Leadership and Governance

Book Description

Leadership and Governance is a collection of essays on political economy, leadership and governance, and corruption and community development, as well as on information technology and education. This book, thus, presents a broad overview of the major problems facing the Nigerian economy. Towards that, the contributors highlight the relationship between good leadership and governance and the economic health of Nigeria as they explore the forces for a meaningful change in the polity. This book asserts that political leaders in Nigeria should be held to a higher standard of leadership and governance in order for the economy to grow and develop for 'common good'. Nigeria's educational system is the foundation for its national development. But this is impossible without investing in human capital (education and health), fixing the existing dilapidated infrastructure and institutions and acquiring technological capability that drive the economy. The power of productivity of the Nigerian economy cannot rise above the quality of its leadership, governance and graduates. Today Nigeria's young democracy is in a state of uncertainty because of ineffective leadership and governance as well as lack of accountability. Since all the essential factors are missing in Nigeria's scheme of affairs, its economy as well as the democracy transition will continue to choke and stagnate. There are myriad ways to reform the Nigerian educational system, improve its quality of graduates and the state of the economy. But closing the nation's higher institutions for five months on the pretext that there is no money to meet teachers demands is not a way to improve the state of education and its weak economy. The trouble with Nigeria's democracy is that the people do not get the type of government they want. For instance, praying to God only, as President Goodluck Jonathan often does, to rescue the nation from its challenges is not by any means a strategy to solve Nigeria's socioeconomic and political problems. His administration needs to adopt a long-term strategy for creating a learning culture to improve the state of education and the security situation so as to tackle its development challenges. This includes motivating the teachers, treating them as professional they really are, and providing them with the tools to effectively educate the youths. Like the Nigerian economy without functional infrastructure and institutions, the leaders cannot strip the teachers of the tools they need to perform their duties and expect them to perform miracles. New challenges require new paradigms. The political leaders should adopt new, effective and innovative methods to meet the needs of the economy, the rapidly growing population and the ethno-religious and politically dynamic society. This book posits that without a paradigm shift in values, beliefs and thinking on ways to reform the Nigerian educational system, as well as to invest in the commanding heights of the economy, its educational system and the economy would remain prostrate with its attendant catalogue of human misery.

State Capacity and Economic Development

Book Description

State capacity - the government's ability to accomplish its intended policy goals - plays an important role in market-oriented economic development today. Yet state capacity improvements are often difficult to achieve. This Element analyzes the historical origins of state capacity. It evaluates long-run state development in Western Europe - the birthplace of both the modern state and modern economic growth - with a focus on three key inflection points: the rise of the city-state, the nation-state, and the welfare state. This Element develops a conceptual framework regarding the basic political conditions that enable the state to take effective policy actions. This framework highlights the government's challenge to exert proper authority over both its citizenry and itself. It concludes by analyzing the European state development process relative to other world regions. This analysis characterizes the basic historical features that helped make Western Europe different. By taking a long-run approach, it provides a new perspective on the deep-rooted relationship between state capacity and economic development.

Economic Development and Governance in Small Town America

Book Description

Who governs? And why? How do they govern? These remain vital questions in the politics of our small cities and towns. In this new book, author Daniel Bliss takes issue with those who believe that small towns and cities are fatally vulnerable to the pressures of a global economy. Based on in-depth analyses of small town America, this book demonstrates how political agency can address and solve real problems affecting US towns, including capital flight, industrial closures, and job losses. Bliss illustrates how small localities exercise choices – such as nurturing local businesses and developing infrastructure rather than engaging in a "race to the bottom," heavily mortgaging tax revenues to attract large box retailers and small box call centers while passively watching more productive firms and better-paying jobs slip away. Taking careful account of comparative literature as well as variations in city governments, their planning agencies, and their relations with state authorities, this book explores the ways in which local politicians and public planning bodies can mobilize local constituencies to weather global challenges and common structural problems such as unfavorable demographics, skill shortages and out-migration. Economic Development and Governance in Small Town America holds out the promise of meaningful democratic change even in unfavorable political and economic circumstances.

