The NE Atlantic Region

Book Description

The NAG-TEC project was a collaborative effort by the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands, the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, the Geological Survey of Norway, Iceland GeoSurvey and the Faroese Geological Survey (Jarðfeingi), along with a number of academic partners and significant support from industry. The main focus was to investigate the tectonic evolution of the region with a particular emphasis on basin evolution along conjugate margins. A key outcome was the development of a new tectonostratigraphic atlas and database that includes comprehensive geological and geophysical information relevant for understanding the Devonian to present evolution of the NE Atlantic margins. These provide the foundation upon which ongoing research and exploration of the area can build. This Special Publication provides some of the first scientific results and analysis based on the project, including regional stratigraphic analysis and correlations, crustal structure and interpretation of geophysical data sets, plate kinematics and the evolution of igneous provinces.

The Geology of the Atlantic Ocean

Book Description

The explosion of interest, effort, and information about the ocean since about 1950 has produced many thousand scientific articles and many hun dred books. In fact, the outpouring has been so large that authors have been unable to read much of what has been published, so they have tended to concentrate their own work within smaller and smaller subfields of oceanog raphy. Summaries of information published in books have taken two main paths. One is the grouping of separately authored chapters into symposia type books, with their inevitable overlaps and gaps between chapters. The other is production of lightly researched books containing drawings and tables from previous pUblications, with due credit given but showing assem bly-line writing with little penetration of the unknown. Only a few books have combined new and previous data and thoughts into new maps and syntheses that relate the contributions of observed biological, chemical, geological, and physical processes to solve broad problems associated with the shape, composition, and history of the oceans. Such a broad synthesis is the objective of this book, in which we tried to bring together many of the pieces of research that were deemed to be of manageable size by their originators. The composite may form a sort of plateau above which later studies can rise, possibly benefited by our assem bly of data in the form of new maps and figures.

Geologic Evolution of Atlantic Continental Rises

Book Description

Because of their great depth and distance from the shore, continental rises have been relatively insulated from geological explorations. Distinguished international experts offer new interpretations of continental-rise deposition at several different locations along the margins of the Atlantic Ocean in this volume. They provide findings generated by new measurement and imaging technology, complete with fold-out maps that display a panorama of erosional features for comparison with other ocean regions. New techniques for detecting and dating tectonic episodes that affect continental rise deposition will be especially useful to petroleum engineers involved in offshore oil exploration. Information is included on the role of massive slides in forming continental-rise deposits and interaction of sedimentation on modern continental rises.

