The Sheep People

Book Description

The overarching aim of The Sheep People is to examine what happens to the understanding of past societies when animals are perceived as sentient beings, agents with the ability to impact human lives. Not only are the agentive powers and potential of animals recognised, but also how this shaped prehistoric societies. Throughout, animals are considered as themselves, not as props, tools or consumables for human societies. A thorough review of recent research that supports the agential potential of animals from Human-Animal Studies and the social sciences, as well as ethology, biology and neurology is given, and discussed in light of the archaeological case study. In the Early Bronze Age in northern Europe, a transition from building two-aisled to three-aisled longhouses as the primary farm dwelling took place. In Rogaland, southwestern Norway, this architectural change happened as the result of intensified human-sheep relationships, born from greater engagement and proximity needed to utilise wool. Evidence from landscape changes, settlements, mortuary practices and rock art give an in-depth understanding of the life-world of Bronze Age human and non-human agents and the nature of the choices they made. A rock art panel portraying sheep, man and dog demonstrates the entangled choreography of sheep herding.

The Sheep Book

Book Description

"The Sheep Book offers a template for both the beginner and the old hand. Mixing theoretical, technical and practical, Parker offers a buffet of tips for any sheep producer." --Joel Salatin, author of You Can Farm

Follow the Flock

Book Description

An addictively free-ranging survey of the massive impact that the humble and loveable sheep have had on human history. From the plains of ancient Mesopotamia to the rolling hills of medieval England to the vast sheep farms of modern-day Australia, the domesticated ungulates of the genus Ovis—sheel—have been central to the human story. Starting with our Neolithic ancestors' first forays into sheep-rearing nearly 10,000 years ago, these remarkable animals have fed us, clothed us, changed our diet and languages, helped us to win wars, decorated our homes, and financed the conquest of large swathes of the earth. Enormous fortunes and new, society-changing industries have been made from the fleeces of sheep, and cities shaped by shepherds' markets and meat trading. Sally Coulthard weaves the rich and fascinating story of sheep into a vivid and colorful tapestry, thickly threaded with engaging anecdotes and remarkable ovine facts, whose multiple strands reflect the deep penetration of these woolly animals into every aspect of human society and culture.

People, Sheep and Nature Conservation

Book Description

With almost half a million people and more than six times as many sheep, Tasmania has a rich history of wool production. In the drier parts of the island, graziers raise sheep partly using the native vegetation on their extensive runs. People, Sheep and Nature Conservation explores this use of the run country and the interaction of graziers, sheep and nature. Other topics covered include how graziers manage the runs for profit, how they feel about nature and manage their properties for conservation, how sheep interact with native animals and plants on the runs, and the implications of the ongoing loss of run country to clearance and inundation. In an unusual combination of history, geography, social science, ecological science and policy analysis, this entertaining and well-illustrated book uses the vivid words of the graziers, historical sources and the results of contemporary research to provide some insight into these issues. Although a Tasmanian story, it will resonate more widely, as the integration of production and nature conservation within complex societies, cultures and economies is an outcome desired on a global scale.

People Are Sheep

Book Description

When was the last time you thought with your own head? Never forget, always remember: * If we never switched on the television, our brains would remain switched on at all times. * Most people don't ever follow their own way, but follow the stories written by the leaders. * Feeding hungry people isn't the problem, the problem is satisfying those who already have enough and always want more. * In life, it's not essential that you belong to someone, but that others don't own you. What this book will give you? It will show you the TRUTH about the system in most direct and unique way ever written ... If you can convince people that they are in danger they will do anything to get back on the safe side again. The problem is that "safe" side is actually the dangerous one ... The fact is that you can always defeat the leaders - you just need to play a game other than the one they expect from you. * A game without a player doesn't exist. As long we are against each other, the leaders will always take advantage of the situation and they will be against all of us, because they will deliberately divide us and will always have the advantage over us and do with us whatever they wish, whenever they want, however they want. The day will come when we send the leaders but a single, clear message: THE GAME IS OVER

Excellent Sheep

Book Description

Deresiewicz takes a sharp look at the high-pressure conveyor belt that begins with demands for perfect grades and culminates in the skewed applications received by college admissions committees. Students are losing the ability to think independently. College is supposed to be a time for self-discovery-- but the system is broken, and he offers solutions on how to fix it.

Keepers of the Sheep

Book Description

Follow Irene Waggener's journey into the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco to learn about a knitting tradition that stretches back in time through generations to the very origins of the craft.In this collection of essays and patterns, Irene provides a glimpse of life in a High Atlas village where knitting once played a key role in surviving harsh, snowy winters.The knitting patterns in this book include traditional designs by shepherds who want to share their knowledge with other knitters and future generations. The patterns are presented against the backdrop of Irene's essays, providing the cultural and environmental context in which knitting was practiced in the High Atlas.In addition, Irene's research takes the reader backwards in time as she examines the history of knitting in Morocco and North Africa. Through historical accounts, linguistic clues, and museum artifacts - some of which have not been available to the general public until now - Irene presents a picture of early knitting and how it may have developed in North Africa. Her research is accompanied by knitting patterns inspired by historical sources, bringing to life once again the skills of early North African knitters.

Where is the Green Sheep?

Book Description

A story about many different sheep, and one that seems to be missing.

A Nation Of Sheep Will Believe A Trump

Book Description

A Nation of Sheep Will Believe a Trump” is a powerful book that examines the political IQ of American voters. It analyzes how and why a certain part of the country's population has developed a Sheep Mentality and has lost its critical thinking ability, which allows them to be easily misled by manipulative social media so that they live in an airtight sealed bubble of false information which is devoid of any reality In the book, “A Nation of Sheep Will Believe a Trump” the author Arun K. Govil enumerates many reasons including The Dunning Kruger effect, which was named after psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning, for why sheep mentality people are more susceptible to be influenced by certain news outlets, fake social media posts and racially divisive rhetoric. Based on research, he explains that many such people have a blind spot that makes them overestimate their knowledge, especially in those areas which are alien to them. They believe false narratives and conspiracy theories and feel that they are armed with the best of knowledge and can argue with anyone about it. In fact, they are either misinformed or under-informed about the problems around them and are unaware of it due to the blind spot. These Sheep mentality people are willing to deny what the rest of the country calls reality. A Nation of Sheep Will Believe a Trump analyzes the disparity in political knowledge of American voters and depicts that the current US constitution is of no help against the dangers posed to American democracy by ignorant voters and politicians.

Sheep of Fools

Book Description

Describes the desperate and cruel economic phenomenon of 'live transport' (sheep being transported across oceans to be slaughtered), orchestrated by Sue Coe's powerful images. Coe's illustrations don't shy away from the brutality of her story, with images of sheep shearing, 'beast pillars and war mongering; sheep truck tip over on the highway, sheep and cattle are herded into tiny containers, ships burn and sink. Coe also gives accurate depictions of kosher/Muslim slaughter techniques, providing brutal insight into this little-known industry.