Governance, Growth and Global Leadership

Book Description

This book focuses on the role of the state in promoting a country's long-term technological progress and industrial leadership. Throughout history, a nation's rise to dominance has invariably been followed by its fall; the dominant powers of today are not the same ones that controlled the world three hundred years ago. In the same manner, economic dominance has usually been fleeting, as leading nations have routinely been caught up and surpassed by challengers. This study looks at Schumpeterian growth - currently the most important source of economic growth - which credits the ability to use technological progress for the benefit of industrial leadership as the key motor of national development and economic success. Contrasting the experiences of five great powers (Britain, France, Germany, the USA and Japan) during five periods of technological and industrial leadership, from the Industrial Revolution to the beginning of the twenty-first century, the book draws on historical and comparative methods to draw causal inferences about international progress and leadership. It explores various factors that promote or hinder technological advancement and how these can in turn effect national development. It concludes that where states have forged ahead and maintained a lead over their rivals, it is because consensus and cohesion prevented vested interests from growing powerful enough to block structural economic change. By applying economic theory to long-term historical models, this book offers a fascinating perspective on the causes and effects of national growth and industrial leadership. It will be invaluable reading for anyone with an interest in international relations and global economic trends, both modern and historical.

Challenging the Rulers

Book Description

Challenging The Rulers: A Leadership Model for Good Governance brings to the fore the issue of leadership in developing countries like Kenya. Citing specific examples, it singles out bad leadership as the cause of stagnation and underdevelopment in Africa. This book advocates for a serious discourse on leadership as the most critical factor in a national quest for good governance and prosperity. Unlike other writers who bemoan the state of affairs in Africa without offering alternatives, the authors propose a leadership model that can ensure good governance. This is based on the premise that good leadership means good governance hence reasonable economic growth and development. Values and principles of good leadership are outlined. In 2010, Kenya took its pride of place among nations by enacting a new progressive constitution which among other things provides for a devolved government. However, the authors argue that good laws, structures, systems and policies simply provide the infrastructure for good governance. To move Kenya forward, good men and women of vision, who are committed to servant leadership, must rise up to activate these laws to bring about good governance as a means of improving people's quality of life. In a nutshell, this book advocates for reforms in leadership. Challenging The Rulers is a challenge to all leaders - present and aspiring - to adopt this leadership model. To ordinary citizens, it is a call to take necessary action to elect good leaders.

State Building

Book Description

Weak or failed states - where no government is in control - are the source of many of the world's most serious problems, from poverty, AIDS and drugs to terrorism. What can be done to help? The problem of weak states and the need for state-building has existed for many years, but it has been urgent since September 11 and Afghanistan and Iraq. The formation of proper public institutions, such as an honest police force, uncorrupted courts, functioning schools and medical services and a strong civil service, is fraught with difficulties. We know how to help with resources, people and technology across borders, but state building requires methods that are not easily transported. The ability to create healthy states from nothing has suddenly risen to the top of the world agenda. State building has become a crucial matter of global security. In this hugely important book, Francis Fukuyama explains the concept of state-building and discusses the problems and causes of state weakness and its national and international effects.

Fragile Governance and Local Economic Development

Book Description

Much of our understanding of local economic development is based on large urban agglomerations as nodes of innovation and competitive advantage, connecting territories to global value chains. However, this framework cannot so easily be applied to peripheral regions and secondary cities in either the Global South or the North. This book proposes an alternative way of looking at local economic development based on the idea of fragile governance and three variables: associations and networks; learning processes; and leadership and conflict management in six Latin American peripheral regions. The case studies illustrate the challenges of governance in small and intermediate cities in Latin America, and showcase strategies that are being used to achieve a more resilient and territorial vision of local economic development. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of local economic development, urban and regional studies, and political economy in Latin America as well as to policy-makers and practitioners interested in local and regional economic development policy.

Leadership for Dynamic State Economies

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Building Democracy and International Governance

Book Description

Efforts by governments to promote sustained domestic economic development have been mixed. Success depends on many factors including location, geography, climate, external competition, human resources, natural resources, timing, political and governmental institutions, government capacity, implementation, leadership, values—and maybe luck. This complexity means that while development experts can often identify ingredients for success, few can prescribe the specific mix needed by a particular state to achieve sustained development over the long term. In Building Democracy and International Governance, author George M. Guess uses both case studies and careful data analysis to argue that federalist democracy may just be the most responsive, authoritative, and flexible system for nation building, and that there is value in confronting the challenges that lie in exporting federalist democracy abroad. Guess demonstrates the ways in which federation structures provide positive redundancy against failures, flexibility to change course and implement programs and policies, and state legitimacy and strength. Examining twelve wealthy and developing countries from five regions, representing democratic and authoritarian government structures, confederations, and federations, this book will be of interest to those teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Political Development, Democratization, Federalism, and Comparative Political Economy.