur-Seine, France. His other books include In the Beginning, Songs of the Servant and Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle.

The Servant Song

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Songs of the Servant

Book Description

The Prophet Isaiah brings messages of hope through the last of four biblical poems known as the 'Servant Songs'. Blocher explores the message delivered in these poems.

The Servant Song

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Behold! My Servant

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A Servant's Song

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A thought-provoking book of daily spiritual devotions that seeks to draw the reader into a deeper spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ.

Hymns for Worship

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The Servant Songs

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The Servant Songs

Book Description