Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet

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An account of the life and prophecies of the American mystic who accomplished medical cures and foresaw future events.

Edgar Cayce

Book Description

With unprecedented access to Edgar Cayce's private letters and trance readings, Sidney Kirkpatrick delivers the definitive biography of the renowned psychic, religious seeker, and father of alternative medicine. Born in rural Kentucky in 1877, Edgar Cayce became known as "the sleeping prophet," and went on to lead an extraordinary life, helping and healing thousands. This is Cayce's fascinating story as it's never been told before.

Edgar Cayce

Book Description

Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates

Book Description

Is there really such a thing as soul mates? According to Edgar Cayce, yes. But his definition of "soul mates," "twin souls," and "perfect partners" may differ from what you're expecting. For decades, Cayce provided thousands of individuals with insights into the nature of their personal relationships, the dynamics of soul attraction, and the universal laws at work that draw individuals together. What is unique about Todeschi's book is that it explores the development of relationships over time, played out within the framework of reincarnation. In addition to discussing soul mate relationships, their connection to the cyclic pattern of reincarnation, and the nature of loneliness, this book looks at the fundamentals of soul attraction and provides contemporary examples of the same principles discussed by Cayce.

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?

Book Description

Discover the legacy of the most famous psychic of the 20th-century in this stirring exploration of psychic abilities, reincarnation, and other paranormal phenomena There are remarkable parallels between the work of David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce—the legendary clairvoyant, ‘sleeping prophet’, and ‘father of holistic medicine’. Here, author Wynn Free explores these parallels, building a convincing case that the two men shared the same source of prophetic information—and that Wilcock might indeed be Cayce’s reincarnation. Compiling some of Wilcock’s most inspirational and life-transforming prophetic guidance from his channeled Source, this book conveys profound insights into topics such as earth changes, secret cabals, soul evolution, death and reincarnation, ascension, crop circles, and the theory of evolution. Explaining how energetic increases occurring in the Sun and planets can have scientifically-measurable, far-reaching effects in a number of realms, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce presents new evidence that this energy can transform DNA, potentially making ESP, telekinesis, levitation, and other paranormal activities as common as breathing and usher in the Golden Age promised by every major spiritual tradition in human history. Readers will come away with a deeper understanding not only of the life and work of both Wilcock and Cayce, but with a broader sense of the many forces—seen and unseen—at work in the universe today.

Edgar Cayce: The “Sleeping” Medium & Spiritual Discernment

Book Description

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was one of the most famous trance mediums in the world and the best-known psychic in America's history. Not commonly placed under those occult classifications he is commonly referred to in a more soothing category as “the sleeping prophet". Through entering a self-induced hypnotic trance he produced over 14300 health and spiritual "Readings" (one of the largest psychic libraries in history) allegedly from his unconscious mind and/or the supposed akashic records. Uniquely he may be considered the spiritual father of both the modern New Age movement and contemporary holistic medicine. His influence has extended to millions of people. This book takes a critical look at the life readings and health/spiritual impact of Edgar Cayce. It illustrates the timely warning of the old adage that the road to hell may be paved with perfectly good intentions—and how benevolent concepts such as improved health and spirituality may indeed become the devil's playground. Ironically this is the very thing Cayce himself had worried about in reference to the Readings.

The Edgar Cayce Collection

Book Description

The mystic philosophies of a most intriguing and complex figure. Presents thebest-known works of Edgar Cayce, on a number of topics including ESP, dreams, healing and health.

There Is a River

Book Description

THERE IS A RIVER The Story of Edgar Cayce by THOMAS SUGRUE Revised Edition New York HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PREFACE HE story of Edgar Cayce properly belongs in the I history of hypnosis, as a chapter in evidence for 1 the theories of Armand Marc Jacques de Chaste net, Marquis de Puysegur. It was de Puysegur, not Mesmer, who in 1784 discovered hypnotism. De Puysegurs famous subject Victor went into a sleep instead of a convulsion while being magnetized, and in that state showed remark able intelligence and apparent powers of clairvoyance. Further experiments brought the same results. Other pa tients, when put to sleep, showed like powers. Walter Brom berg, in The Mind of Man 1 says Dull peasants became mentally alert, and could even foretell events or under stand things ordinarily obscure to them. Somnambulists made medical diagnoses in other patients brought before them, and foretold the future. The magnetizer of the 1820 s merely brought his patient before a competent somnambul ist, and waited for the diagnosis. ... If only modern 1 The Mind of Man, by Walter Bromberg, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1937. vii PREFACE science had such aids The clairvoyance of somnambulists became a fascinating game. But the fascinating game was not encouraged, either by the French Academy or by the medical profession, and it suffered the fate of other fads. A generation later Andrew Jackson Davis, the Poughkeepsie Seer, was practicing medical diagnosis by clairvoyance in America, but he re mained obscure and is not even mentioned in textbooks and histories of hypnotism. Hypnotism, in fact, will have nothing to do with clairvoyance it has renounced its own mother. Edgar Cayce practiced medical diagnosisby clairvoyance for. forty-three years. He left stenographic reports of 30,000 of these diagnoses to the Association for Research and En lightenment, Inc., along with hundreds of complete case reports, containing affidavits by the patients and reports by physicians. There are hundreds of people throughout the United States who will testify, at the drop of a hat, to die accuracy of his diagnoses and the efficacy of his suggestions for treatment. He did not use his ability except to prescribe for the sick and to give spiritual advice and vocational guidance when these were specifically requested. He never made any public demonstrations of his powers he was never on the stage he never sought any publicity he did not prophesy he did not seek wealth. Often his economic status was quite pre carious at best it never rose above modest security. During the period of the Cayce Hospital he was paid only seventy five dollars a week for his services. His unquestioned personal integrity, plus the excellent and voluminous records of his work and the long period that they covered, made him an ideal subject for scientific study. But scientists shunned him. He and his friends re gretted this it might have been more evidential if they, not I, had made this report. viii PREFACE I first met Edgar Cayce in 1927. At that time I made most of the preliminary notes and sketches for this book. Since then I have continually added to the material, enjoy ing the complete co-operation of the members of the Cayce family, and being accorded access to the files at all times. From June, 1939, to October, 1941, I was a guest in the house on Arctic Crescent, seeing and interviewing Mr. Cayce every day, and examiningmaterial from the files. I spent many summers at Virginia Beach, particularly those of 1929, 1930, and 1931. In addition to the members of the Cayce family I have had the good fortune to know intimately most of the other characters in the story. One of the first and most important contributors to my dossier was Mr. Cayces father, the late Leslie B. Cayce. Another was Carrie Salter House, who with her husband, the late Dr. House, and her son, Tommy, were invaluable aids and stanch friends through the years. I was not privileged to know Mr...