The Skew-Normal and Related Families

Book Description

The standard resource for statisticians and applied researchers. Accessible to the wide range of researchers who use statistical modelling techniques.

Skew-Elliptical Distributions and Their Applications

Book Description

This book reviews the state-of-the-art advances in skew-elliptical distributions and provides many new developments in a single volume, collecting theoretical results and applications previously scattered throughout the literature. The main goal of this research area is to develop flexible parametric classes of distributions beyond the classical no

Symmetric and Asymmetric Distributions

Book Description

In recent years, the advances and abilities of computer software have substantially increased the number of scientific publications that seek to introduce new probabilistic modelling frameworks, including continuous and discrete approaches, and univariate and multivariate models. Many of these theoretical and applied statistical works are related to distributions that try to break the symmetry of the normal distribution and other similar symmetric models, mainly using Azzalini's scheme. This strategy uses a symmetric distribution as a baseline case, then an extra parameter is added to the parent model to control the skewness of the new family of probability distributions. The most widespread and popular model is the one based on the normal distribution that produces the skewed normal distribution. In this Special Issue on symmetric and asymmetric distributions, works related to this topic are presented, as well as theoretical and applied proposals that have connections with and implications for this topic. Immediate applications of this line of work include different scenarios such as economics, environmental sciences, biometrics, engineering, health, etc. This Special Issue comprises nine works that follow this methodology derived using a simple process while retaining the rigor that the subject deserves. Readers of this Issue will surely find future lines of work that will enable them to achieve fruitful research results.

The Multivariate Normal Distribution

Book Description

The multivariate normal distribution has played a predominant role in the historical development of statistical theory, and has made its appearance in various areas of applications. Although many of the results concerning the multivariate normal distribution are classical, there are important new results which have been reported recently in the literature but cannot be found in most books on multivariate analysis. These results are often obtained by showing that the multivariate normal density function belongs to certain large families of density functions. Thus, useful properties of such families immedi ately hold for the multivariate normal distribution. This book attempts to provide a comprehensive and coherent treatment of the classical and new results related to the multivariate normal distribution. The material is organized in a unified modern approach, and the main themes are dependence, probability inequalities, and their roles in theory and applica tions. Some general properties of a multivariate normal density function are discussed, and results that follow from these properties are reviewed exten sively. The coverage is, to some extent, a matter of taste and is not intended to be exhaustive, thus more attention is focused on a systematic presentation of results rather than on a complete listing of them.

Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distributions

Book Description

Since the publication of the by now classical Johnson and Kotz Continuous Multivariate Distributions (Wiley, 1972) there have been substantial developments in multivariate distribution theory especially in the area of non-normal symmetric multivariate distributions. The book by Fang, Kotz and Ng summarizes these developments in a manner which is accessible to a reader with only limited background (advanced real-analysis calculus, linear algebra and elementary matrix calculus). Many of the results in this field are due to Kai-Tai Fang and his associates and appeared in Chinese publications only. A thorough literature search was conducted and the book represents the latest work - as of 1988 - in this rapidly developing field of multivariate distributions. The authors are experts in statistical distribution theory.

Normal and Student ́s t Distributions and Their Applications

Book Description

The most important properties of normal and Student t-distributions are presented. A number of applications of these properties are demonstrated. New related results dealing with the distributions of the sum, product and ratio of the independent normal and Student distributions are presented. The materials will be useful to the advanced undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners in the various fields of science and engineering.


Book Description

In many practical applications it has been observed that real data sets are not symmetric. They exhibit some skewness, therefore do not conform to the normal distribution, which is popular and easy to be handled. Azzalini (1985) introduced a new class of distributions named the skew normal distribution, which is mathematically tractable and includes the normal distribution as a special case with skewness parameter being zero. The skew normal distribution family is well known for modeling and analyzing skewed data. It is the distribution family that extends the normal distribution family by adding a shape parameter to regulate the skewness, which has the higher flexibility in fitting a real data where some skewness is present. In this dissertation, we will explore statistical analysis related to this distribution family. In the first part of the dissertation, we develop a nonparametric goodness-of-fit test based on the empirical likelihood method for the skew normal distribution. The empirical likelihood was proposed by Owen (1988). It is a method which combines the reliability of the canonical nonparametric method with the flexibility and effectiveness of the likelihood approach. The statistical inference of the test statistic is derived. Simulations indicate that the proposed test can control the type I error within a given nominal level, and it has competitive power comparing to the other available tests. The test is applied to IQ scores data set and Australian Institute of Sport data set to illustrate the testing procedure. In the second part we focus on the change point problem of the skew normal distribution. The world is filled with changes, which can lead to unnecessary losses if people are not aware of it. Thus, statisticians are faced with the problem of detecting the number of change points or jumps and their location, in many practical applications. In this part, we address this problem for the standard skew normal family. We focus on the test based on the Schwartz information criterion (SIC) to detect the position and the number of change points for the shape parameter. The likelihood ratio test and the bayesian methods as two alternative approaches will be introduced briefly. The asymptotic null distribution of the SIC test statistics is derived and the critical values for different sample sizes and nominal levels are computed for the adjustified SIC test statistic. Simulation study indicates the performance of the proposed test. In the third part of the dissertation, we extend the methods in the second part by studying the different types of change point problem for the general skew nor mal distribution, which include: the simultaneous changes of location and scale parameters, the simultaneous change of location, scale and shape parameters. We derive the test statistic based on SIC to detect and estimate the number of possible change points. Firstly, we consider the change point problem for the simultaneous changes of location and scale parameters, assuming that the shape parameter is unknown and has to be estimated. Secondly, we explore the change point problem for simultaneous changes of location, scale and shape parameters. The asymptotic null distribution and the corresponding adjustification for the test statistic are established. Simulations for each proposed test are conducted to indicate the performance of the test. Power comparisons with the available tests are investigated to indicate the advantage of the proposed test. Applications to real data are provided to illustrate the test procedure.

Graphical Models with R

Book Description

Graphical models in their modern form have been around since the late 1970s and appear today in many areas of the sciences. Along with the ongoing developments of graphical models, a number of different graphical modeling software programs have been written over the years. In recent years many of these software developments have taken place within the R community, either in the form of new packages or by providing an R interface to existing software. This book attempts to give the reader a gentle introduction to graphical modeling using R and the main features of some of these packages. In addition, the book provides examples of how more advanced aspects of graphical modeling can be represented and handled within R. Topics covered in the seven chapters include graphical models for contingency tables, Gaussian and mixed graphical models, Bayesian networks and modeling high dimensional data.

An Introduction to Regression Graphics

Book Description

Covers the use of dynamic and interactive computer graphics in linear regression analysis, focusing on analytical graphics. Features new techniques like plot rotation. The authors have composed their own regression code, using Xlisp-Stat language called R-code, which is a nearly complete system for linear regression analysis and can be utilized as the main computer program in a linear regression course. The accompanying disks, for both Macintosh and Windows computers, contain the R-code and Xlisp-Stat. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley editorial department.