The Spiritual Chemyst, or Divine Meditations on Several Subjects

Book Description

This unique work is a 60 day puritan devotional. It houses 60 short meditations on various subjects that pull in both scripture and spiritual insight into their biblical comparisons; like the morning dew that is likened to the grace of God that descends in bounty each day for the good of his people. Spurstowe spent years developing these 60 devotional readings which cover everything from grace, to holiness, to justification, prayer, diligence, redemption and the majesty of God. The entries are continually magnificent in their employment of God’s grace and the work of Jesus Christ. In the preface, the original publisher said that such writings of Spurstowe were “holy flights of the soul” reaching up to heaven to taste of Christ at the right hand of God the Father. This is a rare puritan gem that should not be missed! This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Puritan Meditations

Book Description

"Puritan Meditations" by Francis Rous offers a weighty collection of 96 carefully crafted spiritual reflections aimed at deepening the believer's relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Rous, a respected Puritan theologian and Westminster Divine, gathers “diverse sparks of holy fire” to inspire readers to engage in the sacred practice of biblical meditation, thought by thought. These 96 meditations focus on filling the mind and heart with the truths of Scripture, leading to spiritual growth and sanctification on a variety of biblical topics. Within this book, Rous explores the transformative power of God's Word, guiding believers through times of spiritual coldness and encouraging them to reignite their zeal. Drawing from the rich Puritan tradition, "Puritan Meditations" offers insights into everything from the work of the Savior, to the action of holiness in the Christian walk. He reflects on God’s works, promises, and character leading to holiness and joy in the Christian walk. With each meditation, Rous invites readers into a shared journey of faith, urging them to press onward toward their eternal inheritance. These 96 reflections are not only a means of personal growth but a call to collective encouragement, unity, and strength in the body of Christ. Whether you are seeking deeper communion with God or spiritual nourishment for life's challenges, "Puritan Meditations" provides a timeless roadmap toward the joy and peace found only in God's word and in Jesus Christ.

Gospel Worship, or, The Right Manner of Sanctifying the name of God in General, in Hearing the Word, Receiving the Lord’s Supper, and Prayer

Book Description

Worship is not a trite act. It is the life of the Christian. When the Christian hears God in his word, or from the mouth of the biblical minister, and is pressed to obey him in all things as exemplified in his word, such obedience is for his very life. “For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life,” (Deut. 32:47). In this obedience, God has not left his ordinances of worship to the inventions of men. God has set down certain specific requirements which are to be followed. It was a hallmark of the Reformation that God alone determines the manner in which sinners approach him. God’s will, in this way, has reference to the regulative principle of life as well as to the Laws which God has made known and prescribed to man in order that his walk might be regulated accordingly. So, God regulates his worship with the intention of allowing fallen, sinful people to come before him and sanctify his name in a manner that God requires: in holiness. This is the substance of Burroughs’ treatise Gospel Worship. Worship is for God, not for us. Sadly, that simple statement is foreign to our day. Yet God is as clear today as He was to Nadab and Abihu in the Old Testament: He will be treated as holy by those who come into His presence (Lev. 10:1-3). In this treasured work, Jeremiah Burroughs masterfully provides guidelines to facilitate the reader to move closer to God in worship. Through 14 sermons, Burroughs carefully explains the right manner of worshipping God in general, and the three great ordinances of hearing the Word, receiving the Lord’s Supper, and prayer. Burroughs demonstrates that true worship is reverent, focused on the holiness of God. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Christ's Resurrection from the Dead

Book Description

From Acts 3:26, “Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities,” Lockyer teaches on the foundational doctrine of Christ’s glorious resurrection. As Lockyer sates, “The hope of man is founded upon the resurrection of Christ from the dead.” Such a work of God to redeem fallen men from the justice and wrath of God, one finds the resurrection of Christ bearing the confirmation of God’s oath to the elect for the accomplishment of their eternal good. And in this, rests the infallible determination of Christ’s state as the natural Son of God, and so the messenger indeed of the covenant of grace. More than any other miracle of the New Testament, the resurrection is the foundation on which our Christian faith rests. Jesus had to be raised from the dead for the cross to be effectual, for his death and resurrection are both essential for redemption. Our resurrected Savior is our Chief Cornerstone, the Author and Finisher of our faith, our triumphant King who conquered sin, death, hell, and the grave, rose from the dead and ascended into glory to the right hand of God. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

A Devotional on Our Savior's Death and Passion

Book Description

Every true Christian longs to be closer in their relationship to Jesus Christ, and obtain a more intimate communion with God. This is the point of this puritan devotional. Herle has taken the role of a preacher, and presented the preaching of the Gospel, particularly the passion and death of Christ, in a devotional manner. What is a devotional? A devotional is akin to the meditative aspects of a sermon (direct application to the self) and how the text launches the reader into their own meditations (how it applies to “me” personally) as directly applied to the soul. Devotionals, like this one, do this step by step, one day at a time. Each chapter is a respective day’s meditation. In this work, there are 41 devotionals on the passion and death of Christ, with a concluding meditation on the resurrection; that Christ is a dying and rising Savior. In addition, Herle thought it important to add into each devotional a kind of ending prayer. Each day there are two or three prayers linked to the devotionals that allow you to become more thoughtful about these important biblical points as they relate to what happened to Jesus, what he did for his people, and how they can be prayed back to him for the soul’s edification and benefit. The goal in this devotional is to meditate and consider the passion of the Lord Jesus (from the Garden of Gethsemane to his death at Golgotha), and then consider what happened on the cross as he is nailed there dying for sinners. These devotionals work themselves out daily. Readers would draw the most virtue from this work, and from Jesus Christ, if they deal with one chapter each day for 41 days. But they are only as helpful as they are thoughtful and dedicated about considering them. Devotionals are not about simply flexing one’s theological muscles each day. It is primarily to gain the real blessing of the Spirit, further conformity to the image of Jesus Christ, and a deeper fellowship with the Father as you come to understand the passion of Christ, and his death on the cross in redeeming sinners.

