Science & Health - Key to the Scriptures

Book Description

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is the most important work of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of The Church of Christ, Scientist. Along with the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is the central text of the Christian Science religion. Science and Health encapsulates the teachings of Christian Science and Christian Scientists often call it their "textbook."Christian Science develops its theology and its healing method from these simple statements: 1) "God is All-in all." 2) "God is good." 3)"God is Mind, and God is infinite; hence all is Mind." The conclusions are that humans are all perfect spiritual ideas of the one divine Mind, and manifest Spirit, not a material body. The five physical senses, which take no account of Spirit, are the origin of all false beliefs. Adherents of Christian Science claim that sickness is just a belief, not a property of matter. Praying from this standpoint removes the belief and brings healing.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 1889

Book Description

The 48th Edition (1889), presented here, is historically significant as the year of its publication marks a turning point in the development of the Church of Christ Scientist. 1889 is the year in which Mary Baker Eddy closed the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, dissolved the church as a corporate structure, and moved away from Boston to the quiet Concord where she devoted herself for the next two years to a major revision of the textbook on Christian Science that became the 50th Edition, published in 1891. With this step completed, she reorganized the church on an 'incorporeal' bases, based on a deed of trust and governed from 1895 on. by the by-laws of its Church Manual, the Manual of the Mother Church, which she is the author of. The 48th Edition marks the beginning of this turning transition. I personally find the 48th Edition interesting, and glad to be sharing it, for its revolutionary concepts that mark the beginning of the great transition. Referring to the earlier, now historic editions of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy counsels, ..".do not attempt to dispose of the earlier editions." Fortunate is he who has all former revisions, together with the original edition of 1875! They are indicators of successive stages of growth in Christian Science, ...Keep them all; they will prove a "treasure trove." ... "Let the new (modern) volume be studied in connection with earlier editions. The very contrasts help to see how the thoughts have risen only as we have been able to receive them. ... It is simply because the advancing thought, or demonstration, of Christian Students has ascended to that plane which makes it both possible and practicable for us to have the new (modern) Work. MARY BAKER G. EDDY -from the Christian Science Journal, April, 1891. This reprint edition has been prepared with great effort in a project to make the earlier editions, which have largely disappeared from the landscape, accessible again, and this not only in printed form, but also in PDF form that is electronically searchable, and selectively printable. During the editorial process, I, as editor of the printed format have taken the liberty to include a number of subheadings into the Table of Contents, shown in brackets, that I find of personal interest and have included for this reason, to share my interest. Please note, it is an enormously tedious task to recompile a printed historic book with historic terminology and spelling. While great care has been taken to verify the electronically scanned and converted text for accuracy, some typographical errors may have made it past the guard. If so, please excuse the oversight. The 48th Edition (1889), presented here, is historically significant as the year of its publication marks a turning point in the development of the Church of Christ Scientist. 1889 is the year in which Mary Baker Eddy closed the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, dissolved the church as a corporate structure, and moved away from Boston to the quiet Concord where she devoted herself for the next two years to a major revision of the textbook on Christian Science that became the 50th Edition, published in 1891. With this step completed, she reorganized the church on an 'incorporeal' bases, based on a deed of trust and governed from 1895 on. by the by-laws of its Church Manual, the Manual of the Mother Church, which she is the author of. The 48th Edition marks the beginning of this turning transition. I personally find the 48th Edition interesting, and glad to be sharing it, for its revolutionary concepts that mark the beginning of the great transition. Rolf A. F. Witzsche

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures

Book Description

The primary text of Christian Science, this book explains the beliefs and doctrines, and offers many examples of faith as source of healing energy for true believers. Written by Mary Baker Eddy in the 1870s, the work coins several recognizable terms such as ?God is all? and ?God is mind.? These phrases denote how the power of the Lord is within everything, including our own human minds; spanning matter, energy and the universe, the being of God is infinite and occupies everywhere at every time. Keen to distinguish Christian Science from other, more spiritually intensive movements of metaphysics or the occult, Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes how Christ as God is a great example of the Lord's infinite presence. Many of the accounts later in the book, whereby Christians attest that their beliefs helped them overcome various illnesses, are rooted deep in the traditions of the faith. This edition of the book is adapted from the revised, updated edition of 1910.