Book Description
Shaolin Chanwuyi (Chan, Wushu, and Healing) is a unique Chan Buddhism branch that has been the tradition in the Yonghuatang within the Shaolin Temple. Since it has been an inclusive practice within the temple and was not revealed to others, the principles and authentic methods remain unknown to many. This book, as the first introductory book of Shaolin Chanwuyi, was written based upon the teaching of Master Shi Dejian who is the eighteenth successor of Shaolin Chanwuyi. This book describes the history and philosophy of Shaolin Chanwuyi and explains the methods for practicing. The goal of Chanwuyi is to obtain enlightenment and wisdom, develop virtuous character, and maintain good health. This is the ultimate Chan; it cannot be expressed in words. Shaolin Chan, Wu, and Yi are united and complementary. Shaolin Wushu first focuses on training the mind, which is the essence for perfecting Shaolin Wushu. It is only when one has become proficient in Shaolin Wushu that can one understand the mind and body, then can improve the mental and physical problems. By healing oneself and others, one in turn can nurture a heart of Chan. Chan, Wu, and Yi go together; the three components are united into one thing.