A Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals and Alloys

Book Description

A Handbook of Lattice Spacing and Structures of Metals and Alloys is a 12-chapter handbook that describes the structures and lattice spacings of all binary and ternary alloys. This book starts with an introduction to the accurate determination of structure and lattice spacings. The subsequent chapters deal with the role of structure determination and lattice spacings in alloy formation, as well as the application of this determination to the equilibrium diagram examination. These topics are followed by discussions on the correlation of lattice spacing and magnetic property, including X-ray crystallographic data for those structures allotted a “Strukturbericht type. The remaining chapters contain table lists information about the crystal structures, densities, and expansion coefficients of the elements. These chapters also present further information about lattice spacing and structure determination on metals in alphabetical order. This book is of value to physicists and metallurgists.

The Structure of Metals and Alloys

Book Description

Textbook for students at universities and technical colleges.

Metallography in Archaeology and Art

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the metallographic study of ancient metals. Metallography is important both conceptually as a microstructural science and in terms of its application to the study of ancient and historic metals. Metallography is a well-established methodology for the characterization of the microstructure of metals, which continues to be significant today in quality control and characterization of metallic properties. Not only does the metallographic examination of ancient metals present its own challenges in terms of sample size and interpretation of evidence, but it must be integrated with archaeological data and cultural research in order to obtain the most meaningful results. Issues of authentication and the establishment of fakes and forgeries of metallic artefacts often involve metallographic evidence of both metal and patina or corrosion interface, as an essential component of such a study. The present volume sets out the basic features of relevant metallic systems, enhanced with a series of examples of typical microstructural types, with illustrative case studies and examples throughout the text derived from studies undertaken by the two authors. This book provides a comprehensive presentation of metallography for archaeologists, archaeometallurgists, conservators, conservation scientists and metallurgists of modern materials.

The Theory of Transformations in Metals and Alloys

Book Description

This work is a classic reference text for metallurgists, material scientists and crystallographers. The first edition was published in 1965. The first part of that edition was revised and re-published in 1975 and again in 1981. The present two-part set represents the eagerly awaited full revision by the author of his seminal work, now published as Parts I and II. Professor Christian was one of the founding fathers of materials science and highly respected worldwide. The new edition of his book deserves a place on the bookshelf of every materials science and engineering department. Suitable thermal and mechanical treatments will produce extensive rearrangements of the atoms in metals and alloys, and corresponding marked variations in physical and chemical properties. This book describes how such changes in the atomic configuration are effected, and discusses the associated kinetic and crystallographic features. It deals with areas such as lattice geometry, point defects, dislocations, stacking faults, grain and interphase boundaries, solid solutions, diffusion, etc. The first part covers the general theory while the second part is concerned with descriptions of specific types of transformations.

Structure of Metals

Book Description

Structure of Metals GRYSTALLOGRAPHIG METHODS, PRINCIPLES, AND - DATA BY CHARLES H. BARRETT, PH. D. Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and Member of Staff of the Metals Research Laboratory Carnegie Institute of Technology FIRST EDITION F 1 FT 1 1 I M PRESS ION MoGBAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. NEW YORK AND LONDON 1943 STRUCTURE OF MKTALS COPYRIGHT. 1943, BY THE MrGRAW-HiLL BOOK COMPANY, INC. PRINTED IK THB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. PREFACE This book is intended to serve both as a text and as a reference book. The portions intended for classroom use have been written for courses in crystallography, particularly the courses offered to students of metallurgy. It is primarily intended for graduate courses, but a number of chapters are at a level appropriate for advanced undergraduate courses in applied x-rays, crystallography, and physical metallurgy Chaps. I to IV, IX to XI, XIII. In an effort to make the book more readable, certain advanced topics on x-ray diffraction and various tables of data have been placed in appendixes, and laboratory manipulations that would not interest the general reader have been printed in smaller type. The first four chapters of this book explain the fundamentals of crystal lattices and projections, and the general principles of the diffrac tion of x-rays from Crystals. Chapters V to VII cover the technique of x-ray diffraction, presenting the operating details of the methods that are in common use. Several chapters are included on the applica tions of x-ray diffraction in the field of physical metallurgy, covering techniques fordetermining constitution diagrams, identifying unknown materials, determining crystal structures, determining the orientation of single crystals, detecting and analyzing preferred orientations, and measuring stresses. One chapter is devoted to electron diffraction, its metallurgical uses, and the precautions to be observed in interpreting electron diffrac tion data. The electron microscope receives only a brief mention because at the time the manuscript was written the metallographic technique for this instrument was still being rapidly developed and, except for particle-size determinations, the instrument had not yet achieved the status of a widely accepted tool in metallographic or crystallographic research. The last half of the book is devoted to the results of research and contains extensive reviews of fields that are of current interest. In assembling these summaries, an effort has been made to include an ade quate number of references to the literature, to cover thoroughly the subjects that have not been extensively reviewed in readily available publications, and to maintain a critical but unbiased attitude toward the data and conclusions that are reviewed. The subjects treated include the following principles governing the crystal structure of metals and vi PREPACK alloys supcrlattices and their effect on properties imperfections in crystals the structure of liquid metals the processes of slip, twinning, and fracture and modern theories of these processes, including the cur rent dislocation theory the effects of cold work and annealing on the structure of metals, including the effects on diffraction patterns of static and fatigue stressing, rolling, grinding, and polishing theresults of x-ray studies of internal stresses preferred orientations resulting from cold work, hot work, recrystallization, freezing, electrodeposition, evapora tion, and sputtering directionality in commercial products and in single crystals and its relation to crystal orientation. The author is indebted to many colleagues and graduate students who have assisted directly and indirectly in the preparation of this book. He particularly wishes to thank Dr. R. F...