The Soviet Union And The Gulf In The 1980s

Book Description

This study focuses on the impact of Soviet policy toward the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, discussing Soviet interpretations of the Iranian revolution and evaluations of the potent impact of the fundamentalist revival for Moscow's clients in the region.

In the Direction of the Gulf

Book Description

This text analyzes the USSR's interest in the countries of the Persian Gulf. The book places such interest within the context of the USSR's relations with the Arab world and the complexities of power politics.

The Soviet Union and the Middle East in the 1980s

Book Description

Eksperter i Mellemøst-anliggender skriver de sovjetrussiske udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitiske bestræbelser i Mellemøsten samt USSR's forhold til og påvirkning af de enkelte lande i regionen herunder den sovjetiske besættelse af Afghanistan samt USAþs og USSRþs indbyrdes forhold i Mellemøsten.

The Gulf in the 1980s

Book Description

The Cold War: a Very Short Introduction

Book Description

Vividly written and based on up-to-date scholarship, this title provides an interpretive overview of the international history of the Cold War.

The Gulf and International Security

Book Description

A perspective on the countries involved in the Gulf conflict, dealing with the oil price dynamics, the Reagan administration's dealings with Saudi Arabia, Gorbachev's new politics and its implications, conflicts among the Arab sheikhdoms and the impact of the Iran-Iraq War.

Gulf Security Into the 1980s

Book Description

Om de forskellige trusler mod sikkerheden i området omkring Den persiske Havbugt, f.eks om Sovjetunionens invasion i Afghanistan og om Khomeni-styrets hensigter og Irakisk-Iranske krig men også om The Gulf Corporation, og hvilke trusler der synes rettet imod firmaet samt om USA's udenrigspolitik og interesser i området.