The Structural Evolution of the Faroe Islands, NE Atlantic Margin

Book Description

The NE Atlantic margin plays host to numerous basins, developed in phases from the Devono-Carboniferous through to the Cenozoic, which record the build up to plate separation and formation of the North Atlantic Ocean. Existing models for this invoke broadly NW-SE extension within the basins, which are segmented by regional-scale NW-SE trending strike-slip lineaments, which are commonly termed?transfer zones?. However, there is a general paucity of information concerning the true kinematics of the so-called transfer zones. In this study, the Palaeogene and later structural evolution of the NE Atlantic margin is investigated using abundant field data collected on the Faroe Islands, and systematic observations that characterise the related deformation structures developed in the Faroe Islands Basalt Group (FIBG). Structures in the Faroe Islands provide evidence for a 6-stage tectonic evolution, here split into 3 broad phases: (1a) E-W to NE-SW extension, accommodated by dip-slip N-S and NW-SE trending faults. Continued NE-SW extension (1b) was then accommodated by the emplacement of a regionally significant NW-SE- and NNE-SSW-oriented dyke swarm. Event 1 affects the majority of the FIBG stratigraphy, resulting in thickness variations, most notably across the Judd, Brynhild and Westray (?transfer?) fault-zones. Continued magmatism and anticlockwise rotation of the extension vector led to (2a) the emplacement of ENE-WSW and ESE-WNW conjugate dykes, followed by intrusion of the large, saucer-shaped sills on the islands. Their intrusion heralded the onset of N-S crustal extension and was followed by (2b) crustal extrusion involving both E-W shortening and further N-S extension facilitated primarily by slip on ENE-WSW (dextral) and ESE-WNW (sinistral) conjugate strike-slip faults, interlinked with minor NE and SW dipping thrust faults. During the final stages of this event (2c), the regional extension vector rotated into a NW-SE orientation that was accommodated predominantly by slip along NE-SW oriented dextral-oblique-slip faults. Event 2 began towards the end of magmatism associated with the FIBG, and most likely continued through to the onset of oceanic-spreading on the Aegir ridge (ca. 55 Ma). Finally, (3) Event 1 and 2 structures were reactivated as extension and extensional-hybrid features, characterised best by the entrainment of clastic material along fault planes. Relative timings of Event 3 structures suggest they formed during a period of compression and uplift following the formation of a through-going mid-ocean ridge system (i.e. on the Reykjanes, Kolbeinsey and Mohns ridges). The progressive anticlockwise rotation of the extension vector identified here is broadly consistent with the most recent NE Atlantic continental break-up reconstructions. Importantly, this model does not require basin-scale transfer zones during the Palaeogene, suggesting instead that these NW-SE faults formed as normal faults during a pre-cursor margin-parallel extension episode (Event 1) prior to the onset of oceanic spreading in the Faroe-Iceland sector. This study emphasises the importance of carrying out detailed field studies in addition to the more usual regional-scale modelling studies, in order to validate and add further detail to basin kinematic histories. Mineralised syn- to post-magmatic fault sets display a recurring zeolite-calcite-zeolite trend in mineralisation products, which precipitate during successive phases of fault development during each individual event. Fault style and damage zone width appear to be related to the stage of fault development, with early fault/vein meshes linking to form through-going structures with associated damage zones. Dykes and sills are found to form their own fractures, rather than exploiting pre-existing sets. Dyke propagation appears to be buoyancy-driven, with magmatic pressure overcoming the minimum compressive stress. Sills, however, most likely seeded at an interface in the stratigraphy between a weak, more ductile material (i.e. a sedimentary horizon), and a rigid material (i.e. basalt lavas) above. Following this initial development, sill growth and propagation would likely be controlled by viscous dissipation, leading to the complex ramp and flat architecture, with rapid intrusion resulting in upward ramping of the sill. The alternation from fault events, to dyke events and back again corresponds to a switch from faulting with mineralisation along extensional hybrid veins, to magmatic intrusions into extension fractures followed by extensional hybrids (conjugates), and back to extensional and shear hybrid faults (again as conjugates). This alternation reflects variations in the differential regional stress, as well as the magmatic evolution of the margin, and most likely relates to the migration of lithospheric thinning northwestwards across the area, towards the eventual axis of break-up. We find that, in particular, faults in basalts are in many ways comparable to faults formed at shallow crustal depths in carbonate rocks and crystalline basement, most likely reflecting the similarities in their mechanical properties under near-surface pressures and temperatures. The nature and style of the post-magmatic fault infills provides compelling evidence to suggest that subterranean cavities associated with faults were persistent open features within the FIBG. Structures equivalent to these late, clastic-filled faults of the Faroes may occur in other parts of the NE Atlantic margin, particularly along the axes of gentle regional-scale folds that are widely developed in the region. The late fault displacements observed are all well below seismic resolution, and such structures may be more widespread across the region than previously anticipated. Importantly, the probable unsealed nature of the clastic infills makes them potential fluid-migration pathways, both up- and across-faults within the Cenozoic volcanic sequences of the NE Atlantic region.

Geologic Evolution of Atlantic Continental Rises

Book Description

Although continental rises account for approximately ten percent of the earth's surface, they have been relatively insulated from geological explorations. This up-to-date volume chronicles the geological development of continental rises at several different locations along the margins of the Atlantic Ocean. The authors, internationally distinguished experts from both research and industry backgrounds, present regional syntheses and interpretations of both the surface and subsurface stratigraphic and depositional histories of Atlantic continental rises. Geologic Evolution of Atlantic Continental Rises emphasizes and examplifies features and processes characteristic to modern continental rises by offering data obtained from sea-floor imaging, high-resolution seismic profiling and shallow coring. After reviewing established models of Atlantic rise evolution, this book compares them with the latest documented and undocumented observations and interpretations, including new perspectives which challenge accepted models. Featuring foldout sedimentary isochron maps that show sequential evolution of the sediment-rich Atlantic margin, this volume also includes new techniques for detecting and dating tectonic episodes that affect continental rise deposition. Direct applications to global oceans appeal to an international audience.