Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies

Book Description

The book begins with a historical introduction, "Star Formation: The Early History", that presents new material of interest for students and historians of science. This is followed by two long articles on "Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution of Stars and Young Clusters" and "Observations of Young Stellar Objects". These articles on the fascinating problem of star formation from interstellar matter give a thorough overview of present-day theories and observations. The articles contain material so far unpublished in the astronomical literature. The book addresses graduate students and can be used as a textbook for advanced courses in stellar astrophysics.

Evolution of early-type galaxies at z~1

Book Description

The study of the spectroscopic, photometric and morphological properties of early-type galaxies, especially at high redshift and over a range of environmental densities, allows to put constraints on galaxy formation and evolution models. In particular, the presence of old passive stellar populations up to z 1.5 pushes further back the epoch of the last significant star formation episode in massive early-type galaxies. This book presents a study of the star formation history in these high redshift early-type galaxies, in both cluster and field environments, and the novel method used to reconstruct it.

Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time (IAU S235)

Book Description

This last decade has witnessed a revolution in our observations of galaxies; in particular deep imaging with HST and spectroscopy with 10m-class ground-based telescopes have uncovered many objects that are difficult to place along the Hubble sequence. High resolution spectroscopy of extremely faint objects has enabled the study of the kinematic evolution and, hence, the mass assembly of galaxies to unprecedented look-back times for direct comparison with cosmological structure formation scenarios. Thus, it is now possible to study all three aspects of galaxy evolution - their morphological-dynamical, chemical and spectral evolution out to redshift larger than six, exploring more than 95% of the age of the universe. These Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 235 report the considerable progress made in recent years on galaxy formation and evolution, and look forward to the expected breakthroughs in the domain of remote galaxies, with ALMA, the ELT and the next generation space telescopes.

Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Book Description

A coherent introduction for researchers in astronomy, particle physics, and cosmology on the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Book Description

Dwarf galaxy research constitutes an extremely vibrant field of astrophysical research, with many long-standing questions still unsettled and new ones constantly arising. The intriguing diversity of the dwarf galaxy population, observed with advanced ground-based and space-borne observatories over a wide spectral window providing an unprecedented level of detail, poses new challenges for both observers and theoreticians. The aim of this symposium was to bring together these two groups to exchange ideas and new results on the many evolutionary aspects of and open issues concerning dwarf galaxies. The main topics addressed include: the birth of dwarf galaxies: theoretical concepts and observable relics across wavelengths and time, the morphological, structural and chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies, possible evolutionary connections between early-type and late-type dwarfs, the star formation history of dwarf galaxies and its dependence on intrinsic and environmental properties, the origin and implications of starburst activity in dwarf galaxies, the fate of dwarfish systems born out of tidally ejected matter in galaxy collisions.