Save Europe

Book Description

Europe is a continent of ironies. There are beautiful, historic church buildings, but they are empty on Sunday mornings. Europeans have been surrounded by Christianity for centuries, but Christ is not in them. Is this the future of Christianity in Europe? May it never be! The author combines cultural analysis with a prophetic insight to propose a new direction for the European churches. The decline of Christianity in Europe has been necessary to shed excess baggage. The beautiful heritage of Christianity in Europe is truly wonderful, but that is not the essence of Christianity. Churches must return to the original priorities of the faith. Be a fisher of men. Do not assume that people already know about Christianity but are not interested. People may not be interested in religion, but Jesus has an irresistible appeal. Christianity cannot be reinvented, but churches can. If churches stop presuming that Europeans are already Christians and instead compete in the marketplace of ideas, they will be able to win back the hearts of the post-Christian Europeans. Europe is the most important mission field of the twenty-first century and the fiercest spiritual contest will take place in Europe. If you desire to be a servant of the Lord, ask him to send you into the harvest field of Europe. Exciting days are ahead of us.

Europe and the Faith

Book Description

"[...] Spain, not devout at all, but hating things not Catholic because those things are foreign, was more than apart. Britain had long forgotten the unity of Europe. France, a protagonist, was notoriously divided within herself over the religious principle of that unity. No modern religious analysis such as men draw up who think of religion as Opinion will make anything of all this. Then why was there a fight? People who talk of "Democracy" as the issue of the Great War may be neglected: Democracy-one noble, ideal, but rare and perilous, form of human government-was not at stake. No historian can talk thus. The essentially aristocratic policy of England now turned to a plutocracy, the despotism of Russia and [...]."

Without Roots

Book Description

On May 12, 2004, Pope Benedict XVI - then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger-addressed the Italian Senate on the state of the West; the very same day, Joseph Pera, President of the Italian Senate, spoke before the Lateran College of the Papal University. Together they called upon the West to confront the spiritual, cultural, and political malaise that have afflicted it in the earliest years of the 21st century. In the months that ensued, before Cardinal Ratzinger's election to the papacy, they developed their ideas into the eloquent dialogue that is Without Roots - a book that quickly became an Italian bestseller and is even more timely today than ever. With Europe shaken by the war in Iraq, terrorism, security, Israel, relations with the U.S., immigration, and the rejection of the EU constitution in both France and the Netherlands, the issue of European identity has profound implications for the rest of the world. Bringing together their unique vantage points as leaders of Church and State, Pope Benedict XVI and Pera challenge us to imagine what can be the future of a civilization that has abandoned its history for a relativist secularism. They call on the West to embrace a spiritual rather than political renewal-and to accept the moral beliefs that alone can help us to make sense of changes in technology, economics, and society. Pope Benedict XVI joins the President of the Italian Senate to offer a provocative critique of the spiritual, cultural, and political crisis afflicting the West.

A Turning Point For Europe?

Book Description

Foreword by James Schall, S.J. Cardinal Ratzinger addresses the challenges and responsibilities that both the Church and society in Europe face after the collapse of Marxism. Both liberalism and Marxism have denied religion the right to have any influence on public affairs and the common future of humanity. Since there is also a great spiritual emptiness growing in the West with the increased secularization, consumerism and hedonism, Ratzingerಙs comments apply as much, if not more, to the United States as well. With the downfall of Marxism, religion has been discovered anew as an ineradicable force for both the individual and society. While there is renewed interest in religion, the dangers also exist to lay hold of religion as an instrument to serve various political ideas. Ratzinger, whose theological work has often dealt with the ಜreasons for our faith,ಝ reflects upon the various problems facing humanity at this turning point of our history and offers genuine hope based upon a deep Christian faith. He also addressed the critical role that the Church has in relationship to the world and the essential task of bringing Christ back into our culture. ಜIn the present situation it is an absolute obligation for the theologian and for the pastor of the Church to enter the disputation about the correct understanding of the present time, and to both clarify faithಙs own proper sphere and to do justice to the share of responsibility that lies on him at this hour.ಝ Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Let Truth Prevail

Book Description

An engaging account of marginalized Christians who believed God would ultimately vindicate their truth-seeking struggles. Through the centuries, ostracized Christian renewal movements have challenged the status quo of the religious establishment, often at great cost. These nonmainstream religious movements generally receive little attention in standard introductions, but Let Truth Prevail tells their story, surveying the history, beliefs, and practices of various medieval and post-Reformation European renewal movements. Book jacket.

European Religion in the Age of Great Cities

Book Description

Europe in the nineteenth century saw spectacular growth in the size and number of cities and in the proportion of the population living in urban areas. Many contemporaries thought that this social revolution would bring about an equally dramatic change in religious life. This book, written by an international team of specialists, provides an authoritative account of religious change, both at the institutional and popular level, in Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox cities, in seven European countries.

Heart and Soul for Europe

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