The Ships of Durostorum

Book Description

WANTED: ONE ENGINEER FOR MANAGERIAL POSITION IN IRUNIUM. WAGES HIGH. DEATH BENEFITS SUDDEN. "I am the Contessa Perdita di Montevarchi. Here in Irunium the only law is my will. "I shall seek out another engineer. But this time he will be a real engineer from a dimension that understands these things, from Slikitter, probably from Earth. He will be treated with respect because his function is valuable to me. Almost inevitably he will terminate as this offal terminated, but that is to be expected of imperfect tools. "He will not at first see the slaves in the mines and I do not with him treated as a slave. My mines must continue to produce gems for my trace across the Dimensions. An engineer is needed so I shall find one...."

The Insane City

Book Description

An all-powerful computer takes control of a great metropolis as a man and a woman are drawn into a love affair that may save - or destroy - their world.


Book Description

This is the story of one member of the Terran Survey Corps. His name is Loftus Tait. There are many men of his stamp in the Corps; men who possess a deep and unshakable conviction that what they are doing has a meaning in face of the great unknowns, men who, recognising the transience and minuteness of humankind, yet believe that Man has a destiny among the stars. Not for him or his crew was there the refinement and luxury of a base ship equipped like a small world; they took their frail craft across the parsecs and set down as and when they could, and worked at their jobs, and came back - if they were lucky. Some were not so lucky.

The Key to Venudine

Book Description

Rodro's men were pushing past, were blundering with reeking weapons into the room to kill and take the princess away. Lai half stretched up from the princess's restraining arms. The room was empty of other life apart from Sir Fezius and the two knights now lifting their swords, ready to cut down Lai. A popping noise sounded like a drum bursting. A man appeared in the middle of the room. One moment he was not there; the next he stood there, holding a bulky stick in his arm, peering about with a white face. He said something that sounded like "Skeet." The next instant the room resounded with an avalanche roar and a hellfire blast of scorching flame.

To Outrun Doomsday

Book Description

The planet Kerim must have been Utopia - once. All its inhabitants had to do when they wanted something was to pray out loud for it - and what they wanted would materialise before their eyes. But by the time Jack Waley crashed on it, its best days had long been gone - and its future was strictly limited. Which was typical Jack Waley luck. He had bungled and blundered his way across the space lanes, messing up everything he tried and being castaway on Kerim looked like the end of the line. For Kerim's people were now bands of confused savages and its cities crumbling ruins. And this time Waley knew that he'd have to change a whole world's luck if he wanted to save his own neck one more time.

Star Trove

Book Description

Among the myriad colourful characters of the galaxy, men called him a Treasure Troubleshooter. His name was Felix Vereker, and he liked good food and fine wines and his taste ran to Moliere and ancient legends and digging up the fabulous treasures of the past - on whatever planet they happened to be buried. He did not relish the distraction of political assassination, or mysterious attempts on his own life, or the prehistoric savagery and barbarian swords of a playground world of bored millionaires. But when his professional competence as a troubleshooter for a firm of galactic antique dealers demanded, he could be rougher and tougher than all the perils pitted against him. And he knew how to handle Delia Camacho, the lady assassin, and Miss Rosalind Henley - who demanded and then rejected more than he wanted to give. This novel of future speculation and intrigue ranges a wide galactic canvas and a profusion of brilliant colourful incidents pours out in headlong action as Felix Vereker seeks control of his own identity.

Cycle of Nemesis

Book Description

Seven thousand years ago one of Earth's earliest civilisations was confronted by a menace from the stars - and died in a world-shaking effort to destroy that cosmic monster. But the death of that forgotten empire was not in vain, for they did succeed in entombing that dimension-shaking thing out of sight and harm to humanity. But even their efforts could not make that burial permanent - and after seven millennia the monster stirred again, cracking through the new world of today.

Worlds for the Taking

Book Description

Terran Corps scattered their ships outward into the glittering galaxies. Solterra's prime objective: orbital reconstruction of the far-flung planets. They had tightened up Solterra's galaxy and had made mankind secure against alien threats - or so Terrans believed. As Chief Commander, Stephen Strang aggressively explored the cosmos for the glory of his beloved Earth. He could boast that he had moved more planets into orbit around Sol than any other. Strang felt smugly safe against alien "sharks" - until he discovered the vast time-bomb that was planet Vesta's core. . .

The Electric Sword-Swallowers

Book Description

Delilah was beautiful. Delilah was sexy. And Delilah was to blame for all of Ferdie Foxlee's problems. She had let him down at the crucial moment by falling apart. Literally. And in pieces. Her right eye popped, dangling on multicoloured cables. Her right breast spun around and flew off into the distance. As her fuses blew, her smile melted in a blaze of sparks. As an expert in ectoplasmic electronic creations, Ferdie had clearly failed. But eepee experts - even one like Ferdie - are in very high demand. So when he panicked and ran, he ran into the waiting arms of the underworld...

The Hunters of Jundagai

Book Description

Cy Yancey dreamt of being a big game hunter adventuring in Africa. Little did he know that stepping into an alleyway outside his rifle club would lead him to the most important hunt in his life, a hunt that would take Cy much farther than Africa, a hunt through the worlds of the Dimensions, seeking, of all things, Earth! For Yancey, in trying to grab a cab, ends up hitching a ride with Porteurs Zelda and Jorine - escapees from the power of the mysterious Contessa. Fleeing with them, Yancey is bounced from one Dimension to another until he arrives on Jundagai, planet of the Hunters. On Jundagai lies the answer to Yancey's dreams. The Hunt reigns supreme, though often one is not sure what the quarry is. But Jundagai holds still a greater attraction. Jundagai, Yancey's prison, holds the key to home. Yancey has only to find the right lock before death finds him.