Following Christ Whithersoever He Goes

Book Description

The book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature; God’s revealed truth in fantastical images; a way of teaching Old Testament ideas to the New Testament church. In John’s day he desired the churches under his apostolic authority to walk in a specific manner. From Revelation 14, McMahon explains the practical nature of the militant Christian expounding these words of the Apostle, “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.” Throughout Revelation John shapes the cross of Christ into the imagery of the Lamb who stands in the midst of the church in heaven and rules them by his covenant. To follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes, is when the Christian makes God’s will the rule of their own will. These Christians in heaven rejoice in Christ being both holy and happy, and the church on earth ought to mimic them, they too desiring to be both holy and happy, to have their sins mortified as well as pardoned, to be sanctified as well as saved, to live to God here as well as to live with God after in heaven, so they will follow Christ whithersoever he goes. How is it that the slain Lamb leads you? How do you willingly follow him? To follow Christ implies walking with him; it is to follow; it is to move. This study focuses on that little phrase, in Rev. 14:4, “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth;” that Christians follow Christ. They follow him: for who he is, for who they are in contrast to the world, in opposition to compromise and false religion, and into all kinds of providences. They follow him in times of ease, or frowning providences, and they do all this for his glory.

5 Marks of Devotion to God

Book Description

Do you long for a closer relationship to the Savior Jesus Christ? Do you desire a more intimate communion with God each day? Every true Christian does. The purpose of this volume in the "5 Marks Series" is to cover the spiritual disciplines housed in private devotions and family worship. It is a study on how the biblical doctrines of reading Scripture, prayer and godly meditation practically work in the life of the believer. These spiritual disciplines will help further conform them into the image of their only Savior Jesus Christ, both individually pressing them towards a godly reformation, and also to reform the family as a Christian household. It is to come to know God in a deeper and more intimate manner, and to be empowered by the Spirit of God for the glory of Christ. This work covers the following five marks of devotion to God: Mark 1: Daily Bible Reading and Study Mark 2: Daily Meditation Mark 3: Daily Prayer Mark 4: Fasting Mark 5: Family Worship

Divine Judgment and Mercy in the Second Plague

Book Description

Josiah Shute’s meticulous exploration of God’s intricate dance between divine justice and benevolence in the second plague of frogs upon the Egyptians is masterful. As a prominent Reformed theologian and preacher, Shute’s insights into Exodus 8:1-10 span nine compelling sermons, presenting a riveting examination of God’s interactions with his people, and their enemies. In this work, Shute reaffirms God’s righteousness, emphasizing that His judgments, while sometimes perceived as severe, always have a greater purpose. Exploring the very nature of afflictions, Shute unveils them not only as divine punishments, but instruments of God’s will, designed to address inherent pride, even within the righteous. But Shute’s discourse doesn’t end at self-reflection. He drives home the rewards of facing afflictions with a God-centered heart, echoing sentiments of biblical figures like David, emphasizing that true reconciliation and a deeper walk with God arise from rightly received trials. Josiah Shute’s “Judgment and Mercy" on Exodus 8:1-10 invites readers to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereign intentions, challenging them to see beyond the immediate pain of afflictions and embrace the divine wisdom embedded within. A theological masterpiece that promises to enrich the soul and sharpen the believer’s perspective on God’s unerring ways.

Spiritual Logic or Hints and Helps to Personal Devotions

Book Description

In this wonderful treatment of order and structure in communion with God, “Spiritual Logic” aids the reader in understanding that there is a logical order to the way one prays and thinks about their time of devotions. God is a God of logic, and so, why would someone not use logic in order to “order their prayers?” Harrison is going to take you down a logical road of gaining some hints and helps to your personal devotional life. He will aid you in overcoming an inept prayer life to make your conversations with God run deeper. He deals with a number of preliminary aspects that serve as hindrances to good devotions, such as unacquaintedness with the Lord, a sense of more than ordinary unworthiness ever to be acquainted savingly with God, what it means to be jealous for Christ, and to love Christ, and the Father. He covers the fear of unbelief, the fear of hypocrisy, the fear of being acted only by a slavish spirit of fear, a sense of fearful backslidings, and a sense of one’s strong corruptions that hinder devotions. He speaks extensively of many negative thoughts that crowd the Christian when they try to have faithful devotions, such as desertion felt or feared by God (will God even hear me?), sudden uneasiness that one experiences from cloudy providences, how to deal with the dread of spiritual judgements, hardness of heart, and unprofitableness under the means of grace. Especially considered is the fear that one’s prayer is not heard. His work is unique in that he not only gives various remedies for hindrances, but also helps to devotion in the actual way the Christian ought to logically speak to God by using his word (spiritual logic) in setting their prayers on God’s prescriptions. This is an excellent work in showing, step by step, how the Christian can pray effectively using this spiritual logic, which is indeed, hints and helps to raise their personal devotions for the glory of the Redeemer. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.