Book Description
Collecting all the pieces and putting them together. Finding the right ingredients and making a perfect dish.The Silent Whisper is about finding out who we are and what we need, to become whole. What makes this so beautiful is that we are all different.Some might say, I have never needed anything, how can you take the most beautiful rose and never wait for it to bloom? If only the poets stopped writing.We as people have a design, we can only get better. When we shed the old skin the new skin is much more radiant. The conditions of our lives grow old, and we learn to overcome our circumstances. That is one of many laws that just happen, call it nature. When we take what life has given us and mix it with one part or maybe even two parts, of the right ingredients we develop character. This book is a combination of several ingredients mixed together, to bring you hope. Hope is an expectation of things to come.